Who ever knew that food could be so tempting? Maybe that was why Eve fell for it in the Garden of Eden? Who knows!?
I keep finding out things about myself as I have been on this Made to Crave journey.
- The first thing I discovered was that I think I have an addiction to sugar and really crave it like ALL the time.
- The second thing I have discovered is that I thought I didn't really have an issue with food, but maybe I wasn't looking deep enough within me to determine that maybe I struggle with it more than I want to admit. I have found myself in the middle of a stressful moment going to that cabinet in my kitchen, opening it up, and just looking in there for something to satisfy me or take my mind off the situation. I actually surprised myself when I realized I was doing it. Yes, I believe the food issue IS truly there. Ouch! So, now to deal with it!
- The third thing I have discovered is that I am a good starter, but not a good finisher. Don't get me wrong, I am the queen of conquering projects. I don't like to start a craft project without finishing it. I don't want to start washing dishes without washing all of the dirty ones, but for some reason, and in some areas of my life, this quality doesn't transfer over. That really bothers me. Why am I like that? I guess if it's hard enough, I just cave in?! My resolve is really not as strong as I thought it was - when it comes to food anyway.
So, going back to my mouth watering for that chocolate. It makes me wonder, do I crave God's Word and God's presence in my life as much as I want that chocolate? Do I try to find my peace in what I put in my mouth or what I read in His Word and He imparts in my heart? Wow... that hurts too! To be honest, I KNOW for a fact that the chocolate has won WAY too many times.
This journey can't be just about food and it's not. I want to crave God more than I do the food. I guess the chocolate will stay in the cabinet after all, or maybe I should just take it out of the cabinet and put my Bible there so the next time I have a stressful moment and run to that kitchen cabinet, there waiting for me will be the answer to all of my problems, the words I need to live my life for Him, and the only thing that can truly satisfy ALL of my cravings!
I love this post! :) You are such a shining Christian example, and I want to crave Him more than anything else either! I love the sister God gave me!
Ashley - wish I were what you think I am! I love the sister God gave me too!
That's awesome Brittany! I'm realizing these same things about myself and am doing soooo much better too. Your posts encourage me! I have been exercising more and eating my one fudge round a day (only). Yay me!! I am reading Lillian Welch's book on faith and fitness and it has helped me a lot!
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