As you can see from the title of this blog, I am just a LITTLE ready for school to be over. I love my job, but those kids can make it ROUGH sometimes! Hard to believe, but I had to write up 2 boys today for disrupting my class. They don't know how to mind their own business and they constantly pick at this other boy in the class. It gets old. Anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm also ready for school to be over so I can spend more time with my sweet little baby! Which, by the way, she's not feeling so hot these last couple of days. Could you lift her up in prayer? She's a little congested, and she's having this cough during the night that's interrupting her sleep. I do everything the doctor says to do, but I just wish there was some magic medicine I could give her to make it go away! She may have started to get an ear infection too. She's just not been her normal bubbly self. I'm probably going to have to take her to the doctor, but then I'll really increase her chances of getting sick since all of the germs are THERE! :) It's a Catch-22.
Well, I'm enjoying these last part-time days while I can. I believe I've decided and the Lord has let me believe that next year will be my last year at Johnson. It's time to get moved closer to home, and I believe that He's pretty much gave me that feeling in my heart. I believe it would be best for my family. :) I have NO idea where I'd go, but there are high schools way closer. East Hall is about 20 minutes away, Banks is only about 7-8, and Habersham is about 20 minutes away too. I've got some options I guess.
Callie is asleep, and let me just say that she has been getting so good (knock on wood) about going to sleep by herself. Just a little while ago, I KNEW she was tired, so I put her in her bed with her blanket, went out of the room, came by a minute later and she was standing in her bed, then the next minute she was laying down, and then, POOF! MAGIC! She's asleep. It's amazing how she's trained herself to do it alone! I'm SO proud of her! I know she'll still have her moments, but oh man, how nice it is to not have to sit there with her forever while she fights and fights to go to sleep!
Have you tried putting that Vicks stuff on her feet or her chest? Sometimes that works with the boys...it's worth a try I guess!
Hey, you sound like the little engine that could!!! Today's the last day!!!
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