Do you plan monthly menus for supper or for lunch?
You know, being a teacher, I've always been a planner. Spontaneity in certain situations can give me anxiety at times, but up until I started staying at home, I had never really been a menu person when it came to preparing food in my home. For some reason my planning didn't carry over to my home life!
Sure, I had ideas about what I might make during that week, but I remember going to the grocery store, picking out some staples and maybe some stuff in particular that I was thinking about cooking, going home, and still feeling at times like I had nothing to eat. Sometimes I would come from school and wonder, what are we going to eat tonight? Sometimes I would have what I wanted in order to cook a certain meal, and sometimes I did not. It became very old and stressful to think about cooking supper!
I was missing something - a plan! AND I was spending way too much money!
Well, enter the stay-at-home-mama stage on my life, and all of a sudden a plan was needed. Money doesn't grow on trees, and we don't need to overspend on groceries or anything for that matter. Gone are the days of casually going grocery shopping and putting whatever I want into my cart only to figure out meals later. No, that will not do!
Turns out that we spend about the same amount of money, or even less now, on groceries than we did before Callie was born or about the time she was born, which was 5 years ago.
This amazes me!
What is the difference? Planning out a menu and putting thought and time into what I will buy, how much of it, and staying OUT of the grocery store!
Some women are tempted to buy clothes every time they walk into a department store. I fall into that category too, but I am the same way at the grocery store! If I am not careful, it can become a shopping spree. Am I alone in this? I see buy one get one free deals, and I feel like a kid in the candy store. LOL
Anyway, so here is my challenge to you. If you are concerned about how much money you spend out of your monthly budget in groceries, stress out about what you will cook for supper every night, or just casually grocery shop like I used to do, then I challenge you to develop a supper menu for your family. It can be a monthly calendar or even 2 weeks at a time or even just for one week. I guarantee you that you will spend less money and feel less stress about what you are going to cook for supper every day!
I have attached a couple of menus that I have used in the past and still use. I did NOT come up with these resources! They come from Enjoy! Let me know how your meal planning goes if you try it!
I am a teacher who has taken time off from teaching to be a stay-at-home mama. I use this blog to talk about things on my mind. I am not your typical stay-at-home mom with wise words to live by flowing out of my mouth, with a super duper clean and organized house, with exquisite culinary skills, or with amazing creative crafting abilities, but I am who I am.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Apples are my new favorite fruit
I looked in my fridge the other day and discovered I had accumulated about 20 apples.
Some of them came from the grocery store and some from Jaemor.
After talking with Ashley, we decided to make some apple butter. Then, a very smart friend of mine, told me to save the peels to make apple jelly! Who knew!?!?
Being very impatient as I am, I couldn't wait to do the apple butter (that has been put on hold until Ashley and I can get together), but mama suggested that I dehydrate the apples. So, I did!
They turned out pretty good too!
Then, it was amazing. I used a simple recipe online to make some apple jelly out of the peels and cores. Yes, I used the cores! It was amazing because there was really nothing wasted!
I felt so good. Surely all of my organic and green-crazed friends would have been so proud. LOL
It's so cool to think about all of the things I've been able to do since I've been staying at home.
I've really gotten to practice with my sewing machine, do some serious crafting, and try all sorts of new recipes. And we're talking it's real cooking - not just out of a box!
Most of this inspiration has not come from within though. I credit my sister, my mother, pinterest, and other people that I talk to frequently with giving me the ideas.
Anyway, sort of a boring blog post, but I was really excited about the apples yesterday. Just had to share! :)
Have YOU been working on anything super cool!? Leave me a comment and tell me about it! :)
Some of them came from the grocery store and some from Jaemor.
After talking with Ashley, we decided to make some apple butter. Then, a very smart friend of mine, told me to save the peels to make apple jelly! Who knew!?!?
Being very impatient as I am, I couldn't wait to do the apple butter (that has been put on hold until Ashley and I can get together), but mama suggested that I dehydrate the apples. So, I did!
They turned out pretty good too!
Then, it was amazing. I used a simple recipe online to make some apple jelly out of the peels and cores. Yes, I used the cores! It was amazing because there was really nothing wasted!
I felt so good. Surely all of my organic and green-crazed friends would have been so proud. LOL
It's so cool to think about all of the things I've been able to do since I've been staying at home.
I've really gotten to practice with my sewing machine, do some serious crafting, and try all sorts of new recipes. And we're talking it's real cooking - not just out of a box!
Most of this inspiration has not come from within though. I credit my sister, my mother, pinterest, and other people that I talk to frequently with giving me the ideas.
Anyway, sort of a boring blog post, but I was really excited about the apples yesterday. Just had to share! :)
Have YOU been working on anything super cool!? Leave me a comment and tell me about it! :)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
My Cup Runneth Over... Sweet lessons from the Lord
Don't you love those moments when you just feel overwhelmed with God's love for you and you almost feel Him just pouring His love and truth into your heart?
I just had one of those moments and let me tell you my cup runneth over!
I just finished up reading the "Be the Mom" book that I have been blogging about some. All I can say is WOW. If you are a mom, this book is essential for you to read!
I know that ever since I decided to stay at home with Caroline, that I have had a hard time finding my purpose. Going from working outside of the home and contributing to the family finances to not working and teaching a few piano lessons that amount to less than $100 per month really was a blow to my perception of how to be an effective member and contributing member of my family.
Sure I always knew that being a mama was important, but all last school year I struggled to find myself. What was I supposed to be doing? Was I doing this stay-at-home mama thing right?
I will tell you some things I learned I was NOT supposed to do.
1) Clean my house all the time and expect it to stay clean.
This wore me out. I felt like I didn't get anything accomplished. I have two tornadoes that live here named Callie and Caroline. Neither of them exactly know how to clean up a mess very well or how to keep from making messes. So, I learned to divide and conquer my tasks and at times to "embrace the mess." Still hard to do, but I think I am a little better than I used to be.
2) Try to keep up with and be like some of these bloggy stay-at-home-moms.
I don't know about you, but if I start reading blogs online, I start to feel like I don't fall into this stereotypical stay-at-home-mom mold that that says she is supposed to sew all day, have a perfect house, and constantly be doing crafts and educational projects with her kids. Hey y'all - I can't do all of that! I admit it!
So, I feel like I wasted a year of time at home in some respects. I wish I had worked more with Caroline last year on reading to her every day, not worrying about those clothes that needed washing (that could have waited), and spent more quality time with Callie after I picked her up from school.
After reading this book, "Be the Mom," I think I have finally started to realize what I am made for, what I was made to do, and how much God values me as a mother. No matter what anyone thinks or says, I am the person that God has entrusted to my children to be their mother. I will mess this thing up many times, but He is here to help me. You don't ever figure out this stay-at-home mom thing. You just need to "BE THE MOM!" and the best one you can be at that.
One more story, and then I will end this blog novel. :)
As many of you know, Caroline has NEVER slept well since she was born. Callie was my dream child as far as sleep goes. Caroline, on the other hand, has a hard time going to sleep sometimes, and then ultimately she has a hard time staying asleep. This has left me feeling angry, bitter, and sleep-deprived for almost 2 years now. I don't know about you, but an almost 2 year old waking me up from my sleep at 3:00 am and demanding certain things and screaming unless she gets her way does not bring out the best in me. In fact, it brings out the worst. This leaves me feeling guilty beyond measure. I realize how selfish I am and how selfless I need to be.
What really got me this morning, when I finished up the book, was reading those last few words of Tracey's encouragement. She said something along the lines of, "God is using your children to make you the person and woman He wants you to be."
Whew! I'm tell you, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt God speaking this to my heart and reminding me that not only did He make Caroline this way (strong-willed, hard-headed, demanding, yet sweet all at the same time) for a purpose, but He has entrusted her to be her mom because He knew I was the woman for the job. He's also using her in my life to mold me and shape me into the woman He wants me to be - which is selfless, having a servant's heart, patient, kind, and all of those other fruits of the Spirit. The thought still brings tears to my eyes.
Oh how He loves us!
