Well, Ashley and Levi FINALLY got married today. It was a sweet service. Everything seemed to just be wonderful! The only exception would be the air conditioning dying over at the barn, but hey, it WAS a barn. It was authentic, right? I mean, how many barns actually have air conditioning? HA!
Anyway, after cleaning up afterwards, getting home to unload everything, feeding Callie, picking up stuff around the house... blah blah blah, I can FINALLY rest (while I wash/dry clothes that is....). It has been a LOOOOOONG two days for me. Andy has really picked up on his daddy duties and helped out with Callie A LOT! I couldn't have done it without him.
By the way, Callie looked like a little princess when Josiah pulled her down the aisle in her little wagon all decorated up so pretty! Josiah did a GREAT job too! He was so sweet and just did a good job. His mama and daddy should be proud! :)
Well, I guess I will close for today. I have to get ready for vacation this upcoming week. We are flying out to Utah on Friday, June 6th. Oh, say a prayer! We are flying with a baby. Thankfully, my moma and daddy will be there when I need a break! That's all I can say! :) I love Callie, but she is a handful. What in the world would I do with two of her?!?!?!?!? :) I want to wait a while to find out. :)
I am a teacher who has taken time off from teaching to be a stay-at-home mama. I use this blog to talk about things on my mind. I am not your typical stay-at-home mom with wise words to live by flowing out of my mouth, with a super duper clean and organized house, with exquisite culinary skills, or with amazing creative crafting abilities, but I am who I am.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Officially Summer NOW!
Being a teacher has its perks, but summer vacation is by far the best perk of all. Today I wrapped up post-planning, so it's officially summer for me! YEA! My part-time days went by fast, but I'm so blessed and glad I got to spend time with Callie this year to watch her grow, and she's growing up so fast already. It's hard to believe that she was just a little baby 11 months ago.
Well, I think I might actually sit down on the couch and read a book. Callie was with her daddy all day, and now she's laid down for a nap, so I'm going to chill while I've got time! :)
Happy Summer!
Well, I think I might actually sit down on the couch and read a book. Callie was with her daddy all day, and now she's laid down for a nap, so I'm going to chill while I've got time! :)
Happy Summer!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Well, today was IT! It was the last day of school and the last time I will have to see some of those lovely children until August. It's not that I don't like them, but everybody needs a break!
I just can't wait to get these two post-planning days over with. We have some sort of training for a text book on Tuesday, which I'm still a little perturbed (is that a word?) about. I purposely did NOT want Callie going to Legacy next week, for 1)to save money and 2) so she could just go to school with me. I wasn't going to have to do much anyway. Well, someone springs up and says, by the way, we need to have a meeting on Tuesday from 8:30-3:30 at West Hall. Well, that threw my plans for a loop. So, there's a lady at church who is going to watch Callie for a couple of hours for me. I still only work PART-TIME so there's NO WAY I'm staying until 3:30. Is that bad of me to have that attitude? If you weren't getting paid to stay longer than you had to, would you? Especially when you've got a sweet baby to go home to? :) I need to pray that God gives me a better attitude about it.
Callie had a small ear infection this week when I took her to the doctor. She had been coughing at night a good bit, and it has gotten better, but I guess she got an ear infection since her immune system was down from what was probably a cold.
It's hard to believe that she will be a year old on June 19th! It seems like it has flown by. I can't believe it. Ashley is getting married next Saturday too! That has really crept up on me here lately! Everyone's just getting older and growing up. :)
I just can't wait to get these two post-planning days over with. We have some sort of training for a text book on Tuesday, which I'm still a little perturbed (is that a word?) about. I purposely did NOT want Callie going to Legacy next week, for 1)to save money and 2) so she could just go to school with me. I wasn't going to have to do much anyway. Well, someone springs up and says, by the way, we need to have a meeting on Tuesday from 8:30-3:30 at West Hall. Well, that threw my plans for a loop. So, there's a lady at church who is going to watch Callie for a couple of hours for me. I still only work PART-TIME so there's NO WAY I'm staying until 3:30. Is that bad of me to have that attitude? If you weren't getting paid to stay longer than you had to, would you? Especially when you've got a sweet baby to go home to? :) I need to pray that God gives me a better attitude about it.
