Callie is already in bed and has been for about 20 minutes. Bless her little heart, she was so tired tonight! Since she's learned her newest little trick, she's been going WIDE open all the time and just trying to get into everything. I will be exhausted when she starts walking! :)
Today was supposed to be the Lord's day, a day of rest. Well, it was not that for us! We had a good service at church this morning honoring Mr. Clyde, and then, we ate with everyone after church down in the fellowship hall. It was a fun time! Then, we trekked to Clarkesville for a birthday party for my nieces, went to Wal-Mart for some things, and then stopped by Ingles also for some groceries on the way home. We did not get home until 5:30 I bet. I am so tired too! :)
Callie's top two teeth are trying to start coming in and the poor little sweetie is miserable! She starts complaining about it most at night when it's about time for her to go to sleep. Say a little prayer for her if you think of it! :)
Well, I am going to spend some much needed time with my hubby. He's been puny these last couple of days himself. I guess I can go "baby" him now since Callie is asleep. :)
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