I had never put two and two together like that, but it changes my perspective a lot on the entire topic of being a mother to my children. God loves me so much that He sent me these particular children. He made me them the way that they are and me the way I am and knew that I would be the perfect woman for the job. The same goes for you too.
If that doesn't make you feel good today, then I don't know what will!
Love on your babies!
Be the Mom!
Leave me a comment!
I just had one of those moments and let me tell you my cup runneth over!
I just finished up reading the "Be the Mom" book that I have been blogging about some. All I can say is WOW. If you are a mom, this book is essential for you to read!
I know that ever since I decided to stay at home with Caroline, that I have had a hard time finding my purpose. Going from working outside of the home and contributing to the family finances to not working and teaching a few piano lessons that amount to less than $100 per month really was a blow to my perception of how to be an effective member and contributing member of my family.
Sure I always knew that being a mama was important, but all last school year I struggled to find myself. What was I supposed to be doing? Was I doing this stay-at-home mama thing right?
I will tell you some things I learned I was NOT supposed to do.
1) Clean my house all the time and expect it to stay clean.
This wore me out. I felt like I didn't get anything accomplished. I have two tornadoes that live here named Callie and Caroline. Neither of them exactly know how to clean up a mess very well or how to keep from making messes. So, I learned to divide and conquer my tasks and at times to "embrace the mess." Still hard to do, but I think I am a little better than I used to be.
2) Try to keep up with and be like some of these bloggy stay-at-home-moms.
I don't know about you, but if I start reading blogs online, I start to feel like I don't fall into this stereotypical stay-at-home-mom mold that that says she is supposed to sew all day, have a perfect house, and constantly be doing crafts and educational projects with her kids. Hey y'all - I can't do all of that! I admit it!
So, I feel like I wasted a year of time at home in some respects. I wish I had worked more with Caroline last year on reading to her every day, not worrying about those clothes that needed washing (that could have waited), and spent more quality time with Callie after I picked her up from school.
After reading this book, "Be the Mom," I think I have finally started to realize what I am made for, what I was made to do, and how much God values me as a mother. No matter what anyone thinks or says, I am the person that God has entrusted to my children to be their mother. I will mess this thing up many times, but He is here to help me. You don't ever figure out this stay-at-home mom thing. You just need to "BE THE MOM!" and the best one you can be at that.
One more story, and then I will end this blog novel. :)
As many of you know, Caroline has NEVER slept well since she was born. Callie was my dream child as far as sleep goes. Caroline, on the other hand, has a hard time going to sleep sometimes, and then ultimately she has a hard time staying asleep. This has left me feeling angry, bitter, and sleep-deprived for almost 2 years now. I don't know about you, but an almost 2 year old waking me up from my sleep at 3:00 am and demanding certain things and screaming unless she gets her way does not bring out the best in me. In fact, it brings out the worst. This leaves me feeling guilty beyond measure. I realize how selfish I am and how selfless I need to be.
What really got me this morning, when I finished up the book, was reading those last few words of Tracey's encouragement. She said something along the lines of, "God is using your children to make you the person and woman He wants you to be."
Whew! I'm tell you, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt God speaking this to my heart and reminding me that not only did He make Caroline this way (strong-willed, hard-headed, demanding, yet sweet all at the same time) for a purpose, but He has entrusted her to be her mom because He knew I was the woman for the job. He's also using her in my life to mold me and shape me into the woman He wants me to be - which is selfless, having a servant's heart, patient, kind, and all of those other fruits of the Spirit. The thought still brings tears to my eyes.
Oh how He loves us!
I had never put two and two together like that, but it changes my perspective a lot on the entire topic of being a mother to my children. God loves me so much that He sent me these particular children. He made me them the way that they are and me the way I am and knew that I would be the perfect woman for the job. The same goes for you too.
If that doesn't make you feel good today, then I don't know what will!
Love on your babies!
Be the Mom!
Leave me a comment!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Awesome Resource
Here is an awesome website filled with encouragement for moms.
Tracey is the author of the book I'm reading called, "Be the Mom." I have been blessed so much by this book!
Sometimes I feel like she is writing to me.
Check it out!
Leave me a comment if you visit my blog!
Tracey is the author of the book I'm reading called, "Be the Mom." I have been blessed so much by this book!
Sometimes I feel like she is writing to me.
Check it out!
Leave me a comment if you visit my blog!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Weekend Events
Last week was quite a busy week here at the Brown house. Seems like we had something going on almost every day. Those types of weeks can either go by fast or slow. Last week seemed to go by pretty fast.
Callie is getting more used to school. She likes her teachers and is making new friends all of the time it seems.
Caroline is still her feisty-self. She is actually going to be going to the Level Grove Preschool one day a week for a few hours just so she can have some interaction time with other kids and maybe give me a chance to do some things that I need to do.
She went today, and I was totally lost without her. I feel like as a mama I am so used to having my kids (at least one of them) with me all of the time. I felt so strange not having one of them to keep up with. Perhaps I will get used to it, but I don't really want to. :)
Anyway, the point of this point was to talk about weekend stuff.
Andy's birthday was on Saturday. He is officially 5 years older than me again. We did not do anything super special for his birthday, but I did stay in the kitchen a good part of the day it seems.
I made him some bacon for breakfast. Then, that morning worked on his homemade red velvet cake (Maw Maw's recipe). Later that evening for supper we had homemade patty melts (Pioneer Woman style!), like the kind at the Waffle House. All in all, it was a good day for eating! Callie enjoyed the cake as did everyone else. She always licks the cream cheese icing bowl clean. Silly girl and her sweets!
Sunday we had a good service at church too, then we ate with mama, daddy, Ashley, Levi, and Silas. It was some mighty fine eating there too!
Good weekend over all. I leave you with some pictures of the deliciousness that came from my kitchen this weekend....
Red Velvet Cake. My only complaint: I did not use pecans in the icing. Some people don't like them! ha! Pay no attention to my messiness on the cake platter!
Ooey gooey swiss cheese, sauteed onions, and the patty on rye bread. Oh yes!
Callie is getting more used to school. She likes her teachers and is making new friends all of the time it seems.
Caroline is still her feisty-self. She is actually going to be going to the Level Grove Preschool one day a week for a few hours just so she can have some interaction time with other kids and maybe give me a chance to do some things that I need to do.
She went today, and I was totally lost without her. I feel like as a mama I am so used to having my kids (at least one of them) with me all of the time. I felt so strange not having one of them to keep up with. Perhaps I will get used to it, but I don't really want to. :)
Anyway, the point of this point was to talk about weekend stuff.
Andy's birthday was on Saturday. He is officially 5 years older than me again. We did not do anything super special for his birthday, but I did stay in the kitchen a good part of the day it seems.
I made him some bacon for breakfast. Then, that morning worked on his homemade red velvet cake (Maw Maw's recipe). Later that evening for supper we had homemade patty melts (Pioneer Woman style!), like the kind at the Waffle House. All in all, it was a good day for eating! Callie enjoyed the cake as did everyone else. She always licks the cream cheese icing bowl clean. Silly girl and her sweets!
Sunday we had a good service at church too, then we ate with mama, daddy, Ashley, Levi, and Silas. It was some mighty fine eating there too!
Good weekend over all. I leave you with some pictures of the deliciousness that came from my kitchen this weekend....
Ooey gooey swiss cheese, sauteed onions, and the patty on rye bread. Oh yes!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Hey! If you happen to read my blog, make sure you leave a comment! I love to hear your thoughts! :)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Did I Do That? (in my best Urkel voice)
I sit here with my eyes still burning and tingling after crying and having a "weltdown" with Caroline. Yes, that's "weltdown" since "we" had a "meltdown" at the same time.
If anyone was watching (other than our gracious God), I would NEVER EVER receive the Mother-of-the-Year award for the show I just put on. *Sigh....
I was not giving her the attention she apparently wanted so she started crying. I thought she might be hungry, even though it was close to nap time. So, we tried food. No. She just screamed. So, then I tried to get her to sleep. No. She didn't want to be rocked. She just screamed. Tried to lay down with her on my bed. No. She just screamed.