Callie had a small ear infection this week when I took her to the doctor. She had been coughing at night a good bit, and it has gotten better, but I guess she got an ear infection since her immune system was down from what was probably a cold.
It's hard to believe that she will be a year old on June 19th! It seems like it has flown by. I can't believe it. Ashley is getting married next Saturday too! That has really crept up on me here lately! Everyone's just getting older and growing up. :)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I can make it, I can make it, I can make it, ...............

As you can see from the title of this blog, I am just a LITTLE ready for school to be over. I love my job, but those kids can make it ROUGH sometimes! Hard to believe, but I had to write up 2 boys today for disrupting my class. They don't know how to mind their own business and they constantly pick at this other boy in the class. It gets old. Anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm also ready for school to be over so I can spend more time with my sweet little baby! Which, by the way, she's not feeling so hot these last couple of days. Could you lift her up in prayer? She's a little congested, and she's having this cough during the night that's interrupting her sleep. I do everything the doctor says to do, but I just wish there was some magic medicine I could give her to make it go away! She may have started to get an ear infection too. She's just not been her normal bubbly self. I'm probably going to have to take her to the doctor, but then I'll really increase her chances of getting sick since all of the germs are THERE! :) It's a Catch-22.
Well, I'm enjoying these last part-time days while I can. I believe I've decided and the Lord has let me believe that next year will be my last year at Johnson. It's time to get moved closer to home, and I believe that He's pretty much gave me that feeling in my heart. I believe it would be best for my family. :) I have NO idea where I'd go, but there are high schools way closer. East Hall is about 20 minutes away, Banks is only about 7-8, and Habersham is about 20 minutes away too. I've got some options I guess.
Callie is asleep, and let me just say that she has been getting so good (knock on wood) about going to sleep by herself. Just a little while ago, I KNEW she was tired, so I put her in her bed with her blanket, went out of the room, came by a minute later and she was standing in her bed, then the next minute she was laying down, and then, POOF! MAGIC! She's asleep. It's amazing how she's trained herself to do it alone! I'm SO proud of her! I know she'll still have her moments, but oh man, how nice it is to not have to sit there with her forever while she fights and fights to go to sleep!
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Busy Week!
Hey! If anyone out there still reads my blog every once in a while, I just wanted to tell you what's been going on this week!
We've been having revival. I've gone every night except 2 nights, and Callie has been Miss Wiggly every night! We've gotten home late every night this week but one, and it has been hard on me and her. She's also been learning how to fall asleep on her own instead of mommy rocking her to sleep, and she's getting better. The first night I laid her down in her bed when I knew she was tired, and she just cried for me (Thanks separation anxiety!)! I could hardly take it! It took her a while to settle down, but every night she's gotten a little bit better. She was so sleepy tonight that when I laid her down I didn't hear a peep out of her! I know it's hard on me and Andy too to hear her cry and fuss when she doesn't want to lay down and go to sleep on her own, but I believe I'm helping her and myself out in the long run! I don't want to be rocking her to sleep every night when she's 2 or 3 years old! I bet it would be REALLY hard to get her to learn to sleep herself when she's that old and set in her ways! :)
Anyway, back to revival. Chris Anderson from Enon Baptist Church has been the preacher this week, and I have really enjoyed his messages. He seems like he would be a great pastor and has a big heart. He has been preaching hard this week! We even had one of our youth group kids announce his call to preach tonight! He got saved last year at our youth revival, and he's the only person in his family that is saved I believe. He has spent so many mornings in the altar just praying and crying his eyes out. I believe he prays for his family, but maybe recently he's been struggling with call to preach, but he surrendered tonight! He's a sweet kid. We are all excited to have another youth revival this summer. Our church has not been the same since. It really charged up our youth. We need to start praying for those services already!
