Do you plan monthly menus for supper or for lunch?
You know, being a teacher, I've always been a planner. Spontaneity in certain situations can give me anxiety at times, but up until I started staying at home, I had never really been a menu person when it came to preparing food in my home. For some reason my planning didn't carry over to my home life!
Sure, I had ideas about what I might make during that week, but I remember going to the grocery store, picking out some staples and maybe some stuff in particular that I was thinking about cooking, going home, and still feeling at times like I had nothing to eat. Sometimes I would come from school and wonder, what are we going to eat tonight? Sometimes I would have what I wanted in order to cook a certain meal, and sometimes I did not. It became very old and stressful to think about cooking supper!
I was missing something - a plan! AND I was spending way too much money!
Well, enter the stay-at-home-mama stage on my life, and all of a sudden a plan was needed. Money doesn't grow on trees, and we don't need to overspend on groceries or anything for that matter. Gone are the days of casually going grocery shopping and putting whatever I want into my cart only to figure out meals later. No, that will not do!
Turns out that we spend about the same amount of money, or even less now, on groceries than we did before Callie was born or about the time she was born, which was 5 years ago.
This amazes me!
What is the difference? Planning out a menu and putting thought and time into what I will buy, how much of it, and staying OUT of the grocery store!
Some women are tempted to buy clothes every time they walk into a department store. I fall into that category too, but I am the same way at the grocery store! If I am not careful, it can become a shopping spree. Am I alone in this? I see buy one get one free deals, and I feel like a kid in the candy store. LOL
Anyway, so here is my challenge to you. If you are concerned about how much money you spend out of your monthly budget in groceries, stress out about what you will cook for supper every night, or just casually grocery shop like I used to do, then I challenge you to develop a supper menu for your family. It can be a monthly calendar or even 2 weeks at a time or even just for one week. I guarantee you that you will spend less money and feel less stress about what you are going to cook for supper every day!
I have attached a couple of menus that I have used in the past and still use. I did NOT come up with these resources! They come from Enjoy! Let me know how your meal planning goes if you try it!
I am a teacher who has taken time off from teaching to be a stay-at-home mama. I use this blog to talk about things on my mind. I am not your typical stay-at-home mom with wise words to live by flowing out of my mouth, with a super duper clean and organized house, with exquisite culinary skills, or with amazing creative crafting abilities, but I am who I am.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Apples are my new favorite fruit
I looked in my fridge the other day and discovered I had accumulated about 20 apples.
Some of them came from the grocery store and some from Jaemor.
After talking with Ashley, we decided to make some apple butter. Then, a very smart friend of mine, told me to save the peels to make apple jelly! Who knew!?!?
Being very impatient as I am, I couldn't wait to do the apple butter (that has been put on hold until Ashley and I can get together), but mama suggested that I dehydrate the apples. So, I did!
They turned out pretty good too!
Then, it was amazing. I used a simple recipe online to make some apple jelly out of the peels and cores. Yes, I used the cores! It was amazing because there was really nothing wasted!
I felt so good. Surely all of my organic and green-crazed friends would have been so proud. LOL
It's so cool to think about all of the things I've been able to do since I've been staying at home.
I've really gotten to practice with my sewing machine, do some serious crafting, and try all sorts of new recipes. And we're talking it's real cooking - not just out of a box!
Most of this inspiration has not come from within though. I credit my sister, my mother, pinterest, and other people that I talk to frequently with giving me the ideas.
Anyway, sort of a boring blog post, but I was really excited about the apples yesterday. Just had to share! :)
Have YOU been working on anything super cool!? Leave me a comment and tell me about it! :)
Some of them came from the grocery store and some from Jaemor.
After talking with Ashley, we decided to make some apple butter. Then, a very smart friend of mine, told me to save the peels to make apple jelly! Who knew!?!?
Being very impatient as I am, I couldn't wait to do the apple butter (that has been put on hold until Ashley and I can get together), but mama suggested that I dehydrate the apples. So, I did!
They turned out pretty good too!