Do you sense a pattern here? :)
While I was trying to determine what was wrong with her (gave her teething tablets, gas drops, orajel, and a cup of water) NOTHING was working. It just kept wearing on me until I snapped. Crying and screaming myself (must have been super ugly) I clearly did not help the situation. So, after I called out loud to God for help and strength and He starting pulling me back to reality, I began to pray and then feel guilty and feel like the biggest failure EVER!
Why is it that I am so capable of becoming unglued by simple things sometimes? Ever been there? Ever let your hormones dictate your actions and your reactions? Ever let your almost 2 year old control your feelings and your actions? Ouch...that hurts me to type!
After God got my attention during my spell, one thing that helped me was to think about the inspiration I have been receiving from the new book I am reading called "Be the Mom." Dude, this book will OPEN your eyes!!!! I feel like the author is writing about ME sometimes! It's so convicting, but I feel like right now it's something God is really trying to work with me on. So glad He's long-suffering too! :(
God has given me two very different, but beautiful and smart girls to try to raise. It's my job to "Be the Mom" and not fall down and start kicking and screaming with them, even though it's hard sometimes. :) Pray for me that I would do better! It's days like this that make me wonder why I ever tried to do this stay-at-home thing, but then tomorrow might be one of those days where I wouldn't trade it for anything. Pray that God would get ahold of my attitude. It's pretty raunchy about almost everything way too much. Pray that God would magnify the good things I do and my children see and minimize those that are not showing the good side of me. Being a mama is hard work and a serious job! I appreciate your prayers! :)
If anyone was watching (other than our gracious God), I would NEVER EVER receive the Mother-of-the-Year award for the show I just put on. *Sigh....
I was not giving her the attention she apparently wanted so she started crying. I thought she might be hungry, even though it was close to nap time. So, we tried food. No. She just screamed. So, then I tried to get her to sleep. No. She didn't want to be rocked. She just screamed. Tried to lay down with her on my bed. No. She just screamed.
Do you sense a pattern here? :)
While I was trying to determine what was wrong with her (gave her teething tablets, gas drops, orajel, and a cup of water) NOTHING was working. It just kept wearing on me until I snapped. Crying and screaming myself (must have been super ugly) I clearly did not help the situation. So, after I called out loud to God for help and strength and He starting pulling me back to reality, I began to pray and then feel guilty and feel like the biggest failure EVER!
Why is it that I am so capable of becoming unglued by simple things sometimes? Ever been there? Ever let your hormones dictate your actions and your reactions? Ever let your almost 2 year old control your feelings and your actions? Ouch...that hurts me to type!
After God got my attention during my spell, one thing that helped me was to think about the inspiration I have been receiving from the new book I am reading called "Be the Mom." Dude, this book will OPEN your eyes!!!! I feel like the author is writing about ME sometimes! It's so convicting, but I feel like right now it's something God is really trying to work with me on. So glad He's long-suffering too! :(
God has given me two very different, but beautiful and smart girls to try to raise. It's my job to "Be the Mom" and not fall down and start kicking and screaming with them, even though it's hard sometimes. :) Pray for me that I would do better! It's days like this that make me wonder why I ever tried to do this stay-at-home thing, but then tomorrow might be one of those days where I wouldn't trade it for anything. Pray that God would get ahold of my attitude. It's pretty raunchy about almost everything way too much. Pray that God would magnify the good things I do and my children see and minimize those that are not showing the good side of me. Being a mama is hard work and a serious job! I appreciate your prayers! :)
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Before I get started typing this blog, I just want you to know I have spared you what I REALLY wanted to blog (er, I mean complain) about. Alas, people don't like complainers, and I must admit I am pretty bad about doing it ..... a lot. :(
Pray for me. God truly is not finished with me yet!
Moving on....
I just wanted to share a couple of the latest things I have done in my crafting world. I have been making some baby gifts and birthday presents. I think I am going to do more of this for Christmas this year. I have always appreciated a personal touch when it comes to gifts, but it is not required. A personal, considerate store-bought gift is just as special.
Anyway, here are some of the things I've been doing lately.
Decorated wipes case. Love these. They are so easy and yet the possibilities are endless!!! This one was for my friend's new baby, Shelby.
My first attempt at a chic and shabby bib for Shelby too. And yes, it's supposed to look messy! :)
Present for my daddy for Father's Day from his grandchildren. Callie's hand is the cow, Caroline's hand is the hen, and Silas's foot is the tractor. Love this one so much. :)
If you would like any links to any of these things that I made, I could probably send you a link to the tutorials that I used. I love crafting, but I must say that most of the time, I do NOT come up with all of the things I make. My signs are originals, but the rest of the things I made I got from ideas of other people. Most of the picture we made for my daddy is original, but I got ideas about how to incorporate the hands/feet into the picture.
I seriously think I need to have a Pinterest party soon! We could craft, cook, and just have a good girls time together if I decided to do it! :)
Pray for me. God truly is not finished with me yet!
Moving on....
I just wanted to share a couple of the latest things I have done in my crafting world. I have been making some baby gifts and birthday presents. I think I am going to do more of this for Christmas this year. I have always appreciated a personal touch when it comes to gifts, but it is not required. A personal, considerate store-bought gift is just as special.
Anyway, here are some of the things I've been doing lately.
Here's a name plaque for Madilynn Reese... my soon-to-be-born cousin!
A sleep sack for Madilynn made from her daddy's old dress shirt. I also added a bow applique on the right hand side, but didn't take a picture after I did that.
Name plaque for Miss Chloe. She is 2! She is also one of the most content children I know. :)
Decorated wipes case. Love these. They are so easy and yet the possibilities are endless!!! This one was for my friend's new baby, Shelby.
My first attempt at a chic and shabby bib for Shelby too. And yes, it's supposed to look messy! :)
Homemade hooded towel I made for Callie. I definitely see myself making some of these for Christmas this year! So practical, and it's easy to do on the sewing machine!
Present for my daddy for Father's Day from his grandchildren. Callie's hand is the cow, Caroline's hand is the hen, and Silas's foot is the tractor. Love this one so much. :)
If you would like any links to any of these things that I made, I could probably send you a link to the tutorials that I used. I love crafting, but I must say that most of the time, I do NOT come up with all of the things I make. My signs are originals, but the rest of the things I made I got from ideas of other people. Most of the picture we made for my daddy is original, but I got ideas about how to incorporate the hands/feet into the picture.
I seriously think I need to have a Pinterest party soon! We could craft, cook, and just have a good girls time together if I decided to do it! :)
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Facebook is really beginning to annoy, hurt, and yeah, hurt
As of late, I find myself getting more and more disgusted with some things and some people on facebook.
Am I alone in this!?!?!?
Please let me know if you have this problem too, but has being on facebook and being "friends" with people in church caused more strife in your church life? Or has it brought you closer together?
For me, it has been the first of those two: It has caused me more pain than joy. Aren't we supposed to be buildling each other up instead of tearing each other down? I feel like some "friends" on mine have only one mission on facebook: to hurt people.
I am continually appalled at this.
But, then again, maybe I wear my heart on my sleeves..........
Call me crazy, but does it hurt you when someone "defriends" you for NO reason? Especially if that person is a fellow member of your church?
The devil is truly working so hard, and I KNOW that he uses facebook to defeat and discourage people.
So, here is my dilemma....
I have seriously considered deleting my account all together. I have had my feelings hurt two times since yesterday about junk I have seen on there. But only one thing keeps me logging in again. It's those people that I actually like seeing what is going on in their lives, and those people who post encouraging words or Bible verses. It's those people who I used to work with that became my other family, and facebook is the way I can catch up with them too.
What do I DO?
I don't feel as though I should delete those people who annoy me or post ugly or nasty things, because I do not want them hurt at me for the reasons I mentioned above.
At the same time, I don't want to delete my whole account, because then I would lose touch with some people I really care about and some that encourage me.
So.... what would you do?
Have you been struggling with disappointment from facebook too as I have?
Am I alone in this!?!?!?
Please let me know if you have this problem too, but has being on facebook and being "friends" with people in church caused more strife in your church life? Or has it brought you closer together?
