I cut Andy's hair again today. I believe I did better this time than last time, but I can still improve! It makes me pretty nervous using those big ole' clippers, but apparently it is possible to be good at cutting hair with it. I just need more practice. Andy is a good guinea pig. He's a good sport about it too. He doesn't make me feel bad if it's not just perfect in every way.
Callie has been so into pitching little fits today. Isn't she a little young to be protesting when she doesn't get her way?!?!?!? I have no idea what's up with her, but I believe I've got a little booger on my hands! I love her to pieces though! :)
I hope everyone is enjoying the sunny and dry weather. We could stand a little rain!
I am a teacher who has taken time off from teaching to be a stay-at-home mama. I use this blog to talk about things on my mind. I am not your typical stay-at-home mom with wise words to live by flowing out of my mouth, with a super duper clean and organized house, with exquisite culinary skills, or with amazing creative crafting abilities, but I am who I am.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Another Update
1. Jeff's wife Tracie was able to come home today! She was resting in Jeff's recliner when he emailed an update, and I'm sure they are VERY glad to be at home. Praise the Lord! I'm sure she's still got a long road ahead of her emotionally and physically, so continue to pray for her and for Jeff.
2. Erin's prognosis is good. The doctors seem to believe they can keep her from delivering for about another 2 weeks so that Riley's lungs can develop more before he is born. Erin will need to be in the hospital for another 2 weeks at least, so remember her!
Thank you for your prayers!
2. Erin's prognosis is good. The doctors seem to believe they can keep her from delivering for about another 2 weeks so that Riley's lungs can develop more before he is born. Erin will need to be in the hospital for another 2 weeks at least, so remember her!
Thank you for your prayers!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Update on Prayer Requests
1. Jeff's wife Tracie is going to be moved this week into a normal room if all goes well. Jeff is still not back at school, and I heard that he caught some sort of bug while being at the hospital with his wife. So, pray for his health as well. I believe that he and maybe one of the kids caught some sort of stomach bug, so pray for them too.
2. Erin is still in the hospital and the doctors are going to try to keep her there for a few weeks until the baby's lungs can develop more so that he can be delivered. I don't know much because Andy has only talked to Kevin 2 times and you know how men don't try to remember details! :)
Thank you for all of the prayers thus far. I know that God is still in control and that Jeff and Tracie's baby is in Heaven as we speak. That's the only way I believe I could find comfort if I were Jeff and Tracie at this point. I will keep you updated.
2. Erin is still in the hospital and the doctors are going to try to keep her there for a few weeks until the baby's lungs can develop more so that he can be delivered. I don't know much because Andy has only talked to Kevin 2 times and you know how men don't try to remember details! :)
Thank you for all of the prayers thus far. I know that God is still in control and that Jeff and Tracie's baby is in Heaven as we speak. That's the only way I believe I could find comfort if I were Jeff and Tracie at this point. I will keep you updated.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Two Prayer Requests
1. A man that I work with and his wife had a miscarriage when his wife was 5 months pregnant. I received an email from a fellow teacher who said that his wife had a D and C and afterwards her uterus erupted. This caused her to lose a lot of blood, and her organs were beginning to shut down as a result as I understand it correctly. She was taken to ICU and had to be put on a ventilator. Praise God she is now alert and off the ventilator. Their names are Jeff and Tracie Brack and this would've been their 4th child. Please pray for Jeff, Tracie, and their family!
2. One of our friends is also pregnant and due in May. Her husband called yesterday to say that her water had broken (she's at 32 weeks) and she was going to the hospital. We have yet to hear another update from Kevin about Erin, so please pray for them as well. They are expecting a boy, and they already have a 3 year old daughter, Peyton.
Thank you. Please help me pray for these families!
2. One of our friends is also pregnant and due in May. Her husband called yesterday to say that her water had broken (she's at 32 weeks) and she was going to the hospital. We have yet to hear another update from Kevin about Erin, so please pray for them as well. They are expecting a boy, and they already have a 3 year old daughter, Peyton.
Thank you. Please help me pray for these families!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Support WRAF!
Okay, here's my plug for 90.9 WRAF!!! It's a wonderful station that TRULY seeks to present the Gospel every day to its listeners and provide encouragement for those who are already believers. Right now, this totally listener-supported-station, is in need of funds to help them stay on the air for another year. This year is my third year supporting them, and it has been a blessing to support them. I truly believe they use the money I donate to them wisely.
If this station or another Christian radio station or ministry has blessed you, consider giving to them! You will be blessed in return - I guarantee it!
