Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blogging - good for the soul...

Since I saw Katie's very interesting blog, I was inspired to update my own. I'm sorry that I can't say we had any new calves born, but I do occassionally have proverbial "cows" of my own, don't you? :) Some of you, one of the two people who read this blog or perhaps both of you, know what I mean! :) I have decided that blogging sometimes is just "good for the soul," as Katie once put it! So, it doesn't matter how many people read it. I just like pretending lots of people are enjoying my posts like I do theirs.

By the way, if you're ever in the mood for reading a great blog, visit Lysa Terkeurst's blog. The link to her blog is on the left side of my page. Of course, Katie's is great too, but I'm assuming most people reading this read Katie's already! :) Lysa and Katie both write great blogs.

I heard Lysa speak one time at a women's conference up in Hollywood a couple of years ago, and she blessed my heart! Her blogs are funny, and I wish I could be half as entertaining as she is when I blog myself! :) Her writing style and blogs are inspiring.

Callie is asleep right now. The poor thing has had a rough week. We had 15 month shots and a flu shot on Wednesday, and now her molars are breaking through the skin! Hallelujah they're FINALLY coming through, but it is not easy for her! She doesn't tolerate the pain too well. She's so funny about it sometimes, pain that is. After she had her shots, she would just point to her leg and start whimpering without even touching it. She has done that many times with several of her "boo boos" in the past. She actually will say boo boo too. She's just getting cuter by the day. I keep thinking one day I'll just get over how amazing she is to me, but so far I'm not even close. I am just so thankful that the Lord saw fit to bless me and Andy with her, and she is so precious to me!

Callie went to her first high school football game last night! We only stayed for about 30 minutes and left Andy there with his friend to finish watching the game, but she was very interested in what was going on, and I believe the band was her favorite part! YAY! Deep down I hope I'm raising up a music lover who will be involved in it some way! Today she made her way over to the piano and proceeded to sit in my lap, bang on the keys, and give her best effort of singing after I had just played and sung a song myself. It was precious. She really does watch EVERY thing that we do and tries to mimic us.

I don't really have anything else to blog about, so I guess I'll say good bye for now! I hope you have a blessed day and that you would be reminded of how much God really does love you!
If Moma and Ashley read this, love you both!


Katie said...

I need to add a slide show to mine. I tried when they first came out with it but you couldn't put personal pics...just the stock photos that THEY supply. Who wants to do that? Anyway...great blog! Always enjoy reading... said...

I love you too Brittany! I enjoy reading your blog. You didn't write anything about Callie liking the POOL at Daytona. I guess you didn't have time so remember to put what she said and how she liked it. I hope you have a good week and keep writing so I can keep reading. Love and kisses to you and Callie and (maybe Andy) hey that Zuppa Tuscany soup was good.