Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blogging - good for the soul...

Since I saw Katie's very interesting blog, I was inspired to update my own. I'm sorry that I can't say we had any new calves born, but I do occassionally have proverbial "cows" of my own, don't you? :) Some of you, one of the two people who read this blog or perhaps both of you, know what I mean! :) I have decided that blogging sometimes is just "good for the soul," as Katie once put it! So, it doesn't matter how many people read it. I just like pretending lots of people are enjoying my posts like I do theirs.

By the way, if you're ever in the mood for reading a great blog, visit Lysa Terkeurst's blog. The link to her blog is on the left side of my page. Of course, Katie's is great too, but I'm assuming most people reading this read Katie's already! :) Lysa and Katie both write great blogs.

I heard Lysa speak one time at a women's conference up in Hollywood a couple of years ago, and she blessed my heart! Her blogs are funny, and I wish I could be half as entertaining as she is when I blog myself! :) Her writing style and blogs are inspiring.

Callie is asleep right now. The poor thing has had a rough week. We had 15 month shots and a flu shot on Wednesday, and now her molars are breaking through the skin! Hallelujah they're FINALLY coming through, but it is not easy for her! She doesn't tolerate the pain too well. She's so funny about it sometimes, pain that is. After she had her shots, she would just point to her leg and start whimpering without even touching it. She has done that many times with several of her "boo boos" in the past. She actually will say boo boo too. She's just getting cuter by the day. I keep thinking one day I'll just get over how amazing she is to me, but so far I'm not even close. I am just so thankful that the Lord saw fit to bless me and Andy with her, and she is so precious to me!

Callie went to her first high school football game last night! We only stayed for about 30 minutes and left Andy there with his friend to finish watching the game, but she was very interested in what was going on, and I believe the band was her favorite part! YAY! Deep down I hope I'm raising up a music lover who will be involved in it some way! Today she made her way over to the piano and proceeded to sit in my lap, bang on the keys, and give her best effort of singing after I had just played and sung a song myself. It was precious. She really does watch EVERY thing that we do and tries to mimic us.

I don't really have anything else to blog about, so I guess I'll say good bye for now! I hope you have a blessed day and that you would be reminded of how much God really does love you!
If Moma and Ashley read this, love you both!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time for a new post!

Every time I think about updating my blog, I get side tracked! If it isn't one thing, sometimes it's another! :) But, here I am typing away, and even though it's been 12 days since I last posted, I'm at a loss for what to type. Okay, let me think of all of the events that have transpired since Sept. 5th.

I sang with my 2 favorite a cappella singers the other night for a missions revival! It was FUN stuff! I hope those there enjoyed it, and most of all it was pleasing to our Father! We definitely try to approach every singing with the same purpose - to glorify God and lift Him up!

On a rather bittersweet note, Brother Clyde Garrison went home to be with the Lord last week. Actually it was a week ago today that he entered Heaven and was once again reunited with Miss Lizzie, and most of all he was finally face to face with his Savior whom he had served so many years. Preacher Clyde was such a blessing to me, and he was always so sweet with his words of encouragement. He always commented on how wonderful it was to see my family all at church and how Andy and I were one of the "finest couples [he'd] ever seen." One day he reminded me of how we were in his words, "such a fine couple," and said we had a lot to be thankful for because we had each other and we knew the Lord. How simple, but yet how profound! He didn't have to stop me as I walked by and tell me anything, but he did. He was blessed with the gift to encourage. I can't ever remember him speaking to me without saying something encouraging to me and something sweet about how beautiful my family was, how beautiful Callie was, and how he appreciated and loved me and my family! I'm sad he's gone away from us, but praise the Lord he's where he wanted to be now, and we'll see him again.

Let me recompose myself and wipe the tears off the keyboard! Goodness! I can't say enough nice things about Bro. Clyde. He was the epitome of a good Christian example and witness.

I am so busy at school here lately it seems. We have new math curriculum this year, and it's taking a toll on our department. We're frustrated most days, but try to make the best of it. It's like we've totally re-done how we teach math, and it's hard for those who have done it the same way for 20 years! This is only my 5th year and it's hard for me, so I guess others are really having a hard time with the switch. The new curriculum has its advantages, but right now we are trying to still get to a point to where we are comfortable with what we have to do now. I'm sure we'll get it all worked out! It will definitely take the Lord's help though! I believe all of us have been praying for God's help with these new classes.

Everything seems to be going good around the Brown household. Callie is doing great. She's just growing up so fast. She will say "hey" and "bye bye" and some other words that we can't always recognize. We're pretty sure she says "dog," and she tries to say "peek-a-boo." She's too cute! She LOVES the bath tub! Tonight I practically had to drag her out of it. She loves splashing, wringing out her rag, trying to wear her rag like it's clothes or something, and playing with this stacking toy she has that's made for the bath tub. I still love being her mommy, and I'm so proud to be her mommy too! She is such a blessing in my life, and I am trying to soak in every day with her because I know these days are priceless and precious, as are the ones to come in the future.

Well, just wanted to blog about something since I haven't in such a while.

Have a GREAT upcoming weekend!
Be safe!
Much LOVE!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hola My Blog Readers!

So, maybe I should say hello to all of three people, but hey, you're important to me! :) I haven't been blogging lately because I've been busy and into all sorts of things for the last 2 weeks it seems. I'm glad it's the weekend. Now I get to stay busy at home! Cleaning, washing clothes, etc. The joys of married life and housework! :) Some days it's more bearable than others, but I believe all of you wives out there are feeling my housework woes as you read!

Let me see if there's anything stupendous to tell you about that's been going on with me.

Well, I had a pretty good week at school, with the exception that some lovely child with apparently no conscience stole a candy jar full of candy off of my bookshelf BEHIND my desk. I have my suspicions on several culprits, but it's hard to know. It could have happened during my planning period while another teacher uses my room, but I'm not sure. I usually don't let my students "roam" around the room at all! I guess I will pray that the Lord deal with his/her heart, since it's not my job to punish anyone! I know it seems petty, but what bothers me is that some kids have no respect for other people's property and things that I spent my own money on to buy. I just hope and pray my child does not do such things - especially to a TEACHER!!!!!

Anyway, I feel I've just complained this entire blog, so I should write about something positive! I know that's what you're thinking! Sorry!

I definitely have counted my blessings this week. It seems like everyone I know is going through some sort of storm or hard time with ill family members or other issues, and so I've been reminded of how blessed I am and how thankful I should be to God for all of the things I take for granted daily. I think about Mike Adcock (our AP injured in a horrible car wreck 1 month ago), and I realize how I need to not complain so much. Mike is still in ICU at Grady and has had his right leg partially amputated. How blessed am I to be in what seems to be perfect health, walking just fine, talking just fine, and feeling good 99.9% of the time? It's amazing how I forget all of that, but God has used Mike's accident to remind me that I am forgetting to thank God for those little things that I take for granted every day. Please keep Mike and his family in your prayers. Our school is still not the same in his absence.

Something else positive - We had Youth Sunday last Sunday and we did our Cardboard Testimony skit. There are several versions on GodTube, and we did our own rendition of it on Sunday night. It was great! Our youth have grown SO much in the last 2 years. The kids are really opening up, sharing their testimonies more during church, giving the Lord the praise He's due, and they are growing closer as a group. It's so wonderful to see and be a part of.

Well, I'm blogged out for now. My bed is calling my name. Seems like I can't get enough sleep! Thank the Lord for Saturday mornings! Hey, 7:00 is sleeping LATE for me! :)
