Sunday, October 12, 2008

GO Palin!

Besides the fact that she's a conservative Republican, who in their right mind could say Sarah Palin is NOT qualified to be Vice-President? I mean, come on people! She's been a governor, that's more than Obama or Biden can claim!!! Just had to get that off of my chest!

Remember, God is still in control, and it's still HIS election! Please pray for our country and pray that people will vote for their values instead of some vague "change" that Obama claims he will bring to America!

God Bless America and may God see fit to put John McCain and Sarah Palin in office for our sakes!


Katie said...

Amen, Sister! said...

Amen is what I say also. Callie is so cute in all those pictures. I only wish I could see her more often. Give her lots of hugs and kisses for me!!!!! Mom