I am a teacher who has taken time off from teaching to be a stay-at-home mama. I use this blog to talk about things on my mind. I am not your typical stay-at-home mom with wise words to live by flowing out of my mouth, with a super duper clean and organized house, with exquisite culinary skills, or with amazing creative crafting abilities, but I am who I am.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
It's already Thursday?!
This week seems like it has gone by way faster than last week. I thought I would post today just so I could show a new picture of Callie! She was precious in her little strawberry gingham-patterned dress with matching hat on Sunday. Everyone thought she was adorable and of course Andy and I did.
Today I was also gently reminded by God of how He wants to take care of me. I've been a bit stressed about "life," but He ever so sweetly reminded me of how He's always proven Himself faithful in every situation. The words to the song "He's Been Faithful to Me" filled my mind, and I just felt the Lord reassure me that He loves me, and He will take care of me no matter what. What a sweet promise. We serve such a great God!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Callie - eating like a horse!
My kids at school got on my nerves SO bad today! Only my first period was a pain. My second period rarely has a bad day. They are just too bored to talk I believe! Hey, it's better than the alternative! Thank you, Lord! :)
I'm off to watch American Idol. I tell myself EVERY SEASON that I WILL NOT get hooked on it this time, but after you watch those horrible auditions some people have, then you actually start to wonder, "who will make it?" It gets me hooked every time. I'm a sucker for it. And I must say that I do agree with Simon a lot!!! :)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Just thinking....
Anyway, I'm glad that Jesus knows how Callie feels right now. The poor thing is teething like crazy, and Jesus knows her pain. Isn't that just awesome!? What other kind of "god" can do that?!
Devotion from Dr. David Jeremiah
Reach the Heart
Honor your father and mother . . . that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:2-3
Recommended Reading
Why is it so important for children to honor and obey their parents? It's not because we need well-behaved children, nor is it simply because we are adults and they are minors. God commands children to obey their mother and father because it is training for the respect and obedience needed for a healthy relationship with the Lord. And when a child understands that in being obedient to his parents he is obeying Christ, then the heart of that child is impacted forever. Becoming acquainted with submission to loving authority and obedience to a caring parent makes it easier for a child to have a genuine desire to love, serve, and obey God.
Hebrews 5:5-9
Every word of the Bible was written for a specific purpose, and the command to "Honor your father and mother" is no exception. Jesus set the standard for obedience when He walked the earth. Not only did He put himself under the authority and leadership of His earthly mother and father, but He also obeyed His true Father even unto death to pay the price for our sins. Let us follow in His example by honoring our parents and teaching our children to do the same.
Obedience is the gateway through which knowledge, yes, and love too, enter the mind of the child.
Anne Sullivan
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Day of Rest - not much rest!
Callie is already in bed and has been for about 20 minutes. Bless her little heart, she was so tired tonight! Since she's learned her newest little trick, she's been going WIDE open all the time and just trying to get into everything. I will be exhausted when she starts walking! :)
Today was supposed to be the Lord's day, a day of rest. Well, it was not that for us! We had a good service at church this morning honoring Mr. Clyde, and then, we ate with everyone after church down in the fellowship hall. It was a fun time! Then, we trekked to Clarkesville for a birthday party for my nieces, went to Wal-Mart for some things, and then stopped by Ingles also for some groceries on the way home. We did not get home until 5:30 I bet. I am so tired too! :)
Callie's top two teeth are trying to start coming in and the poor little sweetie is miserable! She starts complaining about it most at night when it's about time for her to go to sleep. Say a little prayer for her if you think of it! :)
Well, I am going to spend some much needed time with my hubby. He's been puny these last couple of days himself. I guess I can go "baby" him now since Callie is asleep. :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Houston, we have a NEW problem!!!
I changed Callie's poopie diaper after lunch, and I placed her in her bed to wait for me while I washed my hands. She already gets around too great on the floor, and she's into something before you can blink an eye! Anyway, while I was washing my hands, I peered into her room from the bathroom to check on her every few seconds. I looked at her two times, and then I heard this bumping sound. Curious, I peered around the corner again, and she was standing in her bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary! What made it so funny though was this little look on her face that said, "HeHe!!! Look at me! Whatcha' gonna do now mama?" It was just too cute. I was proud of her, but I was also reminded of how she's just getting too big and now she's learned something that could prove to be dangerous!
Moma keeps telling me she will get bumps and bruises as she's learning to pull up, walk, etc., but I know it will be hard watching her learn! I'm going to try to keep her from hurting herself, but even the Lord Jesus got bumps and bruises on His perfect and Holy head while He was learning to walk! :) I guess He can understand her pain. Isn't that a sweet thought? God is so good! He's so good because He's just so personal and so understanding of what we go through in our life!
