Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Purpose: Made to Crave

So this morning I had a revelation that was no doubt from the Author and Creator Himself.  I have decided to use this blog as an accountability of sorts for myself.

You see, I am tired of the way I look!  Others say, "Oh you look fine."  "You've had 2 babies," or "I don't think you look overweight."  But the fact is that I am overweight and no matter what you say (or what my sweet husband says) I won't feel good about the way I look until I like what I see in the mirror and feel the way I need to feel in my heart.

I bought a book a while back called Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst.  I started reading it, but found myself not relating to the book because I felt I had no issues with food.  But oh I was deceived and wrong.

Turns out I don't really have any thing that triggers me to wanting food except the fact that I feel the need to eat something sweet ALL the time.  After meals, when I want a snack, when I am stressed.... so yeah, there is a food issue.  To put it bluntly it sounds kind of like a sugar addiction!  Yeah!  I said it! LOL :)

So, last week I started on this physical and spiritual journey.  I felt energized, walked/exercised WAY more than often, and felt good about myself.  I even saw a little bit of victory in the weight loss department due to the fact that I was counting calories, trying to avoid junk, and exercising more.  THAT was last week.

Fastforward to this week: not so easy.  Turns out, last week I was totally depending on myself and the devil just let it ride and let me slip by.  This week, he has been on my back with vengance.  I have had little sleep (thanks to a nasty cold visiting Caroline) and my favorite visitor decides to greet me leaving me feeling tired, hormonal, and really loving the fact that I am a woman for a few days.  Sigh.... yes, this week is harder.  I guess I decided I need God MORE this week than I did last week.  He is the only one who can help me on this journey and to be successful.

The past few days, I have already found myself wanting to be complacent and just throw it all out the window, but no, this time it has to be different.  I want God to "Unsettle Me" like Lysa talks about in the Made to Crave devotional.  I want to be unsettled about my weight and spiritual issues and battles until they are resolved, and it ends up that I am closer to the One who gave me life.

So, that's what I needed to say.  I hope to update this blog more often so I can get all of my thoughts down to where I can see and read how I feel.  You see, I am not a good journal type of person.  I can type A LOT faster! Ha!  I can also quickly change what I type if I don't like what it says, AND I am a math teacher so English and writing are not my fortes.

To my faithful bloggie follower (You know who you are Katie!), pray for me as I try to go through this journey that I would depend on God for strength and would in the end have a healthier lifestyle and learn to crave God more than food (sugar)!



Miss Ashley said...

What a great post! Can't wait to see how it goes!!!! :D :D :D :D

Katie said...

You go girl! I have the same problem you do. I probably need to get this book and see if it can point me in the right direction. Every week I think..."Okay, this is the week of new beginnings." And then somehow I end up in the same rut. Ugh. Anyway...I will be praying! I'll pray for pray for me!! Love ya!

Brittany said...

Thanks ladies! I am going to give it a good effort! With the Lord's help, I know I can do it.