(To the right - Callie - Studying her Calculus 3 Book!)
Ahhh... Saturday.... I can rest a little easier this Saturday since I cleaned the house yesterday! It's amazing how much more time I can have to do other things when I clean the house on a different day. Although I still have things to do (fold towels, wash sheets from the bed, etc.) it's still nice to be able to not have AS MUCH to do I guess!
Callie has started making this little clicky sound with her tongue! It's so adorable! While giving her a bath the other night, I started doing it. She watched my mouth intensely and tried to mock my movements with her own mouth. Then, out of the blue she just starts doing it a day or two after that. She's just so funny, and she's developing this little personality of her own. She'll be 8 months old on Tuesday, and that just seems so old to me! My little baby is not staying little long! :(
Last night I was reading in my Bible about Jeremiah visiting the potter where he watched the potter working the wheel. It's interesting how the Lord prompted Jeremiah to go visit the potter and when Jeremiah went the Lord spoke to him as he watched the potter and showed him what exactly he wanted him to see. This illustration given in Jeremiah is a wonderful reminder of how God is our potter, and we are the clay. I never thought about it until yesterday, but when the potter sits down at his wheel, in his mind he already has an idea about what he wants to do with the clay. Similarly, before we are created and even after we are born, God knew and still knows exactly what He wants us to be, and He has given us talents and gifts that help us to fit that mold that He has so divinely chosen for us. If we as the clay will just let God mold us and have His way with us, then and ONLY then, can we truly experience life the way He intended for us to experience it and at the same time we can accomplish great things for Him. Are you letting God have His way with you? Let Him mold you the way He so chooses! It can only bring true happiness, and this happiness can only be found be completely surrendering to Him and by radical obedience! Something to think about!
1 comment:
Excellent Brittany! I am just NOW reading your blog. I didn't even know you had one! Leave it to me to be behind!!! :-( I'm gonna add you on my link list as soon as I finish reading all of your posts! How exciting! (You can tell I don't get out much :-) )
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