Alright, so hear me out. Today, Callie did something MONUMENTAL!!! I was totally surprised. Keep in mind she just turned 8 months old TWO DAYS AGO! Here's the scoop.....
I changed Callie's poopie diaper after lunch, and I placed her in her bed to wait for me while I washed my hands. She already gets around too great on the floor, and she's into something before you can blink an eye! Anyway, while I was washing my hands, I peered into her room from the bathroom to check on her every few seconds. I looked at her two times, and then I heard this bumping sound. Curious, I peered around the corner again, and she was standing in her bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary! What made it so funny though was this little look on her face that said, "HeHe!!! Look at me! Whatcha' gonna do now mama?" It was just too cute. I was proud of her, but I was also reminded of how she's just getting too big and now she's learned something that could prove to be dangerous!
Moma keeps telling me she will get bumps and bruises as she's learning to pull up, walk, etc., but I know it will be hard watching her learn! I'm going to try to keep her from hurting herself, but even the Lord Jesus got bumps and bruises on His perfect and Holy head while He was learning to walk! :) I guess He can understand her pain. Isn't that a sweet thought? God is so good! He's so good because He's just so personal and so understanding of what we go through in our life!
Well, that's what happened to me today! Anything wonderful happen in your life today!? :)