Sunday, February 17, 2008

My pantyhose are in a wad this morning!!!

I've got just a few minutes to blog before I need to finish getting ready for church. Callie woke me up before 7:00 am this morning, so I am wide awake! She is taking a quick nap before we go to Sunday School. That should help her to not be as ill during church! There's nothing like trying to get a baby to go to sleep in the Lord's house, especially when she fights it. :)

Let me just complain for a minute about pantyhose. Sigh... Some man must have created them, because there's no way a woman would create something for other women to wear that is as uncomfortable and aggravating as pantyhose can be!!! URGH! Last week, I went to put on a BRAND NEW almost $5 pair of hose, and what did I do? You guessed it! I got a big ole' honkin' run in them before I even got to finish putting them on. To say the least, I was very irritated! Chalk it up to just having plain ole' bad luck I guess. Counting my blessings though, at least the run is at the top of my thigh, so I can give the hose a quick fix with some nail polish and still wear them maybe a time or two. (Hence the reason I have them on again today!) I've decided that the Lord made it my lot in life to not have anything that's new look new or seem new for long! :) I'm klutzy, have bad depth perception, and can't hold on to anything without dropping it either it seems! Even the kids at school tell me I've got butterfingers. I love their brutal honesty. That's another blog for another day!

Anyway, I feel better now. Don't you? Well, I believe I may just research who invented pantyhose just out of curiosity now!

Have a blessed Sunday.

1 comment:

Katie said...

So did you find out who invented the crazy things??? Ha! Do you know I was laughing my head off while reading that post? Why you may ask? Because the EXACT SAME THING happened to me a few weeks ago. I paid stinkin' $5 for a new pair of tights, get them home, put them on and the things tear. I, just like you, am still wearing them b/c I can't fathom throwing them away. The hole is (mostly) covered up by my shoe. :-)