If this station or another Christian radio station or ministry has blessed you, consider giving to them! You will be blessed in return - I guarantee it!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Quick Post
Just wanted to post a quickie tonight. I've still got things to do and it's already 10 pm! At least there are only 2 more days to go this week. The count down for the end of school has begun. The kids are "ancy" (if that's how you spell it) and the teachers are beginning to feel that way too. I'll just be excited when the summer gets here so Andy and I can both be home with Callie all the time! She's just learning and doing so much every day. I don't want to miss any of it if I don't have to. :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
In Honor of Miss Vicki
Today was the first day BACK after Spring Break. I can honestly say that it wasn't THAT BAD! The kids were a little rowdy, but hey, that's to be expected. You'd wanna talk to your friends you hadn't seen in a week too, right? :) I know I would.
Ashley had her shower yesterday and got LOTS of GREAT gifts! She and Levi are very blessed with generous families and friends. It was good to see all of my family at the shower too! I got to have some good conversations with some people that I love. There's nothing like family is there?
I was reminded this morning how death is for sure and life is so uncertain. I was shocked to learn that the director of Legacy Academy passed away on Tuesday last week while we were away for Spring Break. It's so shocking to me because she died so suddenly of a heart attack. I spoke with her on Friday not knowing that I would never get to speak to her again. I don't understand God's reasons for taking her out of this world, but one day we will understand it all. Please pray for her family and for all of the employees at Legacy. They are all still very much in shock and in mourning for Miss Vicki. I feel like I can't do anything for her family but pray since I didn't know about the funeral until it had already passed, so, that's why I wanted to post this blog in memory and in honor of her.
Remember, life is short! I know that God has truly reminded me of this fact today. I'm just so thankful He knows what He's doing and that He's still in control no matter how stormy our lives may seem.
Much Love!!!
Ashley had her shower yesterday and got LOTS of GREAT gifts! She and Levi are very blessed with generous families and friends. It was good to see all of my family at the shower too! I got to have some good conversations with some people that I love. There's nothing like family is there?
I was reminded this morning how death is for sure and life is so uncertain. I was shocked to learn that the director of Legacy Academy passed away on Tuesday last week while we were away for Spring Break. It's so shocking to me because she died so suddenly of a heart attack. I spoke with her on Friday not knowing that I would never get to speak to her again. I don't understand God's reasons for taking her out of this world, but one day we will understand it all. Please pray for her family and for all of the employees at Legacy. They are all still very much in shock and in mourning for Miss Vicki. I feel like I can't do anything for her family but pray since I didn't know about the funeral until it had already passed, so, that's why I wanted to post this blog in memory and in honor of her.
Remember, life is short! I know that God has truly reminded me of this fact today. I'm just so thankful He knows what He's doing and that He's still in control no matter how stormy our lives may seem.
Much Love!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
ABC's of Brittany
I found this blog in Ashley's archives from 2006. I thought it would be fun to edit it for me and post! It would be cool if others would copy and paste in your blogs and edit it for yourselves too! :)
A - Available/Single? Happily Married! Very UNavailable
B - Best Friend? My sister and my moma
C- Cake or Pie? Cake is better! (Red Velvet please!)
D - Drink Of Choice? Water, Sprite, or Coke (Cherry coke is good too)
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? Hairdryer!
F - Favorite Color? purple, melon, green (too hard to choose just one!)
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Bears
H - Hometown? somewhere in North Georgia
I - Indulgence? shoes, desserts, purses, etc...
J - January Or February? February
K- Kids & Their Names? Callie
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? JESUS!!! John 14:6
M - Marriage Date? July 10, 2004
N- Number Of Siblings? 1 beautiful talented and soon-to-be-married sister
O- Oranges Or Apples? Apples
P - Phobias/Fears? I don't like creepy crawly bugs, spiders, etc.
Q - Favorite Quote? anything quoted by Jesus is a great quote
R - Reason to Smile? Because God has blessed me so much and being saved!
S - Season? Spring
T - Tag Two Or Three People? Not sure what this means..
U - Unknown Fact About Me? I love bluegrass and clogging!!! woohoo!
V - Vegetable you don’t like? Beets...ewww
W - Worst Habit? Being too picky at times, saying "uh" and "okay" too much
X - X-rays You’ve Had? neck, teeth (haha), and praise the Lord none other that I know about
Y - Your Favorite Food? oh man... there's no favorite, but to start - mashed potatoes, meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, you name it!
Z - Zodiac Sign? Not that it matters, but I'm a Gemini.
ABC's of Brittany
A - Available/Single? Happily Married! Very UNavailable
B - Best Friend? My sister and my moma
C- Cake or Pie? Cake is better! (Red Velvet please!)
D - Drink Of Choice? Water, Sprite, or Coke (Cherry coke is good too)
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? Hairdryer!