Then, it was amazing. I used a simple recipe online to make some apple jelly out of the peels and cores. Yes, I used the cores! It was amazing because there was really nothing wasted!
I felt so good. Surely all of my organic and green-crazed friends would have been so proud. LOL
It's so cool to think about all of the things I've been able to do since I've been staying at home.
I've really gotten to practice with my sewing machine, do some serious crafting, and try all sorts of new recipes. And we're talking it's real cooking - not just out of a box!
Most of this inspiration has not come from within though. I credit my sister, my mother, pinterest, and other people that I talk to frequently with giving me the ideas.
Anyway, sort of a boring blog post, but I was really excited about the apples yesterday. Just had to share! :)
Have YOU been working on anything super cool!? Leave me a comment and tell me about it! :)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
My Cup Runneth Over... Sweet lessons from the Lord
Don't you love those moments when you just feel overwhelmed with God's love for you and you almost feel Him just pouring His love and truth into your heart?
I just had one of those moments and let me tell you my cup runneth over!
I just finished up reading the "Be the Mom" book that I have been blogging about some. All I can say is WOW. If you are a mom, this book is essential for you to read!
I know that ever since I decided to stay at home with Caroline, that I have had a hard time finding my purpose. Going from working outside of the home and contributing to the family finances to not working and teaching a few piano lessons that amount to less than $100 per month really was a blow to my perception of how to be an effective member and contributing member of my family.
Sure I always knew that being a mama was important, but all last school year I struggled to find myself. What was I supposed to be doing? Was I doing this stay-at-home mama thing right?
I will tell you some things I learned I was NOT supposed to do.
1) Clean my house all the time and expect it to stay clean.
This wore me out. I felt like I didn't get anything accomplished. I have two tornadoes that live here named Callie and Caroline. Neither of them exactly know how to clean up a mess very well or how to keep from making messes. So, I learned to divide and conquer my tasks and at times to "embrace the mess." Still hard to do, but I think I am a little better than I used to be.
2) Try to keep up with and be like some of these bloggy stay-at-home-moms.
I don't know about you, but if I start reading blogs online, I start to feel like I don't fall into this stereotypical stay-at-home-mom mold that that says she is supposed to sew all day, have a perfect house, and constantly be doing crafts and educational projects with her kids. Hey y'all - I can't do all of that! I admit it!
So, I feel like I wasted a year of time at home in some respects. I wish I had worked more with Caroline last year on reading to her every day, not worrying about those clothes that needed washing (that could have waited), and spent more quality time with Callie after I picked her up from school.
After reading this book, "Be the Mom," I think I have finally started to realize what I am made for, what I was made to do, and how much God values me as a mother. No matter what anyone thinks or says, I am the person that God has entrusted to my children to be their mother. I will mess this thing up many times, but He is here to help me. You don't ever figure out this stay-at-home mom thing. You just need to "BE THE MOM!" and the best one you can be at that.
One more story, and then I will end this blog novel. :)
As many of you know, Caroline has NEVER slept well since she was born. Callie was my dream child as far as sleep goes. Caroline, on the other hand, has a hard time going to sleep sometimes, and then ultimately she has a hard time staying asleep. This has left me feeling angry, bitter, and sleep-deprived for almost 2 years now. I don't know about you, but an almost 2 year old waking me up from my sleep at 3:00 am and demanding certain things and screaming unless she gets her way does not bring out the best in me. In fact, it brings out the worst. This leaves me feeling guilty beyond measure. I realize how selfish I am and how selfless I need to be.
What really got me this morning, when I finished up the book, was reading those last few words of Tracey's encouragement. She said something along the lines of, "God is using your children to make you the person and woman He wants you to be."
Whew! I'm tell you, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt God speaking this to my heart and reminding me that not only did He make Caroline this way (strong-willed, hard-headed, demanding, yet sweet all at the same time) for a purpose, but He has entrusted her to be her mom because He knew I was the woman for the job. He's also using her in my life to mold me and shape me into the woman He wants me to be - which is selfless, having a servant's heart, patient, kind, and all of those other fruits of the Spirit. The thought still brings tears to my eyes.
