Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Who I Am

Good day to ya!  I figured I better get back to blogging about my healthy eating journey before I went plumb off the beaten path and went back to old habits.  You know, healthy eating is a complete change of mentality and change of lifestyle.  I have already had several times when I just wanted to throw in the towel (last week it struck once again), but I chose to stop throwing myself a pity party and do something about it.  I figure since it's such a huge change in my life, I also shouldn't beat myself up for struggling with it either!

Sometimes it's hard to keep eating healthy or making healthy choices when the scale is not showing a number less than what it did the last time you weighed.  I know this because that happened to me last week.  I was counting calories and had not been going over and eating more than I should, AND I had been keeping track of my fiber intake AND how many glasses of water I had each day.  And yet, when I stepped on the scale, it appeared as though I had gained 1.5 pounds.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but oh man.  When you already thought it was long gone and it shows back up again, then, as Tom Hanks said in the movie Apollo 13, "Houston, we have a problem!"

Last week, and even up until Sunday, I felt like I had been on some emotional roller coaster and I felt so defeated and discouraged about every thing in my life - literally EVERY thing.  Then, I told myself that having a pity party about what the scale said was not going to change it.  I determined I would work harder this week and keep going down this road of healthy eating.  Even if I don't see results on the scale, at least I know I am doing what's best for my body.  Like Lysa says, the numbers on the scale do not define us!

Recently, when I was reading the Made to Crave Devotional Book, I came across something Lysa said that totally struck a chord with me, and I thought it might for you too.

She writes, "Tying our happiness to food, skinny jeans, relationships, or anything else sets us up for failure. But tying our security, joy, and identity to God's love is an anchor we can cling to no matter what our circumstances may be."

She goes on to talk about what happened when she reached her goal weight.  She thought she would never have a bad day again.  I mean, when you are at your goal weight, what can go wrong, right? 

I have found myself so many times thinking that if I were skinnier my life would be easier.  I would feel better about myself.  I would be prettier.  Things wouldn't bother me as much.

Maybe you've thought those things and even other things like this.  If I were skinnier then....
- I would have more friends.
- More people would like me.
- I would have a better marriage.

or any of those other things I mentioned that I have thought myself.

The truth is, in Lysa's words, "I've had to accept... that my body size is not tied to my happy.  If I was unhappy when I was larger, I'll still be unhappy when I get smaller."

Wow! How eye-opening that was to me.  I realized that even losing weight would not make me happy.  That's not who I am.  That's not who we are. That's not what defines us.  We can't tie our happy to our circumstances or else our happy will be very topsy-turvy.

So, who am I? Who are you?

We are children of God who have been forgiven, set-free, accepted, holy, made-new, loved, confident, and victorious. (p.126) 

That's who we are.  That's what defines us because that's who GOD says we are if we are his children.  No skinny jeans, diet, or weight loss can satisfy us or make us happy forever.  Only our Maker can!

Be encouraged today!  Go take a walk and enjoy all of this spring weather!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pinterest Passion and other Crafts

If you know me pretty well, you know I can't resist a good craft!  I really have to stay away from pinterest because it just gives me way too many project ideas.  I wish I had the resources and more time to spend on doing such things, but I try to get away and do crafts and stress-relief projects whenever I can.

I thought I would just attach a few pictures of my most recent things I've crafted.  I have some more projects lined up, so maybe I will post those later!

I hope you are having a great day! 
Butterfly Hairbows

Wipes Case Cover (Front)

Wipes Case Cover (Back) I had to add velcro since my first attempt left me with a case that would not close!

Post-it note holders with encouragement.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Motivation Monday

Before I posted this, I will tell you I had VERY LITTLE motivation to exercise or really do anything to be honest! :)  Caroline is cutting her molars (poor thing) and so she kept me up for a portion of the night, but I am happy to say that after doing my 30-minute walk and knowing I burned 200 calories, I find myself a tad motivated.... :)

You know, exercise is very counterintuitive.  What I mean is that you would think that when you are tired and don't feel like exercising that you might as well just keep chilling on the couch, but when you actually get up and move you have more energy!  I have had to learn this, and it has been my motivator many times. So, if you are thinking, "Oh, it's Monday. I deserve a break."  I DARE you to move! :)  You'll feel better - I guarantee it!

So, here we go with the things in my healthy eating journey that I have been pondering on.  Here is my most favorite thought of recent from Lysa's book.

Every situation has both good and bad.  When I want someone else's good, I must realize that I'm also asking for the bad that comes along with it.

How many times have you glanced at those magazine covers while you are waiting in the checkout line at Wal-Mart or the grocery store and seen the beautiful bodies staring you in the face and thought to yourself, "man, I wish I looked like that," or  "I bet that my life would be so much better if I was that thin or that pretty?"

Lysa points out that when we get into this mindset that all of a sudden "what [we] don't have blinds [us] from seeing what [we] do have."  When we look at someone and wish we looked like them or had their lifestyle, we don't consider all of the bad that comes along with it.  Everyone has their own issues and that's for sure!

Proverbs 14:30 says "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones."  This scripture reminds us that we should be thankful for what we have!  We are so blessed, even if we don't have that supermodel body.  And you know what, maybe it's just not God's will that we do.  After all, we don't know the "bad" that comes along with it!  All we can do is be a good steward of this body God has given us.

Be motivated today.  Get moving!  Make healthy choices!  You can do it!