For me, it has been the first of those two: It has caused me more pain than joy. Aren't we supposed to be buildling each other up instead of tearing each other down? I feel like some "friends" on mine have only one mission on facebook: to hurt people.
I am continually appalled at this.
But, then again, maybe I wear my heart on my sleeves..........
Call me crazy, but does it hurt you when someone "defriends" you for NO reason? Especially if that person is a fellow member of your church?
The devil is truly working so hard, and I KNOW that he uses facebook to defeat and discourage people.
So, here is my dilemma....
I have seriously considered deleting my account all together. I have had my feelings hurt two times since yesterday about junk I have seen on there. But only one thing keeps me logging in again. It's those people that I actually like seeing what is going on in their lives, and those people who post encouraging words or Bible verses. It's those people who I used to work with that became my other family, and facebook is the way I can catch up with them too.
What do I DO?
I don't feel as though I should delete those people who annoy me or post ugly or nasty things, because I do not want them hurt at me for the reasons I mentioned above.
At the same time, I don't want to delete my whole account, because then I would lose touch with some people I really care about and some that encourage me.
So.... what would you do?
Have you been struggling with disappointment from facebook too as I have?
Monday, May 7, 2012
Blog Title and My Long List of Excuses
Okay people. So, here's my deal.
Yeah, it's been forever since I had a decent post on here. Hence the reason, people do not frequent websites - lack of keeping it current. :) My apologies to my 3 faithful followers.
So, I have a favor to ask. I really wish I had a cute blog title. Alas, my creative brain cells were ever so taken from me due to birthing 2 children. Therefore, I depend on you all to help me come up with something creative that suites me and the purpose of my blog. If it helps, here are some things about me that I like that might give you an idea of what to help me name this blog. Please leave me a comment and give me all of your suggestions. I want to hear them!
Purpose of my blog: Tell about my personal epiphanies, experiences, funny stories, food struggles, etc.
Likes: God, music, piano, singing, chocolate, and purple
Name and Nicknames: Brittany, BB
Other things about me: I am staying at home for now with my 2 girls. I have a husband who people say looks like Forest Gump and/or Mr. Bean. I am certified to teach math, and well, that's about it.
There you have it! Maybe together we can come up with something!
Moving on.... here's my list of top 5 excuses as to why I have NOT been blogging faithfully.
1. My "sweet Caroline" (not sure if Neil Diamond knew what he was talking about when he sang that song. My Caroline is not always sweet! :) ), has been sick off and on for months and we finally had it all come to a head. Things are better for now thanks to medicine and most importantly the Healing Hand of God and sweet prayers on our behalf. We are praying summer begins soon and that cold season ends quickly.
2. I have been super busy. Is it just me or do things really start kicking into gear after Spring Break? There's Spring Break, then yard sales, birthday parties, end of school activities, and soon we will have vacation, VBS, more birthday parties, and sheesh! I am getting tired just typing all of that.
3. I am lazy and tired. Sometimes I take a nap when Caroline does, thus, greatly reducing my blogging time and cleaning up the house time.
4. Sometimes I just haven't felt like it. I am woman. I am entitled to say that. LOL
5. I have been feeling guilty because I have been slacking off on my food-watching!
This is quite possibly the most random blog post EVER in the history of blogging, but I wanted to tell you about something I have discovered about me and what helps me stay on track with my eating.
Some people really don't like to do it, but let me tell you that I think counting calories and keeping a food diary are KEY in losing weight and keeping it off. When I make myself count how many calories I put in my mouth and write it down and realize at 3:30pm that I only have 200 calories left for the day, then all-of-a-sudden I get serious! I have tried phone APPS and tried writing it down, and keeping a little notebook where I write it all down is just the key for me.
I don't know where you are with your food issues. I hope that all of you reading this are your ideal weight, and you never have a struggle with food. Unfortunately, I want to have my cake and eat it too. Which is why I have to watch what goes in my mouth. God didn't bless us all with super-fast metabolisms that just burn off calories as soon as they hit our tongue.
Even though, I have to work at it, my "issues" keep me where I need to be honestly. You know, I can't do this healthy eating thing by myself. I HAVE TO RELY ON GOD. I have to pray for His strength to make healthy choices and to follow through with those choices. Food, just like other unhealthy lifestyle choices, is a real temptation. Having the willpower to tell your lips and your hips no is hard. I don't always succeed, but I have learned that God is the ultimate source for my strength to do what I need to do, just like every other area of my life.
I will leave you with that thought. Make sure that you include God in everything, and that includes the strength to say no to that twinkie and Dr. Pepper you know would just delight your taste buds, but afterwards leave you feeling sluggish, guilty, and defeated about your eating habits. They are okay sometimes, but consumed daily, you know what will happen. :)
Let God be your strength. I promise He will be. He said He would.
Phil. 4:13, Isaiah 41:10
And by the way, this blog post was more for me than anyone else!
P.S. Have you exercised your body and your faith today?
Yeah, it's been forever since I had a decent post on here. Hence the reason, people do not frequent websites - lack of keeping it current. :) My apologies to my 3 faithful followers.
So, I have a favor to ask. I really wish I had a cute blog title. Alas, my creative brain cells were ever so taken from me due to birthing 2 children. Therefore, I depend on you all to help me come up with something creative that suites me and the purpose of my blog. If it helps, here are some things about me that I like that might give you an idea of what to help me name this blog. Please leave me a comment and give me all of your suggestions. I want to hear them!
Purpose of my blog: Tell about my personal epiphanies, experiences, funny stories, food struggles, etc.
Likes: God, music, piano, singing, chocolate, and purple
Name and Nicknames: Brittany, BB
Other things about me: I am staying at home for now with my 2 girls. I have a husband who people say looks like Forest Gump and/or Mr. Bean. I am certified to teach math, and well, that's about it.
There you have it! Maybe together we can come up with something!
Moving on.... here's my list of top 5 excuses as to why I have NOT been blogging faithfully.
1. My "sweet Caroline" (not sure if Neil Diamond knew what he was talking about when he sang that song. My Caroline is not always sweet! :) ), has been sick off and on for months and we finally had it all come to a head. Things are better for now thanks to medicine and most importantly the Healing Hand of God and sweet prayers on our behalf. We are praying summer begins soon and that cold season ends quickly.
2. I have been super busy. Is it just me or do things really start kicking into gear after Spring Break? There's Spring Break, then yard sales, birthday parties, end of school activities, and soon we will have vacation, VBS, more birthday parties, and sheesh! I am getting tired just typing all of that.
3. I am lazy and tired. Sometimes I take a nap when Caroline does, thus, greatly reducing my blogging time and cleaning up the house time.
4. Sometimes I just haven't felt like it. I am woman. I am entitled to say that. LOL
5. I have been feeling guilty because I have been slacking off on my food-watching!
This is quite possibly the most random blog post EVER in the history of blogging, but I wanted to tell you about something I have discovered about me and what helps me stay on track with my eating.
Some people really don't like to do it, but let me tell you that I think counting calories and keeping a food diary are KEY in losing weight and keeping it off. When I make myself count how many calories I put in my mouth and write it down and realize at 3:30pm that I only have 200 calories left for the day, then all-of-a-sudden I get serious! I have tried phone APPS and tried writing it down, and keeping a little notebook where I write it all down is just the key for me.
I don't know where you are with your food issues. I hope that all of you reading this are your ideal weight, and you never have a struggle with food. Unfortunately, I want to have my cake and eat it too. Which is why I have to watch what goes in my mouth. God didn't bless us all with super-fast metabolisms that just burn off calories as soon as they hit our tongue.
Even though, I have to work at it, my "issues" keep me where I need to be honestly. You know, I can't do this healthy eating thing by myself. I HAVE TO RELY ON GOD. I have to pray for His strength to make healthy choices and to follow through with those choices. Food, just like other unhealthy lifestyle choices, is a real temptation. Having the willpower to tell your lips and your hips no is hard. I don't always succeed, but I have learned that God is the ultimate source for my strength to do what I need to do, just like every other area of my life.
