Fall is in the air! School has been going pretty well. I haven't posted since I went back. Callie is adjusting little by little, but she's still not thrilled about being away from her mommy during the day. I'm not thrilled about being away from her either! She's already been sick one time, but that is to be expected. The change of seasons seems to bring on colds and other things.
I don't really have much to blog about today, but we are staying very busy with school. My load at school is pretty heavy this time. I am teaching all new classes this year, thanks to the Georgia Department or Education, and it's pretty hard on me and the kids, but eventually I am hoping that it will get better.
Time to wake up Callie from her nap. I hope you have a great day and a great September!!!
I am a teacher who has taken time off from teaching to be a stay-at-home mama. I use this blog to talk about things on my mind. I am not your typical stay-at-home mom with wise words to live by flowing out of my mouth, with a super duper clean and organized house, with exquisite culinary skills, or with amazing creative crafting abilities, but I am who I am.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Back to School....
This is my last official weekend of the summer! Back to the grind Monday!
It's been a busy last 2 weeks!
We have had the youth revival AND church revival. Tiring, but good. Callie did not cooperate all nights, but we managed to get to 9 out of 11 church services that happened between Wed. July 22nd and Friday, July 31. It's been very busy. Good things have happened, and I believe it's been a great revival for our church. Hopefully everyone is geared up and ready to get something done for the Lord!
I'm not thrilled about going back to school Monday. I have so many meetings next week, it's looking like it will be impossible to get anything done in my room. I haven't been there all summer, and I thought I might go one day this past week, but it didn't happen. Guess I'll get done what I can while I am at school.
It's so hard for me to balance being a teacher, mama, wife, daughter, sister, etc. I'm already a bit stressed because there will be more pressure and time taken away from Callie as school starts back, but I never got peace about staying at home this year, and the Lord did not provide part-time work, so I will do what He says to do. If you need someone to pray for, pray for me.
Well, I don't have much to blog about, but I thought I would update at least once more before school starts. I probably will not have any time to do it for sure then! :)
It's been a busy last 2 weeks!
We have had the youth revival AND church revival. Tiring, but good. Callie did not cooperate all nights, but we managed to get to 9 out of 11 church services that happened between Wed. July 22nd and Friday, July 31. It's been very busy. Good things have happened, and I believe it's been a great revival for our church. Hopefully everyone is geared up and ready to get something done for the Lord!
I'm not thrilled about going back to school Monday. I have so many meetings next week, it's looking like it will be impossible to get anything done in my room. I haven't been there all summer, and I thought I might go one day this past week, but it didn't happen. Guess I'll get done what I can while I am at school.
It's so hard for me to balance being a teacher, mama, wife, daughter, sister, etc. I'm already a bit stressed because there will be more pressure and time taken away from Callie as school starts back, but I never got peace about staying at home this year, and the Lord did not provide part-time work, so I will do what He says to do. If you need someone to pray for, pray for me.
Well, I don't have much to blog about, but I thought I would update at least once more before school starts. I probably will not have any time to do it for sure then! :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
2 more weeks of relaxation
There comes a point in every summer where the days of remaining relaxation seem to be flying by too fast. That's where I find myself this morning, wondering, where did the summer go?
I must say that this summer I have tried to fit in so many things I really wanted to do.
We had a great vacation to Orlando - Magic Kingdom and Sea World. Then, we visited Daytona for a day.
We came home and did some things around the yard and in the house - new mulch, still working on getting some more gravel for the driveway and making a new turn around, painted my bathroom, cleaned out some space in my storage building by having 2 yard sales with Moma and Ashley, and gave my kitchen a little revamp too by buying new rugs (funny how that can make such a big difference!).
Recently, we went to Myrtle Beach for a few days to just really play at the beach with Callie. We had fun. This time she did like the ocean and it was hard to pull her away from the water. We stayed out 3 hours one morning which seemed like a long time with a 2 year old! She had a fun time at the ocean and then loved the pool too. She does not like to be in water where she cannot touch though, so we hung out by the kiddie pool. That's okay with me too!
Anyway, we've done a lot this summer. It's been fun, and I've tried to soak in every minute of it and spend a lot of time with Callie. She grows a little more every day, and I've enjoyed being with her since the end of May.
So, today, I find myself being thankful for a great summer, but also looking at the 2 weeks remaining as the close to a great summer which I wish didn't have to end quite so quickly!
This school year will definitely be filled with challenges as we struggle through another year implementing a new curriculum, and the kids are always challenges in themselves, but I guess it's time to get back at it!
Hope you have a blessed week!
P.S. Our youth revival starts on Thursday at 7:00p. We would love to see you and any one you would like to invite! Thursday - Bro. Chad Shook; Friday - Bro. Chris Porter; Saturday - Bro. Ken Petitt
I must say that this summer I have tried to fit in so many things I really wanted to do.
We had a great vacation to Orlando - Magic Kingdom and Sea World. Then, we visited Daytona for a day.
We came home and did some things around the yard and in the house - new mulch, still working on getting some more gravel for the driveway and making a new turn around, painted my bathroom, cleaned out some space in my storage building by having 2 yard sales with Moma and Ashley, and gave my kitchen a little revamp too by buying new rugs (funny how that can make such a big difference!).
Recently, we went to Myrtle Beach for a few days to just really play at the beach with Callie. We had fun. This time she did like the ocean and it was hard to pull her away from the water. We stayed out 3 hours one morning which seemed like a long time with a 2 year old! She had a fun time at the ocean and then loved the pool too. She does not like to be in water where she cannot touch though, so we hung out by the kiddie pool. That's okay with me too!
Anyway, we've done a lot this summer. It's been fun, and I've tried to soak in every minute of it and spend a lot of time with Callie. She grows a little more every day, and I've enjoyed being with her since the end of May.
So, today, I find myself being thankful for a great summer, but also looking at the 2 weeks remaining as the close to a great summer which I wish didn't have to end quite so quickly!
This school year will definitely be filled with challenges as we struggle through another year implementing a new curriculum, and the kids are always challenges in themselves, but I guess it's time to get back at it!
Hope you have a blessed week!
P.S. Our youth revival starts on Thursday at 7:00p. We would love to see you and any one you would like to invite! Thursday - Bro. Chad Shook; Friday - Bro. Chris Porter; Saturday - Bro. Ken Petitt
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Purple Passion Portrayed in the Potty Place
Okay, so the title is corny but I was aiming for some alliteration!
The bathroom is finished. I did it in about 8 hours from start to finish. I'm pleased with the color, but the pictures don't really do it justice! There are some glares and reflection things going on that you can't see in person, due to the camera I guess. I also am not finished with the decorating part yet. I am waiting for a second wave of creativity (and money) to hit me!!!
It cost me around $80 to buy the paint, new rugs, a few towels, toothbrush holder, trashcan, soap dish, painter's tape, etc. to get the job done. That's not too bad I guess.
Anyway, call me crazy, but I like purple. Some people said I was a little crazy for doing it, but I like it.
Have a good day!