Revival has been great this week, and I can honestly say that I've been charged up myself. Giving just one week of your life to God and staying out late a couple of weeknights is really not much to give back to the Savior who gave up His LIFE for me! I wish that everyone in our church could have that mentality. It's so easy just to stay home and let the t.v. entertain you or the Internet, but so many blessings were missed by those who failed to come this week!
Oh by the way, I only have to have kids for 5 more days for this school year! I can't believe how quickly it has passed. Next year, I go back to work full time! I'm already crying and dreading that part of it! I love my job, but I love my baby too. If she could stay home with somebody and not have to go to a daycare it wouldn't be so bad. Sigh... I've already decided that when and if I have another baby, I'm taking the entire year off and just going to focus more on being a mommy than I feel like I have with Callie. I hope she doesn't turn out to have some sort of issues because of how I've worked and not been home with her.
Okay, I'm finished. This is a really long blog! I've just gotten lazy lately with the blogs. :) Much Love!!!
We've been having revival. I've gone every night except 2 nights, and Callie has been Miss Wiggly every night! We've gotten home late every night this week but one, and it has been hard on me and her. She's also been learning how to fall asleep on her own instead of mommy rocking her to sleep, and she's getting better. The first night I laid her down in her bed when I knew she was tired, and she just cried for me (Thanks separation anxiety!)! I could hardly take it! It took her a while to settle down, but every night she's gotten a little bit better. She was so sleepy tonight that when I laid her down I didn't hear a peep out of her! I know it's hard on me and Andy too to hear her cry and fuss when she doesn't want to lay down and go to sleep on her own, but I believe I'm helping her and myself out in the long run! I don't want to be rocking her to sleep every night when she's 2 or 3 years old! I bet it would be REALLY hard to get her to learn to sleep herself when she's that old and set in her ways! :)
Anyway, back to revival. Chris Anderson from Enon Baptist Church has been the preacher this week, and I have really enjoyed his messages. He seems like he would be a great pastor and has a big heart. He has been preaching hard this week! We even had one of our youth group kids announce his call to preach tonight! He got saved last year at our youth revival, and he's the only person in his family that is saved I believe. He has spent so many mornings in the altar just praying and crying his eyes out. I believe he prays for his family, but maybe recently he's been struggling with call to preach, but he surrendered tonight! He's a sweet kid. We are all excited to have another youth revival this summer. Our church has not been the same since. It really charged up our youth. We need to start praying for those services already!
Revival has been great this week, and I can honestly say that I've been charged up myself. Giving just one week of your life to God and staying out late a couple of weeknights is really not much to give back to the Savior who gave up His LIFE for me! I wish that everyone in our church could have that mentality. It's so easy just to stay home and let the t.v. entertain you or the Internet, but so many blessings were missed by those who failed to come this week!
Oh by the way, I only have to have kids for 5 more days for this school year! I can't believe how quickly it has passed. Next year, I go back to work full time! I'm already crying and dreading that part of it! I love my job, but I love my baby too. If she could stay home with somebody and not have to go to a daycare it wouldn't be so bad. Sigh... I've already decided that when and if I have another baby, I'm taking the entire year off and just going to focus more on being a mommy than I feel like I have with Callie. I hope she doesn't turn out to have some sort of issues because of how I've worked and not been home with her.
Okay, I'm finished. This is a really long blog! I've just gotten lazy lately with the blogs. :) Much Love!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day, but it really doesn't feel like a different day to me. It's kind of weird being included in this holiday! I remember it took me forever to get used to being called "mama" by people in respect to Callie! I'm used to it now, but it took a while! Callie even says ma-ma sometimes too, so even SHE is starting to call me that! :) She usually only says it when she's whining about something or wanting something though. :) Is that surprising?