I will leave you with that thought. Make sure that you include God in everything, and that includes the strength to say no to that twinkie and Dr. Pepper you know would just delight your taste buds, but afterwards leave you feeling sluggish, guilty, and defeated about your eating habits. They are okay sometimes, but consumed daily, you know what will happen. :)
Let God be your strength. I promise He will be. He said He would.
Phil. 4:13, Isaiah 41:10
And by the way, this blog post was more for me than anyone else!
P.S. Have you exercised your body and your faith today?
Friday, April 27, 2012
Still here!
To all of my bloggie friends.... (all 2 of you! LOL)
No, I have not stopped blogging.
Yes, I think about the fact it has been FOREVER since I updated my blog.
I will try to update soon about my healthy eating journey. I've had some success, but encountered some bumps in the road.
More about it..... LATER..... :)
No, I have not stopped blogging.
Yes, I think about the fact it has been FOREVER since I updated my blog.
I will try to update soon about my healthy eating journey. I've had some success, but encountered some bumps in the road.
More about it..... LATER..... :)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Who I Am
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Sometimes it's hard to keep eating healthy or making healthy choices when the scale is not showing a number less than what it did the last time you weighed. I know this because that happened to me last week. I was counting calories and had not been going over and eating more than I should, AND I had been keeping track of my fiber intake AND how many glasses of water I had each day. And yet, when I stepped on the scale, it appeared as though I had gained 1.5 pounds. I know that doesn't sound like much, but oh man. When you already thought it was long gone and it shows back up again, then, as Tom Hanks said in the movie Apollo 13, "Houston, we have a problem!"
Last week, and even up until Sunday, I felt like I had been on some emotional roller coaster and I felt so defeated and discouraged about every thing in my life - literally EVERY thing. Then, I told myself that having a pity party about what the scale said was not going to change it. I determined I would work harder this week and keep going down this road of healthy eating. Even if I don't see results on the scale, at least I know I am doing what's best for my body. Like Lysa says, the numbers on the scale do not define us!
Recently, when I was reading the Made to Crave Devotional Book, I came across something Lysa said that totally struck a chord with me, and I thought it might for you too.
She writes, "Tying our happiness to food, skinny jeans, relationships, or anything else sets us up for failure. But tying our security, joy, and identity to God's love is an anchor we can cling to no matter what our circumstances may be."
She goes on to talk about what happened when she reached her goal weight. She thought she would never have a bad day again. I mean, when you are at your goal weight, what can go wrong, right?
I have found myself so many times thinking that if I were skinnier my life would be easier. I would feel better about myself. I would be prettier. Things wouldn't bother me as much.
Maybe you've thought those things and even other things like this. If I were skinnier then....
- I would have more friends.
- More people would like me.
- I would have a better marriage.
or any of those other things I mentioned that I have thought myself.
The truth is, in Lysa's words, "I've had to accept... that my body size is not tied to my happy. If I was unhappy when I was larger, I'll still be unhappy when I get smaller."
Wow! How eye-opening that was to me. I realized that even losing weight would not make me happy. That's not who I am. That's not who we are. That's not what defines us. We can't tie our happy to our circumstances or else our happy will be very topsy-turvy.
So, who am I? Who are you?
We are children of God who have been forgiven, set-free, accepted, holy, made-new, loved, confident, and victorious. (p.126)
That's who we are. That's what defines us because that's who GOD says we are if we are his children. No skinny jeans, diet, or weight loss can satisfy us or make us happy forever. Only our Maker can!
Be encouraged today! Go take a walk and enjoy all of this spring weather!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Pinterest Passion and other Crafts
If you know me pretty well, you know I can't resist a good craft! I really have to stay away from pinterest because it just gives me way too many project ideas. I wish I had the resources and more time to spend on doing such things, but I try to get away and do crafts and stress-relief projects whenever I can.
I thought I would just attach a few pictures of my most recent things I've crafted. I have some more projects lined up, so maybe I will post those later!
I hope you are having a great day!
I thought I would just attach a few pictures of my most recent things I've crafted. I have some more projects lined up, so maybe I will post those later!
I hope you are having a great day!
Butterfly Hairbows |
Wipes Case Cover (Front) |
Wipes Case Cover (Back) I had to add velcro since my first attempt left me with a case that would not close! |
Post-it note holders with encouragement. |
Monday, March 5, 2012
Motivation Monday
Before I posted this, I will tell you I had VERY LITTLE motivation to exercise or really do anything to be honest! :) Caroline is cutting her molars (poor thing) and so she kept me up for a portion of the night, but I am happy to say that after doing my 30-minute walk and knowing I burned 200 calories, I find myself a tad motivated.... :)
You know, exercise is very counterintuitive. What I mean is that you would think that when you are tired and don't feel like exercising that you might as well just keep chilling on the couch, but when you actually get up and move you have more energy! I have had to learn this, and it has been my motivator many times. So, if you are thinking, "Oh, it's Monday. I deserve a break." I DARE you to move! :) You'll feel better - I guarantee it!
So, here we go with the things in my healthy eating journey that I have been pondering on. Here is my most favorite thought of recent from Lysa's book.
Every situation has both good and bad. When I want someone else's good, I must realize that I'm also asking for the bad that comes along with it.
How many times have you glanced at those magazine covers while you are waiting in the checkout line at Wal-Mart or the grocery store and seen the beautiful bodies staring you in the face and thought to yourself, "man, I wish I looked like that," or "I bet that my life would be so much better if I was that thin or that pretty?"
Lysa points out that when we get into this mindset that all of a sudden "what [we] don't have blinds [us] from seeing what [we] do have." When we look at someone and wish we looked like them or had their lifestyle, we don't consider all of the bad that comes along with it. Everyone has their own issues and that's for sure!
Proverbs 14:30 says "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones." This scripture reminds us that we should be thankful for what we have! We are so blessed, even if we don't have that supermodel body. And you know what, maybe it's just not God's will that we do. After all, we don't know the "bad" that comes along with it! All we can do is be a good steward of this body God has given us.
Be motivated today. Get moving! Make healthy choices! You can do it!
You know, exercise is very counterintuitive. What I mean is that you would think that when you are tired and don't feel like exercising that you might as well just keep chilling on the couch, but when you actually get up and move you have more energy! I have had to learn this, and it has been my motivator many times. So, if you are thinking, "Oh, it's Monday. I deserve a break." I DARE you to move! :) You'll feel better - I guarantee it!
So, here we go with the things in my healthy eating journey that I have been pondering on. Here is my most favorite thought of recent from Lysa's book.
Every situation has both good and bad. When I want someone else's good, I must realize that I'm also asking for the bad that comes along with it.
How many times have you glanced at those magazine covers while you are waiting in the checkout line at Wal-Mart or the grocery store and seen the beautiful bodies staring you in the face and thought to yourself, "man, I wish I looked like that," or "I bet that my life would be so much better if I was that thin or that pretty?"
Lysa points out that when we get into this mindset that all of a sudden "what [we] don't have blinds [us] from seeing what [we] do have." When we look at someone and wish we looked like them or had their lifestyle, we don't consider all of the bad that comes along with it. Everyone has their own issues and that's for sure!
Proverbs 14:30 says "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones." This scripture reminds us that we should be thankful for what we have! We are so blessed, even if we don't have that supermodel body. And you know what, maybe it's just not God's will that we do. After all, we don't know the "bad" that comes along with it! All we can do is be a good steward of this body God has given us.
Be motivated today. Get moving! Make healthy choices! You can do it!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A Diversion from the Notorious Food Posts...
Okay, so usually I use my blog to talk about my healthy-eating journey (please don't say the "D" word... diet... that is a BAD four-letter word!!!). I thought I would do something different today. It is out of the ordinary and may seem strange, but it's what has been on my mind here lately.
You know there's something about a song. Music in itself is therapy and food for the soul, but there's just something magical, if you will, about music and it's power. I'm not talking about some kind of weirdo power either, I mean, the way music can make you feel and bring back memories that transport you back in time. I have been experiencing this musical power all of my life, but here lately, it seems just a regularly occuring thing.
