Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Diversion from the Notorious Food Posts...

Okay, so usually I use my blog to talk about my healthy-eating journey (please don't say the "D" word... diet... that is a BAD four-letter word!!!).  I thought I would do something different today.  It is out of the ordinary and may seem strange, but it's what has been on my mind here lately.

You know there's something about a song.  Music in itself is therapy and food for the soul, but there's just something magical, if you will, about music and it's power.  I'm not talking about some kind of weirdo power either, I mean, the way music can make you feel and bring back memories that transport you back in time.  I have been experiencing this musical power all of my life, but here lately, it seems just a regularly occuring thing.

For all of you who know about Caroline's sleeping habits and how she doesn't really sleep well STILL after being a year old, it probably would come as no surprise to you to know that I spend a lot of time with her rocking her in the glider in her room.  I can't just sit there.  I have to sing.  I don't have the best voice in the world, but to Caroline, this mama's voice is good enough.  It's music to her ears! :)

I find myself singing to her songs I grew up listening to, but not just any songs.  I think back to all of the songs I used to hear my Paw Paw sing in church and even ones that my daddy sings.  And you know what, those are THE BEST lullaby songs.  Those old hymns full of praises to God really do work the best.  Their melodies are soothing, their words are comforting, and I'm telling you that they just work.

Although I really can't stand sitting in that rocking chair sometimes (especially when my arms ache or my body parts are starting to fall asleep), I find that when I am singing that chorus of "How Great Thou Art" quietly and sweetly to that precious baby that more often than not I have a mini-God worshipping session.  I find myself truly listening and understanding the words to those songs that I have heard all of my life and never really taken the time to really and truly LISTEN.  I end up getting the biggest blessing out of singing those songs from my heart in that quiet, darkened room.  Some nights, my cup just runs over while I am sitting in that chair.

Seems that maybe God hasn't given Caroline the ability to sleep too well yet because sitting there in that chair and singing to her and thinking about Him are actually some of the sweetest moments in my day.  And what's funny, is that when I started typing this post, I totally did not have that revelation until just now... seriously.  Truly God has His ways of getting our worship and praise!

As I sit there singing those old songs, I am transported back in time to when I used to hear them sung when I was younger by my Paw Paw and sometimes my daddy still will sing those songs.  Those are such precious memories.  I am so proud of my family, and the Christian heritage that I have.  It's an honor to know that my grandparents (my Maw Maw and Poppy included) and great-grandparents have been known as people who lived Godly lives.  I am so richly blessed with a great family - mama, daddy, sister, brother-in-law, a loving husband, and two beautiful children.  Not to mention everyone else including my adorable nieces and nephews!

So, I guess I will leave you with this thought.  Listen to those old songs you have heard all of your life.  Have you really read the words of  "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" or "Victory in Jesus" and really thought about what those words are saying/meaning?  Sad to say, that even though I've been around music my whole life and I started piano lessons at age 7, that now at almost 30 years old, I have just realized some of the awesome meanings behind the inspired words of these songs. 

LISTEN. Think.  Praise God!  Music is one of his most precious gifts!  I'm so thankful for it!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Made my eyes tear up! That's probably the highlight of lil Caroline's day too...getting Mama all to herself and hearing her sing about Jesus!