Ashley and I sang today at church. It'll probably be the last time we'll sing together until after she's married. I'm sure it will come few and far between after that. It's kind of depressing! We won't be able to just be put on the spot anymore and asked to sing. I'm going to miss her SO bad at church. I've gone to church with her my whole life, and I can't imagine her not being there every time I'm there. I guess it will take some getting used to.
Well I need to get some more things done while the Bug naps, so I better go. Only 2 more weeks left in school! Oh, and my hydrangea is going to bloom this year FINALLY! YEA!!!!!!!! I've been talking to it and loving on it some, so maybe that's why!? :) I know, I'm weird.... Maybe I'm just an ole' hydrangea hugger?
Ashley and I sang today at church. It'll probably be the last time we'll sing together until after she's married. I'm sure it will come few and far between after that. It's kind of depressing! We won't be able to just be put on the spot anymore and asked to sing. I'm going to miss her SO bad at church. I've gone to church with her my whole life, and I can't imagine her not being there every time I'm there. I guess it will take some getting used to.
Well I need to get some more things done while the Bug naps, so I better go. Only 2 more weeks left in school! Oh, and my hydrangea is going to bloom this year FINALLY! YEA!!!!!!!! I've been talking to it and loving on it some, so maybe that's why!? :) I know, I'm weird.... Maybe I'm just an ole' hydrangea hugger?
Friday, May 2, 2008
Yay, it's Friday!
Hello blog peeps. :) I've been lazy this week and I haven't updated anything. Actually, I have just been pretty busy. I'm trying to get ready for Ashley's fun shower tomorrow night and do other errands like getting groceries, grading Geometry projects, etc...
"Bug," as Levi calls her, is sleeping right now or else I wouldn't be blogging! We call Callie "Callie Bug" a lot, and Levi just calls her bug. Isn't that sweet? :) He will make a great daddy one day and Ashley will make a great mommy too of course! I'm glad she's marrying someone who Callie likes and will be proud to call uncle as she will already be proud to call Ashley an aunt! :)
I have planted some pepper plants in my teeny weeny indoor greenhouse and they are ready now to be put out in the garden! I have some cayenne peppers and two other kinds that I can't remember the name of right now. I was so excited when they actually grew! There's nothing like watching God take a tiny seed and turning it into a plant! Farmers and gardeners witness the awesomeness of God's creation by watching their crops grow and prosper. It's too cool! I think that's why Andy's fascinated by his little garden. He's only planted green beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Maybe we'll have more green beans this time. Last year, we threw away cucumbers because we had so many of them and couldn't eat all of them nor could we give them all away!
Anyway, I'm rambling. I think I'll go relax in front of the t.v. - alone! That's a rarity in itself! Yay... I'll actually have control of the remote.... STRANGE!!!! :)
"Bug," as Levi calls her, is sleeping right now or else I wouldn't be blogging! We call Callie "Callie Bug" a lot, and Levi just calls her bug. Isn't that sweet? :) He will make a great daddy one day and Ashley will make a great mommy too of course! I'm glad she's marrying someone who Callie likes and will be proud to call uncle as she will already be proud to call Ashley an aunt! :)
I have planted some pepper plants in my teeny weeny indoor greenhouse and they are ready now to be put out in the garden! I have some cayenne peppers and two other kinds that I can't remember the name of right now. I was so excited when they actually grew! There's nothing like watching God take a tiny seed and turning it into a plant! Farmers and gardeners witness the awesomeness of God's creation by watching their crops grow and prosper. It's too cool! I think that's why Andy's fascinated by his little garden. He's only planted green beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Maybe we'll have more green beans this time. Last year, we threw away cucumbers because we had so many of them and couldn't eat all of them nor could we give them all away!
Anyway, I'm rambling. I think I'll go relax in front of the t.v. - alone! That's a rarity in itself! Yay... I'll actually have control of the remote.... STRANGE!!!! :)
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