Callie playing my mandolin. I helped her hold it right for the picture! She usually plays it in her lap and she MUST have the pick! :)
The bathroom is finished. I did it in about 8 hours from start to finish. I'm pleased with the color, but the pictures don't really do it justice! There are some glares and reflection things going on that you can't see in person, due to the camera I guess. I also am not finished with the decorating part yet. I am waiting for a second wave of creativity (and money) to hit me!!!
It cost me around $80 to buy the paint, new rugs, a few towels, toothbrush holder, trashcan, soap dish, painter's tape, etc. to get the job done. That's not too bad I guess.
Anyway, call me crazy, but I like purple. Some people said I was a little crazy for doing it, but I like it.
Have a good day!

Callie playing my mandolin. I helped her hold it right for the picture! She usually plays it in her lap and she MUST have the pick! :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy July
Okay, so I finally broke down and updated this poor blog. I believe eventually I will have to give up blogging since I'm so horrible at keeping up with it. No one is just on the edge of their seats waiting for me to update anyway. :)
This past month, we were very busy. We went to Orlando at the beginning of the month. We took Callie to Sea World, Magic Kingdom, and even drove over to Daytona to spend the night one night. We had a good time, and I even got in free to the Magic Kingdom on my birthday! They gave me this pin that said "Happy Birthday, Brittany" and every time someone in the park noticed it they would say, "Happy Birthday, Brittany!" It was weird, but very nice all at the same time. Callie enjoyed herself there and now since we've been, she's a little into the whole Disney thing now. It's a little after the fact, but maybe we can go back in a few years, and she'll actually remember what she saw then!

Callie liked the beach too. Definitely her favorite part was the sand. She didn't care for the ocean. She didn't like the way the water chased her... :)
I would say her most favorite part of the whole vacation was the kiddie pool and the playground at the resort we stayed at. There were two pools; we discovered the better of the 2 the last day we were there, and it was awesome! It was so huge, and she could really just play while I watched her. There were no other kids in it either, so she pretty much had it all to herself. The playground was awesome too! It was perfect for her size. She wore herself out going up and down those stairs to go down the twisting slide.
After vacation, we had Callie's party. She got lots of wonderful presents! She had an Ariel cake, and she loved it. We had her party at church, and we really just tried to invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, and first cousins. We figured that would be enough. We had a good turn out and a good time.

After Callie's party, we pretty much have been doing things around the yard and in the house. I'm determined to redo my bathroom before we go back to school. Yuck, I have to go back August 3rd... :( I really want to paint my bathroom a purple color. I know, you're thinking ewww, but I want it a pretty purple color. Not Barney purple or grape purple or anything like that. I've got one color I really like. I'm thinking about going to get it next week! I've set myself a budget, too. I should document my bathroom makeover on my blog. Maybe that would get me more motivated to do it more often!
Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the summer. I am really enjoying mine. I'm trying to just have fun everyday and enjoy being with Callie (& Andy) as much as I can.
Have a great 4th, and a great month!
This past month, we were very busy. We went to Orlando at the beginning of the month. We took Callie to Sea World, Magic Kingdom, and even drove over to Daytona to spend the night one night. We had a good time, and I even got in free to the Magic Kingdom on my birthday! They gave me this pin that said "Happy Birthday, Brittany" and every time someone in the park noticed it they would say, "Happy Birthday, Brittany!" It was weird, but very nice all at the same time. Callie enjoyed herself there and now since we've been, she's a little into the whole Disney thing now. It's a little after the fact, but maybe we can go back in a few years, and she'll actually remember what she saw then!

