Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gotta love technology!

So, I spent precious time updating my blog only to have it NOT load/save correctly. Apparently my Internet connection was bad and Andy ever so nicely closed the window before I could retry to post sometime later. Sigh... figures!

Well, originally I had written about the fact that Levi got a job offer today and he accepted it! He is on board with Chestatee for next year. Then, Ashley is still waiting to hear about the Lula position. She also has another interview coming up. Keep her in your prayers! :)

Then, I wrote about my epiphany last night while watching "The Nativity Story." If you've never seen it, you must! It was so great! I just realized how sweet it must've been for Mary to give birth to the One who would ultimately die for her sins and how she was a moma just like I am. I know she felt so unworthy to be the mother of her Lord, but that's the way God had it planned!

I really just realized last night how much Mary must've loved Jesus, not only as her Savior, but as her son. I know it must've broken her heart to see Him mocked, spoken unkindly of, and finally seeing him hang on the cross in agony. She was his mother, and I'm sure she remembered holding Jesus while he was just a little baby. Those precious memories probably tore at her heart.

After hearing the Christmas Story so many times, I was just amazed at how God showed me something different that I'd never seen before. His Word is truly alive as is He!


Katie said...

Hey Brittany! That's great! Do you have that movie? The Nativity Story? I've heard how good it is but I haven't seen it yet.

Brittany said...

Katie, no I don't have the movie, but it would be a good one to get! It was on TV on one of our satellite channels and so I recorded it then. I may have to add it to my collection.