Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer is going by too fast...

Sigh.... I dread it, but it's coming up too soon for my likings - School. I love my job, don't get me wrong, but I really like staying home too. I just dread all of the stuff I don't like about my job I guess! I don't look forward to putting Callie into day care all day. I feel like a terrible mother for doing so, and some people make me feel terrible for doing it too. There are reasons why I have to go back to work, but anyway, different topic! :)

We had two people get saved on Sunday night at our church. One of the young boys at our church announced his calling to preach a couple of months ago, and he preached that night. It was a good service.

Well, I need to go and take a bath. I went and walked this morning and I worked up a small sweat.

Pray for Callie. She's been super moody with her teething all week. She didn't have a good night last night either. I wish those teeth would hurry up and come in and give her a break!

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