Callie liked the beach too. Definitely her favorite part was the sand. She didn't care for the ocean. She didn't like the way the water chased her... :)
I would say her most favorite part of the whole vacation was the kiddie pool and the playground at the resort we stayed at. There were two pools; we discovered the better of the 2 the last day we were there, and it was awesome! It was so huge, and she could really just play while I watched her. There were no other kids in it either, so she pretty much had it all to herself. The playground was awesome too! It was perfect for her size. She wore herself out going up and down those stairs to go down the twisting slide.
After vacation, we had Callie's party. She got lots of wonderful presents! She had an Ariel cake, and she loved it. We had her party at church, and we really just tried to invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, and first cousins. We figured that would be enough. We had a good turn out and a good time.

After Callie's party, we pretty much have been doing things around the yard and in the house. I'm determined to redo my bathroom before we go back to school. Yuck, I have to go back August 3rd... :( I really want to paint my bathroom a purple color. I know, you're thinking ewww, but I want it a pretty purple color. Not Barney purple or grape purple or anything like that. I've got one color I really like. I'm thinking about going to get it next week! I've set myself a budget, too. I should document my bathroom makeover on my blog. Maybe that would get me more motivated to do it more often!
Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the summer. I am really enjoying mine. I'm trying to just have fun everyday and enjoy being with Callie (& Andy) as much as I can.
Have a great 4th, and a great month!

