Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just a few more days remain...

Hard to believe it, but yes, the summer is JUST about over for me. I have until Monday to savor the joys of being at home with no school work hanging over my head! It's a bit depressing, but it's going to be nice to get back into a routine again too at the same time.

These last 2 weeks Callie's sleeping schedule has shifted to much later than normal. I think it's because we've been at church late most nights since last Wednesday, but she'll get back on track soon hopefully. It's almost been too much having the youth revival and then church revival starting the day after the youth revival ended. I hope they don't ever plan it that way again!

Anyway, I'm glad to be saved. I just wanted to say that. God has been so good to me. I feel like I don't praise Him enough. I know you are glad to be saved too if you are! Don't ever cease to "brag on Jesus" like Jody Garrison preached the other night!

I hope everyone who reads this has a blessed day and a great upcoming weekend if I don't post again until then. After all, it IS the tax free shopping weekend! Let's go battle the crowds and get those deals!!!!! :)

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