Well, I accomplished something today! I cut Andy's hair for the first time. Yes, yes, I know. You all are gasping right now wondering how in the world Andy could let this ole' blonde put the clippers to his head, but in all honesty, I didn't do THAT BAD! :) He said it looked okay. So, whether he's telling the truth or fibbing just to keep from hurting my feelings, I felt pretty good about it. There are a few spots that aren't perfect, but overall, it wasn't that bad. I think I'll do better next time. :) Andy's excited about the possibility of getting his hair cut anytime he wants for free. He thinks that's just wonderful. Maybe I can learn how to trim it up pretty good so he doesn't have to venture out to the barber anymore. Looks like ole' Brad lost a customer! :) Sorry!

Callie has just been talking and talking today. She thinks she's actually saying something I can understand, and I just play along like I do. It's good to help her develop those communication skills. :) We had her pictures made today, and let me just say that they are toooooo cute! She was just adorable and just loves being a little card in front of the camera. As a matter of fact, she's been trying to entertain people all day with her little smiles and cackles. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world!!! She is my world, and Andy's too! She has him RIGHT where she wants him. He would do anything for that girl. :)

She is the cutest baby in the world!!! I just think she is so precious. It will be interesting to see if she turns out to be a kid who loves to make other people laugh like Levi! Heaven knows we could use more of those kind in the world!! Love you sister! Thank you again for my b-day present, and no, it doesn't feel like I am 22.. I still feel 16 sometimes!
What a sweet baby!! I could've just ate her up Sunday!!!
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