Monday, June 1, 2009
Happy June!
June is here! Hard to believe isn't it? The last few months of school really just flew by it seems like, ahem, NOT that I'm complaining! :) I have thoroughly enjoyed being out of school thus far. It has given me a chance to do some cleansing around my house, but there's still a lot of cleansing left to do! I've chunked some junk that I've been harboring on a bookshelf (still can chunk more), I've gone through my closet and drawers and taken out clothes I haven't worn in a while, and Callie helped me clean out the bathroom drawers this morning. She was the trash girl. I just gave her things and she would put them in the trash. Sometimes she tried to put things that weren't trash in the can, but she did a really good job! She is the best little helper. She wants to help mommy do EVERYTHING! And she also wants to do EVERYTHING I do! She tries to put on my underwear, bras, pants, shirts, etc. You name it. :) It's so sweet. She gets me tickeld all the time doing silly things like that.
We are getting ready to go on vacation soon, and I'm excited about that. I bet Callie is going to have a GREAT time! I will have lots of babysitters to help me and Andy out too! :) That's always nice!
Since my last post, several not-so-fun things have already happened.
On the last day of post-planning, one of the assistant principals at Johnson, Mike Adcock, decided to end his life. Mike had come so far since his accident in August 2008. He almost died that day, but I guess (as Todd Henry put it) our prayers kept him with us for 10 more months. Mike was such an inspiration to the kids at school. They truly love him. I never heard any kid say that they didn't like Coach Adcock. He was hard on them, but they respected him at the same time. He truly had a special way with teenagers.
It's been the most bizarre thing that's happened to me in a while too. Wednesday morning I spoke with him in his office, and then within hours, we heard the news of his death. My principal is the one who found Mike. Our Johnson family has went through some very hard times this year, and next school year will not be any different. The loss of Mike is going to be felt all year.
His son, who also works at Johnson, will need our prayers as he's there everyday knowing his dad will never walk the halls of Johnson again.
Please be in prayer for the Adcock famliy, for Todd Henry, and Dr. Gibbs too. They are all very close. Todd and Dr. Gibbs were like brothers to Mike, so this is very hard for them as well.
Also, Andy's sweet grandmother, Hazel, passed away just Saturday. She had to be one of the sweetest little ladies I ever met. She always made me feel like I was one of her own grandchildren, and welcomed me with open arms when Andy and I started dating and got married. She's also the only other woman I've ever seen Andy walk up to and hug. She had a special place in his heart, and I know he will miss her. She was ready to go though, as was Mike. Both had testimonies that they had been saved.
Well, I guess I will get up and do something productive now that I've gotten my blog therapy finished with all of this typing! :) Life is short and fragile, and the devil truly is out to destroy people's lives. That's what I've learned this week.
We are getting ready to go on vacation soon, and I'm excited about that. I bet Callie is going to have a GREAT time! I will have lots of babysitters to help me and Andy out too! :) That's always nice!
Since my last post, several not-so-fun things have already happened.
On the last day of post-planning, one of the assistant principals at Johnson, Mike Adcock, decided to end his life. Mike had come so far since his accident in August 2008. He almost died that day, but I guess (as Todd Henry put it) our prayers kept him with us for 10 more months. Mike was such an inspiration to the kids at school. They truly love him. I never heard any kid say that they didn't like Coach Adcock. He was hard on them, but they respected him at the same time. He truly had a special way with teenagers.
It's been the most bizarre thing that's happened to me in a while too. Wednesday morning I spoke with him in his office, and then within hours, we heard the news of his death. My principal is the one who found Mike. Our Johnson family has went through some very hard times this year, and next school year will not be any different. The loss of Mike is going to be felt all year.
His son, who also works at Johnson, will need our prayers as he's there everyday knowing his dad will never walk the halls of Johnson again.
Please be in prayer for the Adcock famliy, for Todd Henry, and Dr. Gibbs too. They are all very close. Todd and Dr. Gibbs were like brothers to Mike, so this is very hard for them as well.
Also, Andy's sweet grandmother, Hazel, passed away just Saturday. She had to be one of the sweetest little ladies I ever met. She always made me feel like I was one of her own grandchildren, and welcomed me with open arms when Andy and I started dating and got married. She's also the only other woman I've ever seen Andy walk up to and hug. She had a special place in his heart, and I know he will miss her. She was ready to go though, as was Mike. Both had testimonies that they had been saved.
Well, I guess I will get up and do something productive now that I've gotten my blog therapy finished with all of this typing! :) Life is short and fragile, and the devil truly is out to destroy people's lives. That's what I've learned this week.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
School is Almost Over
School really IS almost over! I'm at school right now updating my blog. I'm taking a break from the cleaning and having really not much to do. I have two more 1/2 days with the kids, and then 2 more days for me for post-planning, and then it's over! I'm so ready for a vacation, and ready to spend more time at home.
Callie is already 23 months old! Hard to believe next month I'll have a 2 year old! She has grown so much over this school year, and in a year she's grown so much! She's so smart and learning so much every day.
There's not much else to update on except that Sunday morning Gerald Sweatman will be coming to our church to sing. He's wonderful! He's so cute, and you can tell that he knows what he's singing about and that he is really doing what God called him to do. I met him at a singing I went to to actually play for a lady at my church to sing. I fell in love with his sweet personality and singing, and invited him to come to Mud Creek. Hopefully he will truly enjoy our church, and other people in the community will also come to hear him sing.
Other than that, nothing really exciting is going on at the Brown house, but we aren't complaining! We are blessed and well. I thank God for that, and I hope your family is doing well too.
Callie is already 23 months old! Hard to believe next month I'll have a 2 year old! She has grown so much over this school year, and in a year she's grown so much! She's so smart and learning so much every day.
There's not much else to update on except that Sunday morning Gerald Sweatman will be coming to our church to sing. He's wonderful! He's so cute, and you can tell that he knows what he's singing about and that he is really doing what God called him to do. I met him at a singing I went to to actually play for a lady at my church to sing. I fell in love with his sweet personality and singing, and invited him to come to Mud Creek. Hopefully he will truly enjoy our church, and other people in the community will also come to hear him sing.
Other than that, nothing really exciting is going on at the Brown house, but we aren't complaining! We are blessed and well. I thank God for that, and I hope your family is doing well too.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
More pictures of the Bug!
Callie has been keeping us busy as usual. I love her more and more everyday I believe! She's at the cutest stage right now, and we are enjoying it so much! I decided to post some more pictures of her since we've had Easter and NOW we have pictures with Uncle Levi and Aunt Ashley to put up here. I believe they were a little jealous before? :) They love Callie so much, and they are so good with her too. She loves both of them and thoroughly enjoyed them visiting with her at our house recently. They played pretty hard! I think she wore Levi out! :)

Callie "swinging" with Levi and Ashley.

Easter Egg Hunt at church! She had a blast! The next morning at sunrise service, she thought we had gone there to find more eggs. Bless her heart, she was a little disappointed! :) I call this picture her moma pose. She looks like me with that little scowl on her face! Sad to say!

Group hug!

Right before the hunt!
Trying out her new shades she got in her easter basket. 4 for $1! I figured that wasn't bad!

Levi is spinning Callie around in her swing and then letting her go. She LOVED this! She kept saying "Again!" It was cute!

Now this one is cute - here are Levi and the Bug clearly breaking the weight limit on this wagon! :) Levi will be a good daddy some day. He is great with Callie!

Callie "swinging" with Levi and Ashley.

Easter Egg Hunt at church! She had a blast! The next morning at sunrise service, she thought we had gone there to find more eggs. Bless her heart, she was a little disappointed! :) I call this picture her moma pose. She looks like me with that little scowl on her face! Sad to say!

Group hug!

Right before the hunt!

Levi is spinning Callie around in her swing and then letting her go. She LOVED this! She kept saying "Again!" It was cute!

Now this one is cute - here are Levi and the Bug clearly breaking the weight limit on this wagon! :) Levi will be a good daddy some day. He is great with Callie!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Pictures of the Bug...

Callie with her bandana on her head like mommy's! I like to pull my hair back like this sometimes when I'm doing work in the house.

