Hey! We made it home from our long vacation. I don't think I've ever been gone so long on a vacation before! We had a good time, but crossing two time zones will get you so messed up! lol
My internal clock is trying to get back to normal. I guess this is what they call jet lag!?
Anyway, it was wonderful to see all that God has made on the other side of the country, but I'm glad to be home. Some of the things we saw were absolutely breath taking and nothing can describe them. The pictures that I took cannot do justice to the beauty of the Grand Tetons and the awesomeness that they have. All I could think was how it was IMPOSSIBLE to see those mountains and the beauty and believe there wasn't a God who created them. It was amazing. We think we have seen beautiful mountains on our side of the country, but believe me, they have us beat out there in the West!
We arrived in SLC on Friday, drove about 4-5 hours up to Jackson Hole, WY, and there we stayed a few days. It was very neat in that town, and the scenery was amazing. I can't imagine having a backdrop like those people do EVERYDAY! We went back to Park City on Monday, and we enjoyed our beautiful scenic route there as well. Who knew that parts of Wyoming and Idaho could be so boring to ride through but oh so beautiful to look at? At one point we were riding through "Open Range." I never saw any stray cows or animals crossing the road, but I wanted to! Our stay in Park City was a bit unexciting since it's a major ski town, and well, it's not ski season!
There were a few interesting things that happened though:
1. It snowed on my birthday! I don't think that'll ever happen in Georgia, but hey, it did in Jackson! Notice the date on the picture below!

2. We got really close to a bear while we were at Jenny Lake in Grand Tetons National Park. We know because we saw the bear scat and it was so stinky and VERY fresh! (See picture below!)

Callie did well on the trip. She really took it all in and wasn't a pain for the most part. Bless her little heart, she had two teeth breaking through the skin those last couple of days, but she made it. She did well on the plane flights and just traveling in general. I was pretty proud of her.
We are glad to be home!
Yay! Sounds like y'all had fun! Glad you're back home safe & sound!!
Me too! Thank you!
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