Oh how He loves us!
I had never put two and two together like that, but it changes my perspective a lot on the entire topic of being a mother to my children. God loves me so much that He sent me these particular children. He made me them the way that they are and me the way I am and knew that I would be the perfect woman for the job. The same goes for you too.
If that doesn't make you feel good today, then I don't know what will!
Love on your babies!
Be the Mom!
Leave me a comment!
I just had one of those moments and let me tell you my cup runneth over!
I just finished up reading the "Be the Mom" book that I have been blogging about some. All I can say is WOW. If you are a mom, this book is essential for you to read!
I know that ever since I decided to stay at home with Caroline, that I have had a hard time finding my purpose. Going from working outside of the home and contributing to the family finances to not working and teaching a few piano lessons that amount to less than $100 per month really was a blow to my perception of how to be an effective member and contributing member of my family.
Sure I always knew that being a mama was important, but all last school year I struggled to find myself. What was I supposed to be doing? Was I doing this stay-at-home mama thing right?
I will tell you some things I learned I was NOT supposed to do.
1) Clean my house all the time and expect it to stay clean.
This wore me out. I felt like I didn't get anything accomplished. I have two tornadoes that live here named Callie and Caroline. Neither of them exactly know how to clean up a mess very well or how to keep from making messes. So, I learned to divide and conquer my tasks and at times to "embrace the mess." Still hard to do, but I think I am a little better than I used to be.
2) Try to keep up with and be like some of these bloggy stay-at-home-moms.
I don't know about you, but if I start reading blogs online, I start to feel like I don't fall into this stereotypical stay-at-home-mom mold that that says she is supposed to sew all day, have a perfect house, and constantly be doing crafts and educational projects with her kids. Hey y'all - I can't do all of that! I admit it!
So, I feel like I wasted a year of time at home in some respects. I wish I had worked more with Caroline last year on reading to her every day, not worrying about those clothes that needed washing (that could have waited), and spent more quality time with Callie after I picked her up from school.
After reading this book, "Be the Mom," I think I have finally started to realize what I am made for, what I was made to do, and how much God values me as a mother. No matter what anyone thinks or says, I am the person that God has entrusted to my children to be their mother. I will mess this thing up many times, but He is here to help me. You don't ever figure out this stay-at-home mom thing. You just need to "BE THE MOM!" and the best one you can be at that.
One more story, and then I will end this blog novel. :)
As many of you know, Caroline has NEVER slept well since she was born. Callie was my dream child as far as sleep goes. Caroline, on the other hand, has a hard time going to sleep sometimes, and then ultimately she has a hard time staying asleep. This has left me feeling angry, bitter, and sleep-deprived for almost 2 years now. I don't know about you, but an almost 2 year old waking me up from my sleep at 3:00 am and demanding certain things and screaming unless she gets her way does not bring out the best in me. In fact, it brings out the worst. This leaves me feeling guilty beyond measure. I realize how selfish I am and how selfless I need to be.
What really got me this morning, when I finished up the book, was reading those last few words of Tracey's encouragement. She said something along the lines of, "God is using your children to make you the person and woman He wants you to be."
Whew! I'm tell you, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt God speaking this to my heart and reminding me that not only did He make Caroline this way (strong-willed, hard-headed, demanding, yet sweet all at the same time) for a purpose, but He has entrusted her to be her mom because He knew I was the woman for the job. He's also using her in my life to mold me and shape me into the woman He wants me to be - which is selfless, having a servant's heart, patient, kind, and all of those other fruits of the Spirit. The thought still brings tears to my eyes.
Oh how He loves us!
I had never put two and two together like that, but it changes my perspective a lot on the entire topic of being a mother to my children. God loves me so much that He sent me these particular children. He made me them the way that they are and me the way I am and knew that I would be the perfect woman for the job. The same goes for you too.
If that doesn't make you feel good today, then I don't know what will!
Love on your babies!
Be the Mom!
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