Monday, August 25, 2008

Pink Eye is on the way out, hopefully!

Hey everybody! I'm blogging at home today at 11:45 am because the Bug is asleep, and she got pink eye from somewhere! Who knows?! I believe the little cold she had just lingered around until it turned into something else, or she got it from just touching something out in public.

Anyway, she's feeling much better after a trip to Quick Care yesterday and some antibiotic drops, which she hates! :) She squirms and screams when I have to put them in, but I guess I would too if someone was holding me down and putting some foreign liquid into my eyes. She's been pretty good about the whole thing other than that. Just to make sure everyone else doesn't get it, I stayed home with her today, and we've been playing and making messes all day.

Thank the Lord for the rain! It's a rare sight to see so much it seems. I don't know how we've been surviving with as little rain as we get. Maybe Fay will help us out after all.

I'm really not full of blogging info or blurbs today, but I just wanted to update since I have no idea when it will happen again. It's hard working all day and trying to be a good mommy and wife and all of the other titles I have! :)

Sigh... I believe some housework is calling my name. :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Another week gone by

Well, another week has gone by! This week seemed to go by quicker than the last. We've been very busy (Andy's birthday, AC3 practice, dentist, etc.), but we managed to survive! I can truly say I'm glad that it's Friday. :)

I was trying to recall anything super fantastic this week, but the only thing that happened that was super fun was getting together with my favorite a cappella singers and practicing for our upcoming "gig." That's such a funny word... :) Anyway, we had fun! Music is like therapy for my soul. Whether I'm playing it or singing, it's just wonderful. I'm so glad the Lord gave me the ability to be able to sort of do the whole musical thing. It's been a wonderful part of my life and played a major role in my life ever since I can remember.

Callie turned 14 months old on Tuesday after Andy turned ..... years old on Monday. I'll leave it blank so that I don't get in trouble! :) He feels like he's getting old, and I hate to disappoint, but he is! I am too I guess....

Well, nothing overwhelmingly wonderful has happened this week, but I'm blessed to be healthy, feeling good, and just having things go great this week! I'm blessed to have a family that is doing well too. There seem to be so many people around me at school going through hard times with family members being sick or recovering from accidents/injuries, and it's made me count my blessings and be more appreciative of the fact that God has been SOOOO good to me. :)

I'll leave you with that thought.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weekly update

So, I've decided that if I can manage to update my blog once a week that I will be doing great! What a shock to go from staying at home ALL day to going back to school ALL day. It's been a tuffy, but it's eventually going to become more of a routine I hope. The kids are beginning to get used to being at school again, and this week they should settle in a little more. I hate to say it, but I'm already looking forward to the next holiday! :)

Not much exciting has gone on around here lately. We're just busy, cleaning and picking up after the Bug all the time, and oh, listening to her whine about her latest teeth coming in! I believe it's the molars this time, and she is having a hard time (and we are too!)

Tomorrow is Andy's birthday, so Andy if you read this sometime soon, then my Happy Birthday will not seem late to you! Poor Andy feels like he's getting old (and he is....) hehe..... Hey, it's better than the alternative, right? :) Another birthday means he survived another year with me, and that's an accomplishment I'd say.

I can't think of anything else to blog about at the moment, so I guess I better start getting Callie ready for bed. Her only nap today was during preaching at church (go figure!), so she's getting tired as we speak! :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hangin' in the There!

As you can see, it's been a while since I've blogged. No one's whined, complained, or left me messages about updating, so maybe I'm just talking to a proverbial wall, but oh well, gives me something to do! :)

School is back in session, hence the reason there's no update from lately. I'm busy, I mean B-U-S-Y! It's hard to work all day and still do all of that other stuff at home. I can't complain too much, there are some women who work 2 jobs! Bless their hearts.

Anyway, my classes are okay. I'm still trying to figure some of them out. I have a range of super motivated freshman to totally nonchalant sophomores who might not make it through this year! It's weird to see the different attitudes and levels of intrinsic motivation in kids. It will blow you away. Of course I can relate better to those who stay on top of things because that's the only way I thought you were SUPPOSED to be in school, but apparently, that way of thinking is being pushed out of the door for this generation! Yikes!

I better watch it or I'll just be negative for this post.

I'm missing Callie during the day, but she's getting better about getting used to the routine with her little friends! I believe she enjoys it to a degree, but I'm sure she'd rather be home with mommy and daddy getting all of the attention herself!

Speaking of the Bug, I better go get her. I'm just blogging because I have to be at school until 4 and my brain is in shut down mode for the day! :)


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day

Yep, tomorrow is it! School will officially be BACK in session! Please say a prayer for teachers, students, bus drivers, lunchroom workers, etc.! I have been swamped and exhausted from three days of pre-planning. I am really paying for those 2 months that I've been relaxing! Pray for Callie too. She's at Legacy pretty much the whole day now, and she's having a little bit of a hard time getting adjusted to their schedule. She'll probably be fine next week, but in the mean time she's not been happy about having to get up early, and she needs to take longer naps while she's there. Just remember her. Bless her heart, she's been on vacation too! :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sausage Swirls

So, I must share with you how to make Paula Deen's "Sausage Swirls!" I made them tonight, and they were fabulous! They would make great appetizers, and I believe they would be great for breakfast too.

All you need is a pound of your favorite sausage and two cans of refrigerated crescent rolls (8 rolls per can). I use the Pillsbury Reduced Fat kind. Anyway, you divide the sausage up into eight equal chunks. Then you open up the crescent rolls, and for each can you can make 4 rectangles by pressing together two of the pre-cut triangles. Take one of the eight pieces of sausage and spread it over the rectangle (fingers work best!). Then, roll up the dough with sausage to where it looks like a cylinder. Follow the same directions for the other 7 rectangles you will make using the dough.

Refrigerate the darlins for about 30 minutes until they are firm. Then cut each roll-up into 4 pieces. Place all of the swirls on a cooking stone or cookie sheet and bake for about 18-20 minutes on 375 degrees. Make sure the rolls are brown and the sausage is done as well. It didn't take some of mine 18 minutes so watch to make sure they don't burn! :)

That's all! It's easy, and they are good. Well, if you like sausage I guess they are! They remind me of miniature sausage biscuits with the exception that the bread is sweeter than a biscuit.

Anyway, let me know if you try it or you at least think it sounds good. If you do try it, and it's good, thank Paula Deen! She does make some easy practical things, unlike some t.v. cooks!

Happy Cookin' Y'all! :)