F - Favorite Color? purple, melon, green (too hard to choose just one!)
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Bears
H - Hometown? somewhere in North Georgia
I - Indulgence? shoes, desserts, purses, etc...
J - January Or February? February
K- Kids & Their Names? Callie
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? JESUS!!! John 14:6
M - Marriage Date? July 10, 2004
N- Number Of Siblings? 1 beautiful talented and soon-to-be-married sister
O- Oranges Or Apples? Apples
P - Phobias/Fears? I don't like creepy crawly bugs, spiders, etc.
Q - Favorite Quote? anything quoted by Jesus is a great quote
R - Reason to Smile? Because God has blessed me so much and being saved!
S - Season? Spring
T - Tag Two Or Three People? Not sure what this means..
U - Unknown Fact About Me? I love bluegrass and clogging!!! woohoo!
V - Vegetable you don’t like? Beets...ewww
W - Worst Habit? Being too picky at times, saying "uh" and "okay" too much
X - X-rays You’ve Had? neck, teeth (haha), and praise the Lord none other that I know about
Y - Your Favorite Food? oh man... there's no favorite, but to start - mashed potatoes, meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, you name it!
Z - Zodiac Sign? Not that it matters, but I'm a Gemini.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Brittany the Barber

Well, I accomplished something today! I cut Andy's hair for the first time. Yes, yes, I know. You all are gasping right now wondering how in the world Andy could let this ole' blonde put the clippers to his head, but in all honesty, I didn't do THAT BAD! :) He said it looked okay. So, whether he's telling the truth or fibbing just to keep from hurting my feelings, I felt pretty good about it. There are a few spots that aren't perfect, but overall, it wasn't that bad. I think I'll do better next time. :) Andy's excited about the possibility of getting his hair cut anytime he wants for free. He thinks that's just wonderful. Maybe I can learn how to trim it up pretty good so he doesn't have to venture out to the barber anymore. Looks like ole' Brad lost a customer! :) Sorry!

Callie has just been talking and talking today. She thinks she's actually saying something I can understand, and I just play along like I do. It's good to help her develop those communication skills. :) We had her pictures made today, and let me just say that they are toooooo cute! She was just adorable and just loves being a little card in front of the camera. As a matter of fact, she's been trying to entertain people all day with her little smiles and cackles. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world!!! She is my world, and Andy's too! She has him RIGHT where she wants him. He would do anything for that girl. :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Cantaloupe, Spring Break, and Ashley's B-Day!!!
Callie likes cantaloupe! I gave her a little piece of some the other day, and she just gobbled it right up! She'll actually bite off little pieces from a big piece while I hold it. It's cute! I know she's related to her mommy for sure now. :)
We are on Spring Break this week and loving it! It's nice knowing you DON'T have to get up and go somewhere tomorrow. It makes me ready for the summer! I love that part of my job!!!
I had my hair highlighted and trimmed ( maybe a bit too much in the back) today, and it's blonde again. :) Interestingly enough, I had my hair dresser explain to me how she uses math on her job daily. You wouldn't believe how much math a hair dresser uses! From mixing up color to calculating your commission or profit from your business, I was totally amazed at all of the things she told me. It was an interesting conversation. I can't wait to tell my kids at school when they tell me that all they want to do is hair and that they don't need math! :) I'll have a little victory dance afterwards too!
Well, today is Ashley's birthday, so I better get ready to go and see her! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY BROOKE HARRISON (no Nix yet)!!!! This is the last birthday as just a Harrison girl. Bittersweet, huh? :) Hard to believe you're 22 years old! Love you!
We are on Spring Break this week and loving it! It's nice knowing you DON'T have to get up and go somewhere tomorrow. It makes me ready for the summer! I love that part of my job!!!
I had my hair highlighted and trimmed ( maybe a bit too much in the back) today, and it's blonde again. :) Interestingly enough, I had my hair dresser explain to me how she uses math on her job daily. You wouldn't believe how much math a hair dresser uses! From mixing up color to calculating your commission or profit from your business, I was totally amazed at all of the things she told me. It was an interesting conversation. I can't wait to tell my kids at school when they tell me that all they want to do is hair and that they don't need math! :) I'll have a little victory dance afterwards too!
Well, today is Ashley's birthday, so I better get ready to go and see her! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY BROOKE HARRISON (no Nix yet)!!!! This is the last birthday as just a Harrison girl. Bittersweet, huh? :) Hard to believe you're 22 years old! Love you!

