Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Pi Song...

I have finally done it! I made my own remake of a version of a song for Pi Day! It's funny! Here are the lyrics... It has some "KID" lingo in it just to make my students laugh. No, I don't make a habit of saying "fi" when I think something is cool!

Pi” (My version of “Pink” by Aerosmith)
These lyrics by: Mrs. Brown (March 6, 2008)

Pi it's my new obsession
Pi it’s part of my profession,
Circumference divided by diameter, 'and
Pi is the thing you discover

Pi - my favorite greek letter,
Why? 'cause it’s so much better
Pi it's the number of passion
'Cause on pi day it just goes with the fashion

Pi it was love at first sight, yeah
Pi all your digits are tight, and
Pi gets me every time
And I think everything is going to be all right
As long as I can have my pi

Pi is my favorite ratio
'Coz pi is a fi’ kinda lingo
Pi what an unending number
Your digits just linger forever

Pi it was love at first sight, yeah
Pi all your digits are tight, and
Pi gets me every time
And I think everything is going to be all right
As long as I can have my pi

Pi you’re my favorite number
Your digits I count in my slumber
When I wake up I never wonder why
Pi it's my favorite number, yeah

Pi it was love at first sight, yeah
Pi all your digits are tight, and
Pi gets me every time
And I think everything is going to be all right
As long as I can have my pi

(Just as a disclaimer- no, "Pink" is not a favorite song of mine by Aerosmith! I know some of the original lyrics are a bit weird! My song is not influenced by any narcotics if you know what I mean! The lyrics were just easy to manipulate for my purposes!!! :))


Miss Ashley said...

You are a NUT! LOL This is the funniest thign I've ever seen.. there has never been one so created to be a math teacher than you! (and ANDY!) Wow.. lol is all I can say!

Katie said...

You make me so proud!!! :-)