This is my last official weekend of the summer! Back to the grind Monday!
It's been a busy last 2 weeks!
We have had the youth revival AND church revival. Tiring, but good. Callie did not cooperate all nights, but we managed to get to 9 out of 11 church services that happened between Wed. July 22nd and Friday, July 31. It's been very busy. Good things have happened, and I believe it's been a great revival for our church. Hopefully everyone is geared up and ready to get something done for the Lord!
I'm not thrilled about going back to school Monday. I have so many meetings next week, it's looking like it will be impossible to get anything done in my room. I haven't been there all summer, and I thought I might go one day this past week, but it didn't happen. Guess I'll get done what I can while I am at school.
It's so hard for me to balance being a teacher, mama, wife, daughter, sister, etc. I'm already a bit stressed because there will be more pressure and time taken away from Callie as school starts back, but I never got peace about staying at home this year, and the Lord did not provide part-time work, so I will do what He says to do. If you need someone to pray for, pray for me.
Well, I don't have much to blog about, but I thought I would update at least once more before school starts. I probably will not have any time to do it for sure then! :)