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Okay, so it's almost 10:00 - WAY too late for a little baby to JUST be going to sleep. I believe the separation anxiety has set in as of yesterday. Last night Callie would basically fall asleep in my arms. Then, as soon as I laid her down and turned my back, she just went hysterical. Tonight - the same thing. SIGH... It's hard to know what to do. Do I let her cry for a few minutes to settle down? Do I go back in her room to pick her up? It's hard not to when those little arms are stretched out to you or she stands up in her crib and clings to me for dear life. I know it's just a phase, but it's hard! :( I know she's exhausted or else I wouldn't lay her down in her crib, but it's just like she can't go to sleep if she can't see me or feel me. It's cute and frustrating at the same time. Her daddy can't do anything with her at night time to help her go to sleep. Thanks to me, I'm the only person who has mastered putting her to bed for the night. That's good and it's bad at the same time.
SIGH.... Anyway, I had to vent about my dilemma. I love her to pieces, but sometimes enough is enough. It's hard to work on putting her to bed for 45 min. to an hour when I KNOW for a fact she's so tired.
This to shall pass, right? (Please say yes....)
SIGH.... Anyway, I had to vent about my dilemma. I love her to pieces, but sometimes enough is enough. It's hard to work on putting her to bed for 45 min. to an hour when I KNOW for a fact she's so tired.
This to shall pass, right? (Please say yes....)
Here comes the sun.... do do do do
Finally - SUN! I have missed the sun these last couple of days. Praise God for rain, but praise Him for the sunshine too! :) Nothing like some good ole' sunlight to lift your spirits.
Last night Andy and I had a date. Ooohh ahhh fabulous.... :) We had a good time. We went and ate Japanese - hibachi style. Our chef was a little quiet but still managed to entertain us and cook us a good meal. I have some left overs. I can't wait to gobble them up as soon as I finish with this post! After we ate, we went to Party City and then to Wal-Mart where we bought some groceries, saw a million things we could've bought Callie, and then we came home. It was fun, and it's just so weird to get out by ourselves! I really don't remember what it was like NOT having Callie anymore! I don't want to know either. :) I can't explain it, but there's just something about having a baby of your own. She has been the biggest blessing I've ever received other than a wonderful family and husband. Children are truly blessings from the Lord. I didn't deserve to have such a sweet little baby, but I'm so glad He sent her to us!
Well, before I get too mushy and sentimental, I better go. Ellen, I hope you found my blogspot!
Last night Andy and I had a date. Ooohh ahhh fabulous.... :) We had a good time. We went and ate Japanese - hibachi style. Our chef was a little quiet but still managed to entertain us and cook us a good meal. I have some left overs. I can't wait to gobble them up as soon as I finish with this post! After we ate, we went to Party City and then to Wal-Mart where we bought some groceries, saw a million things we could've bought Callie, and then we came home. It was fun, and it's just so weird to get out by ourselves! I really don't remember what it was like NOT having Callie anymore! I don't want to know either. :) I can't explain it, but there's just something about having a baby of your own. She has been the biggest blessing I've ever received other than a wonderful family and husband. Children are truly blessings from the Lord. I didn't deserve to have such a sweet little baby, but I'm so glad He sent her to us!
Well, before I get too mushy and sentimental, I better go. Ellen, I hope you found my blogspot!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hola to my fellow blog readers. :) I am SO ready for Spring Break! :) We only have one more day this week until we can have a little vacation away from the kiddos at school, and boy am I glad!
Nothing especially exciting has gone on in my life today. I had to take Callie to the doctor because I thought she was getting what I believe was pink eye again. I think she may have had it about 2 weeks ago, but we caught it early (along with an ear infection) and now that's cleared up as well. The doctor seems to think it's just upper respiratory things that are bothering her right now, hence the reason for her "goopy" eye this morning.
Speaking of which, I cannot speak myself hardly at all! After trying so hard to sing with AC3 the other night (which was wonderful by the way!! :)), I really can't talk! :) I believe it's the pollen, but who knows? Anyone have any suggestions on some allergy medicine to try that doesn't make you feel like you're hallucinating? :) I know that something I took at one point make me feel plum loopy! :)
Happy Friday!
Nothing especially exciting has gone on in my life today. I had to take Callie to the doctor because I thought she was getting what I believe was pink eye again. I think she may have had it about 2 weeks ago, but we caught it early (along with an ear infection) and now that's cleared up as well. The doctor seems to think it's just upper respiratory things that are bothering her right now, hence the reason for her "goopy" eye this morning.
Speaking of which, I cannot speak myself hardly at all! After trying so hard to sing with AC3 the other night (which was wonderful by the way!! :)), I really can't talk! :) I believe it's the pollen, but who knows? Anyone have any suggestions on some allergy medicine to try that doesn't make you feel like you're hallucinating? :) I know that something I took at one point make me feel plum loopy! :)
Happy Friday!
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