Monday, May 7, 2012

Blog Title and My Long List of Excuses

Okay people.  So, here's my deal.

Yeah, it's been forever since I had a decent post on here.  Hence the reason, people do not frequent websites - lack of keeping it current.  :) My apologies to my 3 faithful followers.

So, I have a favor to ask.  I really wish I had a cute blog title.  Alas, my creative brain cells were ever so taken from me due to birthing 2 children.  Therefore, I depend on you all to help me come up with something creative that suites me and the purpose of my blog.  If it helps, here are some things about me that I like that might give you an idea of what to help me name this blog.  Please leave me a comment and give me all of your suggestions.  I want to hear them!

Purpose of my blog: Tell about my personal epiphanies, experiences, funny stories, food struggles, etc.
Likes: God, music, piano, singing, chocolate, and purple
Name and Nicknames: Brittany, BB
Other things about me: I am staying at home for now with my 2 girls. I have a husband who people say looks like Forest Gump and/or Mr. Bean.  I am certified to teach math, and well, that's about it.

There you have it!  Maybe together we can come up with something!
Moving on.... here's my list of top 5 excuses as to why I have NOT been blogging faithfully.

1. My "sweet Caroline" (not sure if Neil Diamond knew what he was talking about when he sang that song.  My Caroline is not always sweet! :) ), has been sick off and on for months and we finally had it all come to a head.  Things are better for now thanks to medicine and most importantly the Healing Hand of God and sweet prayers on our behalf.  We are praying summer begins soon and that cold season ends quickly.

2.  I have been super busy.  Is it just me or do things really start kicking into gear after Spring Break?  There's Spring Break, then yard sales, birthday parties, end of school activities, and soon we will have vacation, VBS, more birthday parties, and sheesh!  I am getting tired just typing all of that.

3.  I am lazy and tired. Sometimes I take a nap when Caroline does, thus, greatly reducing my blogging time and cleaning up the house time.

4. Sometimes I just haven't felt like it.  I am woman.  I am entitled to say that. LOL

5. I have been feeling guilty because I have been slacking off on my food-watching!
This is quite possibly the most random blog post EVER in the history of blogging, but I wanted to tell you about something I have discovered about me and what helps me stay on track with my eating.

Some people really don't like to do it, but let me tell you that I think counting calories and keeping a food diary are KEY in losing weight and keeping it off.  When I make myself count how many calories I put in my mouth and write it down and realize at 3:30pm that I only have 200 calories left for the day, then all-of-a-sudden I get serious!  I have tried phone APPS and tried writing it down, and keeping a little notebook where I write it all down is just the key for me. 

I don't know where you are with your food issues.  I hope that all of you reading this are your ideal weight, and you never have a struggle with food.  Unfortunately, I want to have my cake and eat it too.  Which is why I have to watch what goes in my mouth.  God didn't bless us all with super-fast metabolisms that just burn off calories as soon as they hit our tongue.

Even though, I have to work at it, my "issues" keep me where I need to be honestly.  You know, I can't do this healthy eating thing by myself.  I HAVE TO RELY ON GOD.  I have to pray for His strength to make healthy choices and to follow through with those choices.  Food, just like other unhealthy lifestyle choices, is a real temptation.  Having the willpower to tell your lips and your hips no is hard.  I don't always succeed, but I have learned that God is the ultimate source for my strength to do what I need to do, just like every other area of my life.

I will leave you with that thought.  Make sure that you include God in everything, and that includes the strength to say no to that twinkie and Dr. Pepper you know would just delight your taste buds, but afterwards leave you feeling sluggish, guilty, and defeated about your eating habits.  They are okay sometimes, but consumed daily, you know what will happen. :)

Let God be your strength.  I promise He will be. He said He would. 
Phil. 4:13, Isaiah 41:10

And by the way, this blog post was more for me than anyone else!


P.S.  Have you exercised your body and your faith today?