Well, that's what happened to me today! Anything wonderful happen in your life today!? :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Some sites should not come up on Google.com search!!!
Okay, so I'm sitting here at the computer wondering, what will it look like when Callie's top teeth start coming in? Well, I Google my question (of course!) and what comes up are a series of pictures I begin looking at. Well, one picture of a baby's upper gums catches my eye, and so I go to view the webpage from whence the picture came. I knew something should have been up when the page was titled "The Rainbow Family." Did it dawn on you yet, or am I just slow? Anyway, the page wasn't vulgar or disgusting, but when I saw the professional photo of two beautiful babies with two women who didn't appear to be sisters if you get my drift, then it all made sense. I was disgusted! Ewww! Some pages SHOULD NOT come up as a result on Google.com! Are you with me?!
Okay, now that the vent is over with, let me tell you who invented pantyhose. Allen Gant Senior - you aren't going to believe it, BUT IT WAS A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said, another woman WOULD NOT invent something as irritating as pantyhose. LOL!!!
Go to the link below to get the real scoop: http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blpantyhose.htm.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
My pantyhose are in a wad this morning!!!
Let me just complain for a minute about pantyhose. Sigh... Some man must have created them, because there's no way a woman would create something for other women to wear that is as uncomfortable and aggravating as pantyhose can be!!! URGH! Last week, I went to put on a BRAND NEW almost $5 pair of hose, and what did I do? You guessed it! I got a big ole' honkin' run in them before I even got to finish putting them on. To say the least, I was very irritated! Chalk it up to just having plain ole' bad luck I guess. Counting my blessings though, at least the run is at the top of my thigh, so I can give the hose a quick fix with some nail polish and still wear them maybe a time or two. (Hence the reason I have them on again today!) I've decided that the Lord made it my lot in life to not have anything that's new look new or seem new for long! :) I'm klutzy, have bad depth perception, and can't hold on to anything without dropping it either it seems! Even the kids at school tell me I've got butterfingers. I love their brutal honesty. That's another blog for another day!
Anyway, I feel better now. Don't you? Well, I believe I may just research who invented pantyhose just out of curiosity now!
Have a blessed Sunday.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Saturday and Jeremiah
(To the right - Callie - Studying her Calculus 3 Book!)
Ahhh... Saturday.... I can rest a little easier this Saturday since I cleaned the house yesterday! It's amazing how much more time I can have to do other things when I clean the house on a different day. Although I still have things to do (fold towels, wash sheets from the bed, etc.) it's still nice to be able to not have AS MUCH to do I guess!
Callie has started making this little clicky sound with her tongue! It's so adorable! While giving her a bath the other night, I started doing it. She watched my mouth intensely and tried to mock my movements with her own mouth. Then, out of the blue she just starts doing it a day or two after that. She's just so funny, and she's developing this little personality of her own. She'll be 8 months old on Tuesday, and that just seems so old to me! My little baby is not staying little long! :(
Last night I was reading in my Bible about Jeremiah visiting the potter where he watched the potter working the wheel. It's interesting how the Lord prompted Jeremiah to go visit the potter and when Jeremiah went the Lord spoke to him as he watched the potter and showed him what exactly he wanted him to see. This illustration given in Jeremiah is a wonderful reminder of how God is our potter, and we are the clay. I never thought about it until yesterday, but when the potter sits down at his wheel, in his mind he already has an idea about what he wants to do with the clay. Similarly, before we are created and even after we are born, God knew and still knows exactly what He wants us to be, and He has given us talents and gifts that help us to fit that mold that He has so divinely chosen for us. If we as the clay will just let God mold us and have His way with us, then and ONLY then, can we truly experience life the way He intended for us to experience it and at the same time we can accomplish great things for Him. Are you letting God have His way with you? Let Him mold you the way He so chooses! It can only bring true happiness, and this happiness can only be found be completely surrendering to Him and by radical obedience! Something to think about!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Isosceles Triangle - the latest from the group G4
The lyrics go something like this:
The bottom is the base and the top is the vertex;
The sides are the legs and then it gets complex.
These lines mean that the sides are congruent;
Yeah, yeah, come on, get to it.
Isosceles, isosceles, yeah, isosceles,
1, 2, 3, 4
If the lyrics sound a bit sketchy (mathematically!), keep in mind that they had a poster that accompanied their song when they originally presented it to the class. It was so much fun and very entertaining!
These kids made my day! They are so creative and so outgoing! :)