Callie loves "hose!" She will walk in my room and look in my drawer for hose. She just grins and says "hose" whenever she finds some or on Sunday mornings when we're getting ready for church. She's wearing some of my "half hose" in this picture and she just HAD to put on her church shoes after she put the hose on.

Here's my little Picasso painting at her easel. Callie LOVES painting and gets so excited when we start talking about painting!

Me and the Bug!

Callie and her daddy. She is such a daddy's girl. He's all she talks about when he's not home, and everyday she looks for him to come and get her out of the car when we get home from school.

Callie with her bandana on her head like mommy's! I like to pull my hair back like this sometimes when I'm doing work in the house.

Callie loves "hose!" She will walk in my room and look in my drawer for hose. She just grins and says "hose" whenever she finds some or on Sunday mornings when we're getting ready for church. She's wearing some of my "half hose" in this picture and she just HAD to put on her church shoes after she put the hose on.

Here's my little Picasso painting at her easel. Callie LOVES painting and gets so excited when we start talking about painting!

Me and the Bug!

Callie and her daddy. She is such a daddy's girl. He's all she talks about when he's not home, and everyday she looks for him to come and get her out of the car when we get home from school.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Rainy Wednesday
I finally decided to update my blog at school since I don't feel like doing it at home.
We've been good for the last month. Callie has been sick some. She's had a cold and perhaps bronchiolitis (not to be confused with bronchitis... they are not the same I learned!). We've done breathing treatments and taken steroids. She is doing better, but not 100% yet. :)
Everything else is going good. My student teacher is now counting down the weeks until he's all finished. He truly has improved, and I've seen him grow during this experience. He's more comfortable with teaching and with the kids, and he's done a good job. I'm already teaching 2 classes again... sigh... such a hard job! lol I feel like I've been doing NOTHING for a while, so doing something makes the day go by quicker.
I still haven't heard if I can go back to part-time next year, so who knows what next school year holds? I've sent my resume to a couple of schools asking them to consider me if a part-time opportunity if it presents itself, but I haven't heard anything from them.
I guess I will know what will happen in God's time, not mine. That's so hard! I know He knows what's in store for me and my family, so I will just trust in Him. I have known Proverbs 3:5,6 my whole life. Moma used to have it on the bathroom wall in our bathroom growing up, and recently I read it again and it just jumped out at me. God was just reassuring me that He was in control and that I needed to trust His judgement and not mine. It was a comforting and reassuring thought. I've been reading Proverbs and it has really been great! I've found all kinds of verses about holding my tongue really jumping out at me. It's given me lots to think about. Of course, doesn't it seem like everytime something like that is revealed to you, you're given a chance to "try it out" so to speak? It never fails! That happened at church just this last week too.
Speaking of church, our next youth Sunday is coming up this week. We have 2 teenage preachers doing the services. Eric will be preaching Sunday morning, and Cody will be preaching Sunday night. The youth choir will also be singing. I believe we have a skit too. Good stuff. I love working with the kids. I can't imagine not working with kids actually. I just enjoy the high schoolers. They keep me on my toes - no doubt!
Well, I hope you have a great rainy day. Thank God for the rain. We might be wishing we had some this summer so we'll take it now!
I need to get back to observing my little student teacher! :)
We've been good for the last month. Callie has been sick some. She's had a cold and perhaps bronchiolitis (not to be confused with bronchitis... they are not the same I learned!). We've done breathing treatments and taken steroids. She is doing better, but not 100% yet. :)
Everything else is going good. My student teacher is now counting down the weeks until he's all finished. He truly has improved, and I've seen him grow during this experience. He's more comfortable with teaching and with the kids, and he's done a good job. I'm already teaching 2 classes again... sigh... such a hard job! lol I feel like I've been doing NOTHING for a while, so doing something makes the day go by quicker.
I still haven't heard if I can go back to part-time next year, so who knows what next school year holds? I've sent my resume to a couple of schools asking them to consider me if a part-time opportunity if it presents itself, but I haven't heard anything from them.
I guess I will know what will happen in God's time, not mine. That's so hard! I know He knows what's in store for me and my family, so I will just trust in Him. I have known Proverbs 3:5,6 my whole life. Moma used to have it on the bathroom wall in our bathroom growing up, and recently I read it again and it just jumped out at me. God was just reassuring me that He was in control and that I needed to trust His judgement and not mine. It was a comforting and reassuring thought. I've been reading Proverbs and it has really been great! I've found all kinds of verses about holding my tongue really jumping out at me. It's given me lots to think about. Of course, doesn't it seem like everytime something like that is revealed to you, you're given a chance to "try it out" so to speak? It never fails! That happened at church just this last week too.
Speaking of church, our next youth Sunday is coming up this week. We have 2 teenage preachers doing the services. Eric will be preaching Sunday morning, and Cody will be preaching Sunday night. The youth choir will also be singing. I believe we have a skit too. Good stuff. I love working with the kids. I can't imagine not working with kids actually. I just enjoy the high schoolers. They keep me on my toes - no doubt!
