I finally decided to update my blog at school since I don't feel like doing it at home.
We've been good for the last month. Callie has been sick some. She's had a cold and perhaps bronchiolitis (not to be confused with bronchitis... they are not the same I learned!). We've done breathing treatments and taken steroids. She is doing better, but not 100% yet. :)
Everything else is going good. My student teacher is now counting down the weeks until he's all finished. He truly has improved, and I've seen him grow during this experience. He's more comfortable with teaching and with the kids, and he's done a good job. I'm already teaching 2 classes again... sigh... such a hard job! lol I feel like I've been doing NOTHING for a while, so doing something makes the day go by quicker.
I still haven't heard if I can go back to part-time next year, so who knows what next school year holds? I've sent my resume to a couple of schools asking them to consider me if a part-time opportunity if it presents itself, but I haven't heard anything from them.
I guess I will know what will happen in God's time, not mine. That's so hard! I know He knows what's in store for me and my family, so I will just trust in Him. I have known Proverbs 3:5,6 my whole life. Moma used to have it on the bathroom wall in our bathroom growing up, and recently I read it again and it just jumped out at me. God was just reassuring me that He was in control and that I needed to trust His judgement and not mine. It was a comforting and reassuring thought. I've been reading Proverbs and it has really been great! I've found all kinds of verses about holding my tongue really jumping out at me. It's given me lots to think about. Of course, doesn't it seem like everytime something like that is revealed to you, you're given a chance to "try it out" so to speak? It never fails! That happened at church just this last week too.
Speaking of church, our next youth Sunday is coming up this week. We have 2 teenage preachers doing the services. Eric will be preaching Sunday morning, and Cody will be preaching Sunday night. The youth choir will also be singing. I believe we have a skit too. Good stuff. I love working with the kids. I can't imagine not working with kids actually. I just enjoy the high schoolers. They keep me on my toes - no doubt!
Well, I hope you have a great rainy day. Thank God for the rain. We might be wishing we had some this summer so we'll take it now!
I need to get back to observing my little student teacher! :)