For all of you who know about Caroline's sleeping habits and how she doesn't really sleep well STILL after being a year old, it probably would come as no surprise to you to know that I spend a lot of time with her rocking her in the glider in her room. I can't just sit there. I have to sing. I don't have the best voice in the world, but to Caroline, this mama's voice is good enough. It's music to her ears! :)
I find myself singing to her songs I grew up listening to, but not just any songs. I think back to all of the songs I used to hear my Paw Paw sing in church and even ones that my daddy sings. And you know what, those are THE BEST lullaby songs. Those old hymns full of praises to God really do work the best. Their melodies are soothing, their words are comforting, and I'm telling you that they just work.
Although I really can't stand sitting in that rocking chair sometimes (especially when my arms ache or my body parts are starting to fall asleep), I find that when I am singing that chorus of "How Great Thou Art" quietly and sweetly to that precious baby that more often than not I have a mini-God worshipping session. I find myself truly listening and understanding the words to those songs that I have heard all of my life and never really taken the time to really and truly LISTEN. I end up getting the biggest blessing out of singing those songs from my heart in that quiet, darkened room. Some nights, my cup just runs over while I am sitting in that chair.
Seems that maybe God hasn't given Caroline the ability to sleep too well yet because sitting there in that chair and singing to her and thinking about Him are actually some of the sweetest moments in my day. And what's funny, is that when I started typing this post, I totally did not have that revelation until just now... seriously. Truly God has His ways of getting our worship and praise!
As I sit there singing those old songs, I am transported back in time to when I used to hear them sung when I was younger by my Paw Paw and sometimes my daddy still will sing those songs. Those are such precious memories. I am so proud of my family, and the Christian heritage that I have. It's an honor to know that my grandparents (my Maw Maw and Poppy included) and great-grandparents have been known as people who lived Godly lives. I am so richly blessed with a great family - mama, daddy, sister, brother-in-law, a loving husband, and two beautiful children. Not to mention everyone else including my adorable nieces and nephews!
So, I guess I will leave you with this thought. Listen to those old songs you have heard all of your life. Have you really read the words of "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" or "Victory in Jesus" and really thought about what those words are saying/meaning? Sad to say, that even though I've been around music my whole life and I started piano lessons at age 7, that now at almost 30 years old, I have just realized some of the awesome meanings behind the inspired words of these songs.
LISTEN. Think. Praise God! Music is one of his most precious gifts! I'm so thankful for it!
You know there's something about a song. Music in itself is therapy and food for the soul, but there's just something magical, if you will, about music and it's power. I'm not talking about some kind of weirdo power either, I mean, the way music can make you feel and bring back memories that transport you back in time. I have been experiencing this musical power all of my life, but here lately, it seems just a regularly occuring thing.
For all of you who know about Caroline's sleeping habits and how she doesn't really sleep well STILL after being a year old, it probably would come as no surprise to you to know that I spend a lot of time with her rocking her in the glider in her room. I can't just sit there. I have to sing. I don't have the best voice in the world, but to Caroline, this mama's voice is good enough. It's music to her ears! :)
I find myself singing to her songs I grew up listening to, but not just any songs. I think back to all of the songs I used to hear my Paw Paw sing in church and even ones that my daddy sings. And you know what, those are THE BEST lullaby songs. Those old hymns full of praises to God really do work the best. Their melodies are soothing, their words are comforting, and I'm telling you that they just work.
Although I really can't stand sitting in that rocking chair sometimes (especially when my arms ache or my body parts are starting to fall asleep), I find that when I am singing that chorus of "How Great Thou Art" quietly and sweetly to that precious baby that more often than not I have a mini-God worshipping session. I find myself truly listening and understanding the words to those songs that I have heard all of my life and never really taken the time to really and truly LISTEN. I end up getting the biggest blessing out of singing those songs from my heart in that quiet, darkened room. Some nights, my cup just runs over while I am sitting in that chair.
Seems that maybe God hasn't given Caroline the ability to sleep too well yet because sitting there in that chair and singing to her and thinking about Him are actually some of the sweetest moments in my day. And what's funny, is that when I started typing this post, I totally did not have that revelation until just now... seriously. Truly God has His ways of getting our worship and praise!
As I sit there singing those old songs, I am transported back in time to when I used to hear them sung when I was younger by my Paw Paw and sometimes my daddy still will sing those songs. Those are such precious memories. I am so proud of my family, and the Christian heritage that I have. It's an honor to know that my grandparents (my Maw Maw and Poppy included) and great-grandparents have been known as people who lived Godly lives. I am so richly blessed with a great family - mama, daddy, sister, brother-in-law, a loving husband, and two beautiful children. Not to mention everyone else including my adorable nieces and nephews!
So, I guess I will leave you with this thought. Listen to those old songs you have heard all of your life. Have you really read the words of "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" or "Victory in Jesus" and really thought about what those words are saying/meaning? Sad to say, that even though I've been around music my whole life and I started piano lessons at age 7, that now at almost 30 years old, I have just realized some of the awesome meanings behind the inspired words of these songs.
LISTEN. Think. Praise God! Music is one of his most precious gifts! I'm so thankful for it!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Eating Healthy is Not Popular or Cheap!
It's a good thing I only have 1 follower, because if there were more people who followed this blog, I would definitely have to update more than I do! Ha!
Anyway, I have had this revelation...did you know that eating healthy is not popular?
No, it's not. Recently, we went on a short weekend trip. We stopped at gas stations numerous times for pit stops and had to eat on the run just to get where we were going in a reasonable amount of time in several instances.
Every time we stopped and went into one of those gas stations, I was bombarded with donuts, candy, chips, cokes, the all-time favorite of chocolate, and every other bit of sugary goodness you can envision entering your mouth. It was hard in some ways to walk to the nuts or trail mix section and try to find something that didn't contain an astronomical amount of calories and/or sugar. There isn't a wide selection of fruit and whole-grain healthy snack option as gas stations... sigh!
Let me just tell you, that I was so proud of myself. I did NOT give into the donuts! Girlfriend, let me tell you, that was hard! You see donuts are a food group on my food pyramid, or should I say, former food pyramid. I won't lie, I did give in a eat several items that should be banned from my healthy eating while I was on this trip, but overall, I was reasonably disciplined. Thanks be to God for His strength in this matter!
Eating healthy is not popular!
Here is my other revelation....Eating healthy is not cheap either. Man, those candy barsin the gas stations cost like less than a dollar. That trail mix or those nuts cost more than that. Seems like we have it backwards in society. Oh how I wish that that bag of donuts costs $10 and that a bag of apples cost $1. Wouldn't THAT make healthy eating and living easier and cheaper!? Sheesh!
Well, the bottom line is that no, healthy food will never cost less than the junk food in the grocery store, and it is hard to turn away from some of these foods I have considered to be my friends and have consumed for my whole life. And yes, I still really crave something sweet almost every time I have a meal. And you know, it's really hard to change your mentality about food after you have been eating one way for 30 years. REALLY hard. But, I figure I owe it to myself to try to do that. I'm trying not to consider myself as deprived from certain foods, but that I am trying to make a healthy choice in the foods I do choose to eat.
One thing I really have been pondering on recently from Lysa's book is when she talks about how food is made for our benefit, but not our detriment. Those aren't her exact words, but that's how I like to think of it. Food is meant to help sustain my life and keep me going. It's not meant to control my life, or even worse, have control over me. Ouch! Sugar sure has a way of doing that, doesn't it!?
So, I have a renewed commitment to myself and my healthy eating journey. I am still trying to eat more healthy and exercise more. I cannot stop! Maybe if you are reading this you can relate to my struggles, and let me encourage you that if I can even attempt to make a change, I know that anyone else can do it hands down! God as our helper we can and will become healthier women!!!
Anyway, I have had this revelation...did you know that eating healthy is not popular?
No, it's not. Recently, we went on a short weekend trip. We stopped at gas stations numerous times for pit stops and had to eat on the run just to get where we were going in a reasonable amount of time in several instances.