Well, I hope you have a great rainy day. Thank God for the rain. We might be wishing we had some this summer so we'll take it now!
I need to get back to observing my little student teacher! :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A month later...
Well, I finally broke down and decided to update my blog. My life is really mundane (which I completely DO NOT mind!), so I don't have anything spectacular to blog about most days. I could tell you lots of Callie stories that are so cute and funny, but I'd rather spend time with her than take time to type them! :)
My student teacher is doing pretty well so far. It's so funny that I didn't realize all of the things I do and say that he doesn't just do. I know I've learned some things in the past couple of years while I've been teaching, but I just took for granted that I already knew those things. So, I am able to guide him and instruct him more than I thought I would be able to. He's coming around too. I'm trying not to make him just like me, but I try to get him to think about the way I would do certain things. Here lately, he will say things like, "yeah, that's what I was thinking." So, that's a good sign. We are starting to think alike, which means he's growing as a teacher and beginning to think more like a teacher.
The kids are warming up to him too. They pouted and looked at me with sad faces for a while when he first started, but they are learning to like him too. I can't say it didn't make me feel SO loved that they preferred me, but I'm sure by the time he gets ready to leave, they will be giving HIM the pouty face! That's okay. I can handle it. He will start teaching ALL of my classes next week for 4 weeks. What in the world will I do all day?!?!?! :) (woohoo! break for me!)
Well, I'm off to visit with Andy. Basketball season is finally over (I can hear the angels singing Hallelujah in the background...). I think I may have my husband back for a while, that is, until church softball starts up and the Braves. Then it's college football, then basketball.......sigh. :)
My student teacher is doing pretty well so far. It's so funny that I didn't realize all of the things I do and say that he doesn't just do. I know I've learned some things in the past couple of years while I've been teaching, but I just took for granted that I already knew those things. So, I am able to guide him and instruct him more than I thought I would be able to. He's coming around too. I'm trying not to make him just like me, but I try to get him to think about the way I would do certain things. Here lately, he will say things like, "yeah, that's what I was thinking." So, that's a good sign. We are starting to think alike, which means he's growing as a teacher and beginning to think more like a teacher.
The kids are warming up to him too. They pouted and looked at me with sad faces for a while when he first started, but they are learning to like him too. I can't say it didn't make me feel SO loved that they preferred me, but I'm sure by the time he gets ready to leave, they will be giving HIM the pouty face! That's okay. I can handle it. He will start teaching ALL of my classes next week for 4 weeks. What in the world will I do all day?!?!?! :) (woohoo! break for me!)
Well, I'm off to visit with Andy. Basketball season is finally over (I can hear the angels singing Hallelujah in the background...). I think I may have my husband back for a while, that is, until church softball starts up and the Braves. Then it's college football, then basketball.......sigh. :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Updates = More readers?
A little bird has informed me that frequent updates = more frequent readers. So, maybe I should attempt to be a more consistent updater? Sounds good. I'll give it a try.
Wow, today was well, different. We were supposed to allow our kids at the school the opportunity to watch the inauguration. I complied, but I must admit, not all of the kids were thrilled about this once in a lifetime, historical opportunity. Some tried to have discussions (irrelevant mind you) during the entire viewing. Some slept, and others just watched. Some of my kids openly said they didn't want to watch it, and it was depressing.
I tried not to show them my feelings were mutual, but I must admit, good DID come out of the situation. It must've been divinely ordained that we were told to cue our TVs to the inauguration via Dr. Gibbs, and VERY shortly thereafter, Rick Warren appears, prays what I would call a great prayer, and prays in the name of the "man who changed my life...JESUS!" It was GREAT! I thought to myself of how prayer has been taken out of schools and people want God out of everything, but we still are allowed to pray at the Presidential Inauguration in Jesus' name AND PRAISE GOD, it gets aired all over the entire campus of Johnson High School!?!?!?!?
I could've shouted right in my room when I heard him pray in Jesus name. God bless Rick Warren for not bowing down to all of the protests and for specifically mentioning that his prayer was intended to be heard by the one true and living GOD! I was so happy about that part if nothing else. I told one of my coworkers that if nothing else good came out of the entire situation, that my kids were allowed to hear that prayer. Maybe it caused them to think about WHY he prayed the way he did, and could they possibly be wondering why he said "THE MAN WHO CHANGED MY LIFE????" What an awesome way to get some inquiring minds thinking. Maybe they wonder what he meant by that. I'm sure the Holy Spirit could've stirred someone's heart over that statement, and I pray that happened.
Anyway, yes, Barack Hussein(cringe) Obama is now our President. Like Ray (my Sunday School teacher) says, God has allowed him to be President for a reason. It's all part of his plan. Also, even though I may not agree with Obama on the issues that matter, it's my job to be praying for him anyway. Wouldn't it be great for revival to break out in the White House? Hey, God can make it happen!
So, let's all pray for Obama. I don't see how it could hurt. Jesus wouldn't condone Obama's probable actions on abortion, immigration, the economy, and marriage I'm sure, but God still loves Obama just as much as He loves me. Wow... ponder that for a moment! I think I just had an epiphany with that one. I think I'll let that soak in over the next few days while all of the hype dies down over this inauguration.
