"Sigh..." That was the word of the day on Sesame Street the other day. I thought it so funny. :)
I'm sighing myself because I feel like I've been rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off! I went to Commerce shopping for a few minutes at the Liz Claiborne Outlet. Literally I went for a few minutes. Any woman out there knows that if a store is going out of business and it has nice clothes to get rid off for a cheap price, hen she is going to search every inch of that store trying to find things that she likes just because they're a great deal! Am I right or what?
Well, let me get on my soap box. The husband does NOT understand that! He said that I could go and look at the store as long as I was home by 4:00 so he could go visit with his parents (sigh...well thanks for the extremely long time frame there Andy....) Callie had also fallen asleep around 2:15, and I wanted to take advantage of being able to go shopping - A-L-O-N-E!!!!!! Well, the kicker is that I did not get to leave the house until 2:40, and by the time I get out to the end of the dirt road, I realize I have left my phone somewhere... So, I go back to the house, run in, grab Andy's phone, and then head out. Now it is 2:45...
I get to the store around 3:00, rush around looking (a very half-hearted look much to my dismay!), rush to the dressing room, zoom through a pile of clothes to try on, work up a sweat, all the while looking at my watch. It must have been going faster than normal! :)
Well, at 3:40 I frown at the way I have NO more time, I go up to the register, and I'm able to get home by 4:00 - ON THE DOT!!! It was so stressful, but exciting at the same time. I got some great deals and some new clothes. Don't new clothes always make a woman feel better!? After all, I DO think I deserve some sort of break every once in a while and something new every once in a while too!
Sigh.... Okay, I feel better now. :) The husband is gone to his parents, Callie is STILL sleeping (go me!!!), and maybe I can finally relax. The life of a mother and a woman... oh me! :) And just to think - I only have one sweet little baby. What in the world would I do with two or three?!?!?
1 comment:
LOL you are a mess... "the Husband" hehe "The LEVI" just doesn't understand!! lol
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