I don't know if it's just that nothing super-fantastic interesting goes on in my life every day, but I'm so not motivated to blog. Every day I've been picking a project to do around the house. For example, this morning, I cleaned out the filing cabinet (probably hasn't been done since we've been married!). Anyway, after that, I just don't want to clean anything else for the rest of the day.
Don't get me wrong it's not like my life is super boring, but it's not like I have an epiphany every day either. The only exciting thing to happen lately is that Callie has begun to take several unassisted steps! She will only take one or two, but she's not quite brave enough to try more than that yet.
We've also been struggling to get her to drink milk and to ditch the bottles. By the way, if you have any suggestions feel free to post them as a comment! Anyway, I've tried chocolate, strawberry, and mixing formula with milk, but she doesn't want to drink milk from a cup. Strange I know. Anyway, I tried orange juice with milk (sounds extremely gross I know, but it actually isn't that bad), and yesterday she actually drank some on her own! Hallelujah, and Praise be to God! I was so excited. She's not guzzling it down, but hey, at least she WANTED to take some sips yesterday.
Speaking of Callie I believe she just woke up from her nap. She got up pretty early this morning, and thanks to her mother's genes, she isn't happy until she's had a morning nap. :)
Guess I better go check on her.
Thank God for the rain last night! Just had to say that too. Pretty random, but I've got about 5 chigger bites right now (one on my bum, TMI I know!), and they are ITCHING like CRAZY!!!!! Guess that's what I get for picking blackberries just around my yard. Pray that God takes the itch away or at least relieves it!
Hey, I believe after typing this novel of a blog, I might be motivated to do it again soon. :)