In the mean time, I hope your week is great. Please pray for me. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do next year as far as working. I would love to go part-time or just stay at home, but I still haven't been given a clear answer on what to do. On paper, it seems like it would work for me to stay at home, but I'm not sure that's what God wants me to do. So, just pray for me. I know that He will not lead me in the wrong path, but I just want to make sure I hear His direction for my life clearly! :)
Love, BB
Wow, today was well, different. We were supposed to allow our kids at the school the opportunity to watch the inauguration. I complied, but I must admit, not all of the kids were thrilled about this once in a lifetime, historical opportunity. Some tried to have discussions (irrelevant mind you) during the entire viewing. Some slept, and others just watched. Some of my kids openly said they didn't want to watch it, and it was depressing.
I tried not to show them my feelings were mutual, but I must admit, good DID come out of the situation. It must've been divinely ordained that we were told to cue our TVs to the inauguration via Dr. Gibbs, and VERY shortly thereafter, Rick Warren appears, prays what I would call a great prayer, and prays in the name of the "man who changed my life...JESUS!" It was GREAT! I thought to myself of how prayer has been taken out of schools and people want God out of everything, but we still are allowed to pray at the Presidential Inauguration in Jesus' name AND PRAISE GOD, it gets aired all over the entire campus of Johnson High School!?!?!?!?
I could've shouted right in my room when I heard him pray in Jesus name. God bless Rick Warren for not bowing down to all of the protests and for specifically mentioning that his prayer was intended to be heard by the one true and living GOD! I was so happy about that part if nothing else. I told one of my coworkers that if nothing else good came out of the entire situation, that my kids were allowed to hear that prayer. Maybe it caused them to think about WHY he prayed the way he did, and could they possibly be wondering why he said "THE MAN WHO CHANGED MY LIFE????" What an awesome way to get some inquiring minds thinking. Maybe they wonder what he meant by that. I'm sure the Holy Spirit could've stirred someone's heart over that statement, and I pray that happened.
Anyway, yes, Barack Hussein(cringe) Obama is now our President. Like Ray (my Sunday School teacher) says, God has allowed him to be President for a reason. It's all part of his plan. Also, even though I may not agree with Obama on the issues that matter, it's my job to be praying for him anyway. Wouldn't it be great for revival to break out in the White House? Hey, God can make it happen!
So, let's all pray for Obama. I don't see how it could hurt. Jesus wouldn't condone Obama's probable actions on abortion, immigration, the economy, and marriage I'm sure, but God still loves Obama just as much as He loves me. Wow... ponder that for a moment! I think I just had an epiphany with that one. I think I'll let that soak in over the next few days while all of the hype dies down over this inauguration.
In the mean time, I hope your week is great. Please pray for me. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do next year as far as working. I would love to go part-time or just stay at home, but I still haven't been given a clear answer on what to do. On paper, it seems like it would work for me to stay at home, but I'm not sure that's what God wants me to do. So, just pray for me. I know that He will not lead me in the wrong path, but I just want to make sure I hear His direction for my life clearly! :)
Love, BB
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I hope that everyone has had a great last week and your new year is off to a great start.
Things at school are getting back to routine after having been out for 2 weeks. We are beginning to get back into our morning routine here at home too. It's weird how you really dread getting up early, doing the same things every day, but then when it gets messed up for a while, you long for that routine or some sort of routine in your life. I guess that's the teacher part in me coming out. We are routine creatures of habit, at least most of us anyway.
I have been terrible about updating this blog mainly because I think it's more therapeutic than widely read. It gives me something to do when I don't want to do something I need to do or I have a lull in my chores around home or school work.
Speaking of which, I just remembered I have a big stack of Geometry tests that need to be graded. Yuck.... Grading is not fun most of the time for me! I'm getting lazy since my student teacher is doing some of the grading already so he won't be bored to tears. He actually gets started teaching a class this upcoming week. I will hand over the reins and let him have at it. There's no better preparation than just getting into a classroom and trying it out. It's scary at first, takes lots of practice to get better at it (by the way, I AM still practicing myself!!!!!), and lots of patience that only God above can give to you, but it's a great job. It's rewarding (yes, even high school kids can make your day) and it's exhausting, but I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I have never imagined myself being anything other than a teacher, until I was a mother. Now I'm beginning to contemplate if I can be teacher AND mommy and do a good job at both. THAT, my friend, is an entirely different post!!! Maybe, I will post about it in the near future.
Anyway, I felt bad when I saw that everyone had updated recently and I just kept putting my blog off. So, my blog therapy will conclude with this short paragraph. Maybe it wasn't too boring!!! :)
Have a great weekend and week! Love!
Things at school are getting back to routine after having been out for 2 weeks. We are beginning to get back into our morning routine here at home too. It's weird how you really dread getting up early, doing the same things every day, but then when it gets messed up for a while, you long for that routine or some sort of routine in your life. I guess that's the teacher part in me coming out. We are routine creatures of habit, at least most of us anyway.