Every time we stopped and went into one of those gas stations, I was bombarded with donuts, candy, chips, cokes, the all-time favorite of chocolate, and every other bit of sugary goodness you can envision entering your mouth. It was hard in some ways to walk to the nuts or trail mix section and try to find something that didn't contain an astronomical amount of calories and/or sugar. There isn't a wide selection of fruit and whole-grain healthy snack option as gas stations... sigh!
Let me just tell you, that I was so proud of myself. I did NOT give into the donuts! Girlfriend, let me tell you, that was hard! You see donuts are a food group on my food pyramid, or should I say, former food pyramid. I won't lie, I did give in a eat several items that should be banned from my healthy eating while I was on this trip, but overall, I was reasonably disciplined. Thanks be to God for His strength in this matter!
Eating healthy is not popular!
Here is my other revelation....Eating healthy is not cheap either. Man, those candy barsin the gas stations cost like less than a dollar. That trail mix or those nuts cost more than that. Seems like we have it backwards in society. Oh how I wish that that bag of donuts costs $10 and that a bag of apples cost $1. Wouldn't THAT make healthy eating and living easier and cheaper!? Sheesh!
Well, the bottom line is that no, healthy food will never cost less than the junk food in the grocery store, and it is hard to turn away from some of these foods I have considered to be my friends and have consumed for my whole life. And yes, I still really crave something sweet almost every time I have a meal. And you know, it's really hard to change your mentality about food after you have been eating one way for 30 years. REALLY hard. But, I figure I owe it to myself to try to do that. I'm trying not to consider myself as deprived from certain foods, but that I am trying to make a healthy choice in the foods I do choose to eat.
One thing I really have been pondering on recently from Lysa's book is when she talks about how food is made for our benefit, but not our detriment. Those aren't her exact words, but that's how I like to think of it. Food is meant to help sustain my life and keep me going. It's not meant to control my life, or even worse, have control over me. Ouch! Sugar sure has a way of doing that, doesn't it!?
So, I have a renewed commitment to myself and my healthy eating journey. I am still trying to eat more healthy and exercise more. I cannot stop! Maybe if you are reading this you can relate to my struggles, and let me encourage you that if I can even attempt to make a change, I know that anyone else can do it hands down! God as our helper we can and will become healthier women!!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Sweet Tooth Woes
I won't lie to you. Today I have opened up that cabinet in my kitchen (and multiple times yesterday) and there it was -- C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E. Yes, every woman's best friend and coping mechanism has been staring back at me and mocking me too I might add. I want it so bad my mouth waters for it - no joke. Sad, I know! One time I even picked it up and ALMOST opened it up to eat just a "bite," BUT I resisted and put it back. Talk about tempation!
Who ever knew that food could be so tempting? Maybe that was why Eve fell for it in the Garden of Eden? Who knows!?
I keep finding out things about myself as I have been on this Made to Crave journey.
So, going back to my mouth watering for that chocolate. It makes me wonder, do I crave God's Word and God's presence in my life as much as I want that chocolate? Do I try to find my peace in what I put in my mouth or what I read in His Word and He imparts in my heart? Wow... that hurts too! To be honest, I KNOW for a fact that the chocolate has won WAY too many times.
This journey can't be just about food and it's not. I want to crave God more than I do the food. I guess the chocolate will stay in the cabinet after all, or maybe I should just take it out of the cabinet and put my Bible there so the next time I have a stressful moment and run to that kitchen cabinet, there waiting for me will be the answer to all of my problems, the words I need to live my life for Him, and the only thing that can truly satisfy ALL of my cravings!
Who ever knew that food could be so tempting? Maybe that was why Eve fell for it in the Garden of Eden? Who knows!?
I keep finding out things about myself as I have been on this Made to Crave journey.
- The first thing I discovered was that I think I have an addiction to sugar and really crave it like ALL the time.
- The second thing I have discovered is that I thought I didn't really have an issue with food, but maybe I wasn't looking deep enough within me to determine that maybe I struggle with it more than I want to admit. I have found myself in the middle of a stressful moment going to that cabinet in my kitchen, opening it up, and just looking in there for something to satisfy me or take my mind off the situation. I actually surprised myself when I realized I was doing it. Yes, I believe the food issue IS truly there. Ouch! So, now to deal with it!
- The third thing I have discovered is that I am a good starter, but not a good finisher. Don't get me wrong, I am the queen of conquering projects. I don't like to start a craft project without finishing it. I don't want to start washing dishes without washing all of the dirty ones, but for some reason, and in some areas of my life, this quality doesn't transfer over. That really bothers me. Why am I like that? I guess if it's hard enough, I just cave in?! My resolve is really not as strong as I thought it was - when it comes to food anyway.
So, going back to my mouth watering for that chocolate. It makes me wonder, do I crave God's Word and God's presence in my life as much as I want that chocolate? Do I try to find my peace in what I put in my mouth or what I read in His Word and He imparts in my heart? Wow... that hurts too! To be honest, I KNOW for a fact that the chocolate has won WAY too many times.
This journey can't be just about food and it's not. I want to crave God more than I do the food. I guess the chocolate will stay in the cabinet after all, or maybe I should just take it out of the cabinet and put my Bible there so the next time I have a stressful moment and run to that kitchen cabinet, there waiting for me will be the answer to all of my problems, the words I need to live my life for Him, and the only thing that can truly satisfy ALL of my cravings!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, Monday.....
I read a statement this morning in my Made to Crave devotional that was so profound. This is what it said, "Don't let people's compliments go to your head, and don't let their criticisms go to your heart. The degree to which you do either of these things is the degree to which you'll be ruled by what other people think of you."
I would encourage you to read it again. I read that sentence probably three times to wrap my brain around it so it could sink in. Even though this quote is really not particularly related to weight and healthy eating, I though it was so true.
It's SO easy to let the things people say, or to let the things we only think people think of us, really get us down and defeat us. Like the saying goes, "he who angers you controls you." I believe it's also true that he who makes you feel defeated and discouraged controls you whether it's about your appearance, your weight, you personality, or whatever.
When I decided to write this blog, my decision and comittment to change my ways to be more healthy was exposed. I felt a bit vulnerable. Even though I don't have a huge following or a bazillion blog readers, I can't turn back now. I feel more accountable to uphold my decision, and I needed that.
So, I will try my best to do what Lysa said and not "let people's compliments go to [my] head, and [not] let their criticisms go to [my] heart. The degree to which [I] do either of these things is the degree to which [I'll] be ruled by what other people think of [me]." My goal should be to please my Savior, live this life for Him, and try to take care of this body He's given me as long as I am able. In doing so, I believe I will grow closer to Him and have more energy to serve Him.
Glad that when we get to Heaven we will be able to feast at His table and not have to worry about exercise!!!
I would encourage you to read it again. I read that sentence probably three times to wrap my brain around it so it could sink in. Even though this quote is really not particularly related to weight and healthy eating, I though it was so true.
It's SO easy to let the things people say, or to let the things we only think people think of us, really get us down and defeat us. Like the saying goes, "he who angers you controls you." I believe it's also true that he who makes you feel defeated and discouraged controls you whether it's about your appearance, your weight, you personality, or whatever.
When I decided to write this blog, my decision and comittment to change my ways to be more healthy was exposed. I felt a bit vulnerable. Even though I don't have a huge following or a bazillion blog readers, I can't turn back now. I feel more accountable to uphold my decision, and I needed that.
So, I will try my best to do what Lysa said and not "let people's compliments go to [my] head, and [not] let their criticisms go to [my] heart. The degree to which [I] do either of these things is the degree to which [I'll] be ruled by what other people think of [me]." My goal should be to please my Savior, live this life for Him, and try to take care of this body He's given me as long as I am able. In doing so, I believe I will grow closer to Him and have more energy to serve Him.
Glad that when we get to Heaven we will be able to feast at His table and not have to worry about exercise!!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Made to Crave Monday
It's time for me to post again about this journey I am on with eating issues and all that jazz!
Things have been going pretty well. I have not been as active as I would like to be (the motivation to exercise is still very lacking!), but I have seen some results so that gives me motivation to keep on keepin' on. Don't get me wrong, these are VERY MINOR changes, but hey it's still a little something!
