Callie with her bandana on her head like mommy's! I like to pull my hair back like this sometimes when I'm doing work in the house.

Callie loves "hose!" She will walk in my room and look in my drawer for hose. She just grins and says "hose" whenever she finds some or on Sunday mornings when we're getting ready for church. She's wearing some of my "half hose" in this picture and she just HAD to put on her church shoes after she put the hose on.

Here's my little Picasso painting at her easel. Callie LOVES painting and gets so excited when we start talking about painting!

Me and the Bug!

Callie and her daddy. She is such a daddy's girl. He's all she talks about when he's not home, and everyday she looks for him to come and get her out of the car when we get home from school.
More pictures!!! I love it!!!! Levi wants to know why there are no pictures of him and the Bug!
She is SO funny! The panty hose thing is hilarious...
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