I have been terrible about updating this blog mainly because I think it's more therapeutic than widely read. It gives me something to do when I don't want to do something I need to do or I have a lull in my chores around home or school work.
Speaking of which, I just remembered I have a big stack of Geometry tests that need to be graded. Yuck.... Grading is not fun most of the time for me! I'm getting lazy since my student teacher is doing some of the grading already so he won't be bored to tears. He actually gets started teaching a class this upcoming week. I will hand over the reins and let him have at it. There's no better preparation than just getting into a classroom and trying it out. It's scary at first, takes lots of practice to get better at it (by the way, I AM still practicing myself!!!!!), and lots of patience that only God above can give to you, but it's a great job. It's rewarding (yes, even high school kids can make your day) and it's exhausting, but I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I have never imagined myself being anything other than a teacher, until I was a mother. Now I'm beginning to contemplate if I can be teacher AND mommy and do a good job at both. THAT, my friend, is an entirely different post!!! Maybe, I will post about it in the near future.
Anyway, I felt bad when I saw that everyone had updated recently and I just kept putting my blog off. So, my blog therapy will conclude with this short paragraph. Maybe it wasn't too boring!!! :)
Have a great weekend and week! Love!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Christmas Break - It will soon be gone!
We had a great Christmas!! It was stressful (Christmas day was), but other than that, we had a great time. I had to pray all day pretty much to keep myself from going ballistic at times. It's hard for me to relax when my child is tired, she won't eat, she hasn't had a nap, people want to visit with you, and you would rather be at home, BUT it turned out not be as bad as I thought it would be. We acquired many new and exciting gadgets and gifts. Andy is most proud of his GPS unit that I got for him. It got it at a serious deal the day after Thanksgiving at Target! It wasn't really all that expensive compared to what it normally is.
I have been soaking in every minute with Callie these last two weeks. She's been the sweetest most loving thing ever! She'll just raise her arms up to me and say mama, and then when I pick up her she will hug me SO tight around the neck! It is the sweetest thing! She'll even say "love you" after I say it to her sometimes. It is precious. She's been entertaining me and keeping me busy around the house cleaning up after her too. :)
We had our traditional New Year collards and cornbread today. We opted out of the black-eyed peas because I'm not to fond of them, and plus I already made a crockpot full of pinto beans this week! Anyway, the collards and cornbread were WONDERFUL! I would dare say that it was one of the best pawns of cornbread I ever made and the best collards I have ever made. Of course, they cooked almost all day yesterday and last night, so all of that TLC better be evident in how they taste! :)
I have been cooking a lot this week with the crock pot and cooking a lot in general. It's not been too bad since I have an on-site designated dishwasher to help out! Andy's been washing dishes, and it's been so nice. He's done well too!
Well, I better get something done that's productive around the house. I need to work on some, dare I say it, school (cringe) stuff!
FYI - I will have a student teacher this semester. I hope and pray he's a good one! Pray for me as I attempt to "show" him how I do it, and maybe help him to somehow miraculously transform into a good teacher? Don't ask me how that's going to happen! I feel really unqualified to be mentoring someone else in my profession since I am NO WHERE NEAR where I wish I was, but God has put this little teacher-to-be in my life for some reason! I just hope his experience is as great as mine was! I had a good student-teaching experience, unlike all of the horror stories everyone told me!
Have a great day and a VERY Happy New Year!
I have been soaking in every minute with Callie these last two weeks. She's been the sweetest most loving thing ever! She'll just raise her arms up to me and say mama, and then when I pick up her she will hug me SO tight around the neck! It is the sweetest thing! She'll even say "love you" after I say it to her sometimes. It is precious. She's been entertaining me and keeping me busy around the house cleaning up after her too. :)
We had our traditional New Year collards and cornbread today. We opted out of the black-eyed peas because I'm not to fond of them, and plus I already made a crockpot full of pinto beans this week! Anyway, the collards and cornbread were WONDERFUL! I would dare say that it was one of the best pawns of cornbread I ever made and the best collards I have ever made. Of course, they cooked almost all day yesterday and last night, so all of that TLC better be evident in how they taste! :)
I have been cooking a lot this week with the crock pot and cooking a lot in general. It's not been too bad since I have an on-site designated dishwasher to help out! Andy's been washing dishes, and it's been so nice. He's done well too!
Well, I better get something done that's productive around the house. I need to work on some, dare I say it, school (cringe) stuff!
FYI - I will have a student teacher this semester. I hope and pray he's a good one! Pray for me as I attempt to "show" him how I do it, and maybe help him to somehow miraculously transform into a good teacher? Don't ask me how that's going to happen! I feel really unqualified to be mentoring someone else in my profession since I am NO WHERE NEAR where I wish I was, but God has put this little teacher-to-be in my life for some reason! I just hope his experience is as great as mine was! I had a good student-teaching experience, unlike all of the horror stories everyone told me!
Have a great day and a VERY Happy New Year!
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