Sunday, April 6, 2008


Okay, so it's almost 10:00 - WAY too late for a little baby to JUST be going to sleep. I believe the separation anxiety has set in as of yesterday. Last night Callie would basically fall asleep in my arms. Then, as soon as I laid her down and turned my back, she just went hysterical. Tonight - the same thing. SIGH... It's hard to know what to do. Do I let her cry for a few minutes to settle down? Do I go back in her room to pick her up? It's hard not to when those little arms are stretched out to you or she stands up in her crib and clings to me for dear life. I know it's just a phase, but it's hard! :( I know she's exhausted or else I wouldn't lay her down in her crib, but it's just like she can't go to sleep if she can't see me or feel me. It's cute and frustrating at the same time. Her daddy can't do anything with her at night time to help her go to sleep. Thanks to me, I'm the only person who has mastered putting her to bed for the night. That's good and it's bad at the same time.

SIGH.... Anyway, I had to vent about my dilemma. I love her to pieces, but sometimes enough is enough. It's hard to work on putting her to bed for 45 min. to an hour when I KNOW for a fact she's so tired.

This to shall pass, right? (Please say yes....)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yes! It will pass!!! Then you'll look back (like I'm doing right now) and think, "Hmmmm...what DID I do??" I think in your heart you'll know...deep down you'll at least have an inkling. You'll hear LOTS of "advice"...just take it with a grain of salt. Use what you like and send the rest to the recycle bin of your brain!