While I have obviously NOT been updating my blog, I've been getting ready for Christmas. Shopping, decorating, cooking, cleaning (ha!), caroling, and doing various Christmas things at church. It's been very busy around the Brown household with a basketball coach living here, a teacher whose ready to be out for Christmas break, and a now 18-month old sweet little Callie!
Callie is getting so big. She's gone pee pee and poo poo in the potty numerous times, and she is learning something new every day. She never ceases to amaze me, and I feel like I love her more every day - no joke!
I'm so glad we are out for Christmas break! I needed a break from school, and I'm going to try NOT to think about going back until I absolutely have to. The year is already half way over; that's hard to believe, but good too at the same time!
Christmas is just around the corner now, and I believe I'm almost finished with all of my shopping. Andy has a few more things he needs to get, and I think I still need one more thing for my loving brother-in-law, but I haven't gotten around to getting that yet! I am running out of time too!
We are getting ready for an EXTREMELY busy Christmas day as usual. We will kick off our long list of stops on Christmas Eve with a get together at 6:00 with the Brown side of the family. Then, on Christmas day, we celebrate here at home together, then it's off to Moma and Daddy's, down to Maw Maw's for lunch, then over to Flora and Fred's for the afternoon, and finally Andy's parents for that night. It is exhausting, and I hate to say it, but it makes my Christmas so stressful and less enjoyable than I feel it could be with all of the running around we have to do. I'm also preparing for the food I'll take to almost every stop we make. It's hard to think so far in advance to me when it comes to cooking. I'm a good planner in most areas except the food department.
Oh well, I'm trying not to let the busyness of this season stress me out, but I have already truly enjoyed the Christmas season in my heart. The sign at Rock Springs Baptist Church says something to the effect of you haven't celebrated Christmas until you've experienced it in your heart. I hope that this Christmas, God will bless you with that experience and your heart will overflow with joy at the celebration of the birth of our Savior, the one true HOPE of the WORLD!
Merry Christmas
1 comment:
ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ---- gul. :-) So sweet!
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