I have been reading the Made to Crave book and devotional and getting a lot out of it.
Here are some of the things I have read recently that have really stuck with me:
From the devotional, Lysa writes: "The best thing we can do in these triggered moments (she is speaking of triggers that make you feel the need to eat/divulge in something unhealthy) is to pause. Pause and ask ourselves, 'Do I want to eat this right now because I need nourishment or because I'm feeling empty emotionally or spiritually?'" p. 31 And if we are truly hungry, then I can make a healthy choice!
This is so true. I am still trying to discover WHY I want to eat unhealthy things at times or what 'triggers' me to do so, but the only thing I can come up with so far is that I do it out of habit. I just get the taste of it in my mind and it just sounds so good and my body craves it, but it may not be because I am hungry. It may just be because I like the feeling it gives me. You know that eating sweets releases dopamine in your brain and your body says "oh man, that tastes so good - I want some more!" That's why we like sweets. Then, 30 minutes later you feel like totally gross. So, I need to do what Lysa suggests and just pause. Maybe that would save me some calories and yuck-o feelings later! :) Thanks to Dr. Travis from 'The Doctors' tv show for teaching me how my brain reacts to sugar!
Here's one more thing that I found really great in the book: "And while I fully realize my temple may not be God's grandest dwelling, I want to lift up to the Lord whatever willingness I have each day and dedicate my exercise as a gift to Him and a gift to myself." p. 94. Somebody may think, "wow, giving God my exercise is a gift - that's far fetched," but hey, we need to be good stewards of this body He's given us so we can work for Him and serve Him better!
Anyway, this blog is for me. I need it to hold myself accountable and to keep myself moving in the right direction. I am ready to start making more healthy choices and to start taking better care of myself. It is time. And after all, I am a Jesus girl who is NOT defined by the number on my scale! :)
Things have been going pretty well. I have not been as active as I would like to be (the motivation to exercise is still very lacking!), but I have seen some results so that gives me motivation to keep on keepin' on. Don't get me wrong, these are VERY MINOR changes, but hey it's still a little something!
I have been reading the Made to Crave book and devotional and getting a lot out of it.
Here are some of the things I have read recently that have really stuck with me:
From the devotional, Lysa writes: "The best thing we can do in these triggered moments (she is speaking of triggers that make you feel the need to eat/divulge in something unhealthy) is to pause. Pause and ask ourselves, 'Do I want to eat this right now because I need nourishment or because I'm feeling empty emotionally or spiritually?'" p. 31 And if we are truly hungry, then I can make a healthy choice!
This is so true. I am still trying to discover WHY I want to eat unhealthy things at times or what 'triggers' me to do so, but the only thing I can come up with so far is that I do it out of habit. I just get the taste of it in my mind and it just sounds so good and my body craves it, but it may not be because I am hungry. It may just be because I like the feeling it gives me. You know that eating sweets releases dopamine in your brain and your body says "oh man, that tastes so good - I want some more!" That's why we like sweets. Then, 30 minutes later you feel like totally gross. So, I need to do what Lysa suggests and just pause. Maybe that would save me some calories and yuck-o feelings later! :) Thanks to Dr. Travis from 'The Doctors' tv show for teaching me how my brain reacts to sugar!
Here's one more thing that I found really great in the book: "And while I fully realize my temple may not be God's grandest dwelling, I want to lift up to the Lord whatever willingness I have each day and dedicate my exercise as a gift to Him and a gift to myself." p. 94. Somebody may think, "wow, giving God my exercise is a gift - that's far fetched," but hey, we need to be good stewards of this body He's given us so we can work for Him and serve Him better!
Anyway, this blog is for me. I need it to hold myself accountable and to keep myself moving in the right direction. I am ready to start making more healthy choices and to start taking better care of myself. It is time. And after all, I am a Jesus girl who is NOT defined by the number on my scale! :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
New Purpose: Made to Crave
So this morning I had a revelation that was no doubt from the Author and Creator Himself. I have decided to use this blog as an accountability of sorts for myself.
You see, I am tired of the way I look! Others say, "Oh you look fine." "You've had 2 babies," or "I don't think you look overweight." But the fact is that I am overweight and no matter what you say (or what my sweet husband says) I won't feel good about the way I look until I like what I see in the mirror and feel the way I need to feel in my heart.
I bought a book a while back called Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. I started reading it, but found myself not relating to the book because I felt I had no issues with food. But oh I was deceived and wrong.
Turns out I don't really have any thing that triggers me to wanting food except the fact that I feel the need to eat something sweet ALL the time. After meals, when I want a snack, when I am stressed.... so yeah, there is a food issue. To put it bluntly it sounds kind of like a sugar addiction! Yeah! I said it! LOL :)
So, last week I started on this physical and spiritual journey. I felt energized, walked/exercised WAY more than often, and felt good about myself. I even saw a little bit of victory in the weight loss department due to the fact that I was counting calories, trying to avoid junk, and exercising more. THAT was last week.
Fastforward to this week: not so easy. Turns out, last week I was totally depending on myself and the devil just let it ride and let me slip by. This week, he has been on my back with vengance. I have had little sleep (thanks to a nasty cold visiting Caroline) and my favorite visitor decides to greet me leaving me feeling tired, hormonal, and really loving the fact that I am a woman for a few days. Sigh.... yes, this week is harder. I guess I decided I need God MORE this week than I did last week. He is the only one who can help me on this journey and to be successful.
The past few days, I have already found myself wanting to be complacent and just throw it all out the window, but no, this time it has to be different. I want God to "Unsettle Me" like Lysa talks about in the Made to Crave devotional. I want to be unsettled about my weight and spiritual issues and battles until they are resolved, and it ends up that I am closer to the One who gave me life.
So, that's what I needed to say. I hope to update this blog more often so I can get all of my thoughts down to where I can see and read how I feel. You see, I am not a good journal type of person. I can type A LOT faster! Ha! I can also quickly change what I type if I don't like what it says, AND I am a math teacher so English and writing are not my fortes.
To my faithful bloggie follower (You know who you are Katie!), pray for me as I try to go through this journey that I would depend on God for strength and would in the end have a healthier lifestyle and learn to crave God more than food (sugar)!

I bought a book a while back called Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. I started reading it, but found myself not relating to the book because I felt I had no issues with food. But oh I was deceived and wrong.
Turns out I don't really have any thing that triggers me to wanting food except the fact that I feel the need to eat something sweet ALL the time. After meals, when I want a snack, when I am stressed.... so yeah, there is a food issue. To put it bluntly it sounds kind of like a sugar addiction! Yeah! I said it! LOL :)
So, last week I started on this physical and spiritual journey. I felt energized, walked/exercised WAY more than often, and felt good about myself. I even saw a little bit of victory in the weight loss department due to the fact that I was counting calories, trying to avoid junk, and exercising more. THAT was last week.
Fastforward to this week: not so easy. Turns out, last week I was totally depending on myself and the devil just let it ride and let me slip by. This week, he has been on my back with vengance. I have had little sleep (thanks to a nasty cold visiting Caroline) and my favorite visitor decides to greet me leaving me feeling tired, hormonal, and really loving the fact that I am a woman for a few days. Sigh.... yes, this week is harder. I guess I decided I need God MORE this week than I did last week. He is the only one who can help me on this journey and to be successful.
The past few days, I have already found myself wanting to be complacent and just throw it all out the window, but no, this time it has to be different. I want God to "Unsettle Me" like Lysa talks about in the Made to Crave devotional. I want to be unsettled about my weight and spiritual issues and battles until they are resolved, and it ends up that I am closer to the One who gave me life.
So, that's what I needed to say. I hope to update this blog more often so I can get all of my thoughts down to where I can see and read how I feel. You see, I am not a good journal type of person. I can type A LOT faster! Ha! I can also quickly change what I type if I don't like what it says, AND I am a math teacher so English and writing are not my fortes.
To my faithful bloggie follower (You know who you are Katie!), pray for me as I try to go through this journey that I would depend on God for strength and would in the end have a healthier lifestyle and learn to crave God more than food (sugar)!
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